Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 255 Drive the Activator to challenge the sandstorm! 【Subscription】

this year,

There are many things that can get a lot of traffic with just a little news.

Back then, when Boss Jia built a car with one-handed ppt, he not only became the top streamer in the car circle, but also raised financing out of thin air.

Now that Boss Jia lives abroad, he still doesn't forget to draw ppt cakes, and this trick is still easy to use.

Although Xiaomi is not a PPT maker, Du Quan's idea is similar to that of Boss Jia.

There is definitely no car,

First use the media to create a sense of expectation, and announce the admission in a high-profile manner.


Is financing still far behind?

Du Quan's wishful thinking is very shrewd, and it seems to be more interesting than Apple's car-building plan.

Xiaomi and Apple are both mobile phone manufacturers, and they announced their entry to build cars almost at the same time.

It's hard not to compare the two.

But Apple has been far less active lately.

It's basically negative news.

It often happens that executives leave, which shows that Apple’s road to building a car is not smooth.

Not long ago,

The head of Apple's electric car project also announced his departure.

On the other hand, Xiaomi's side is much better.

Du Quan is already preparing to study those top car manufacturers, and even Wuling has not paid attention to it.

As everyone knows,

The theory that they have still drawn on the drawings has been turned into reality by Wuling and is being tested.


In the wind tunnel of the beehive, a thick plume of smoke suddenly appeared.

When the engineers who were waiting outside saw this, they hurried towards Feng Dong, shouting as they ran.

"Mr. Ye, are you all right? 99

"Director Qin, President Yan, how are you?

"What happened?"

Lin Xueruo and Xiuxiu also hurriedly followed.

Ye Qiu was in trouble, and the two of them were more worried than anyone else.

The sand was still blowing outwards in the wind tunnel, and the smoke and dust kept coming out.

"Boss, are you okay?" Lin Xiuxiu shouted at the wind tunnel.

But the wind and sand were too strong to hear any response at all.


At this time,

Lin Xueruo let out a worried cry, and regardless of everyone's opposition, she stepped on high heels and rushed 25 to the wind tunnel, followed by Xiuxiu.

The others remained sane and, while anxious, did not forget to call the control room.

"Console, can you hear it? What the hell is going on in the wind tunnel?"

After receiving the news that everyone was well, everyone finally felt relieved.

not long ago,

The sandstorm in the wind tunnel stopped, and Ye Qiu led the four disgraced beauties out.

The sandstorm had already changed the color of their white uniforms, and several people's hair had been blown in a mess.

Not only that,

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran still had black spots on their faces, as if they were smoked somewhere.

"Wow—" someone exclaimed.

Don't look at the four beauties that are quite embarrassed, but their looks are really durable.

Even so, there is still a different kind of beauty, which is not seen in ordinary life.

On the other hand, on Ye Qiu's side,

Not only was his face darkened, his clothes were dirty, and his arms that were showing up with his sleeves rolled up... there were also several red wounds.

Well, Qin Mengyao pinched it.

The men and women engineers looked at the different beauties, and only then did anyone notice the more embarrassed Ye Qiu and the injury on his arm.

"Mr. Ye, your arm..." The girls felt distressed and hesitated.

"Oh, it's alright, there's a wild cat in the wind tunnel that was caught.

Ye Qiu said, looking at Qin Mengyao, asking her opinion, "Right, Director Qin.

"Well, yes, it's a wildcat. 99

when speaking,

Qin Mengyao clenched her fists tightly, she had beaten Ye Qiu eighteen times in her heart.

How dare you call the old lady a wild cat.

Humph, I'll let you taste the power of wild cats when I go back tonight.

Qin Mengyao pouted and puffed out her cheeks.

"What happened?" Lin Xiuxiu asked with concern.

When she and Lin Xueruo rushed in, they ran into Ye Qiu and led Qin Mengyao and Yan out again.

What happened in the wind tunnel, neither of them knew.

"It's okay, it's all trivial." Ye Qiu tried to prevaricate.

"Small thing?" Qin Mengyao glared at him.

mention it together,

Qin Mengyao couldn't wait to pinch Ye Qiu again.

This guy is just crazy,

In the case of completely ignorant of knowing a sound, even if it was a sandstorm challenge with the Activator, the first time the car broke down, he didn't want to run for his life, but he went to the bottom of the car to check the situation.

"Genius, I really don't know whether to say you are dedicated or lacking in your brain."

Qin Mengyao was like a bullfight being stimulated, her nostrils exhaled continuously.

She walked in front of Ye Qiu and slashed him fiercely with the eye knife.


Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, she raised her high heels and stomped on Ye Qiu's feet.


Ye Qiu also widened his eyes, his face flushed with pain.

everyone was surprised,

Looking down, he realized the torture Ye Qiu was subjected to.

The men clenched their teeth violently, and some people lifted their feet unconsciously, and they understood Ye Qiu's pain very well.

A wave of sympathy from the men showered on Ye Qiu.

Mr. Ye, please take care.


Qin Mengyao finished her breath, flicked her chin, and left angrily.


After listening to Yan Ran's explanation, everyone understood what happened in the wind tunnel.

"It turns out that Mr. Ye is so dedicated, a role model for my generation."

Someone gave a thumbs up, showing admiration for Ye Qiu.

"It seems that Ye has always been caught by Director Qin, and it hurts to look at it. 55

"Director Qin also cares for Mr. Ye, this is the real concern.

"Yes, true love is gone.

The Cp parties did not forget to blow a wave of love.

After the show,

Everyone went back to work with the collected data.

Overall, the test was not considered a success, but it was not a failure either.

At least,

In terms of terrain handling, the Vibrator is definitely the king level.

But in the face of sandstorms, protection is not enough.

The thick smoke coming out of the wind tunnel is caused by the dust clogging the engine.

The Agitator waded successfully, but failed to resist the sand and dust.

This point will be focused on improving in future research and development.

For Lin Xueruo, it was not difficult.

In the days that followed,

New improvements are coming soon.

The design department also quickly submitted a new design plan.

dong dong——

The people in Ye Qiu's office were ringing.

"Come in." Ye Qiu said without raising his head.

The high-heeled shoes approached "da-da-da", and the person who came threw the design draft in front of Ye Qiu.

"This is the latest design proposal of the Activator, you should take a look first. 35

Listen to the voice, very familiar.

Ye Qiu looked up and saw that it was Qin Mengyao.

These women have always been eager to enter my office. Why are they so good today, they have learned to knock on the door?

Ye Qiu couldn't help but glanced at Qin Mengyao again, but was slashed by the other's eye knife.

Such a murderous aura... Ye Qiu almost couldn't bear to look directly.

"Where did I offend her?"

After Qin Mengyao left, Ye Qiu said to himself.

Thinking back to the last few days,

Ye Qiu found that something was wrong with Qin Mengyao, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

I thought Qin Mengyao was just in a bad mood, but it was like this for several days.

a moment,

He seemed to be imprisoned by straight male thinking.

"I don't understand." Ye Qiu shook his head and continued to work.

After Qin Mengyao walked out of Ye Qiu's office, she secretly hid in the corner and stomped her feet.

"I'm so angry, didn't he notice that I was angry at all?"

women are like that,

Hypocritical, always hope that men can guess what they are thinking at any time.

She was still angry that Ye Qiu disregarded her own safety when she was in the wind tunnel.

After all,

Qin Mengyao likes Ye Qiu. Compared with other people, she cares more about Ye Qiu.

But Ye Qiu didn't appreciate the wood.

After get off work at night,

Ye Qiu invited Simei and Chen Mengna to have a big meal.

It is rare to have leisure time, and a few nizi eat with relish, talking and laughing.

Only when Qin Mengyao faced Ye Qiu, there was always a murderous look in her eyes, which made Ye Qiu hesitate to interrupt several times.

that's it,

Qin Mengyao left Ye Qiu all the way.

back home,

She was also the first to rush into the bathroom to take a shower, and she didn't give Ye Qiu a good look at all.

This wash is an hour.

Originally in the bathroom, Qin Mengyao had already comforted herself, thinking of forgiving Ye Qiu after going out.

Wrapped in a bath towel, she walked barefoot on the smooth floor.

Inadvertently, I fell and squatted.

Towels scattered on the floor,

Beautiful skin is like suet white jade.

And the graceful lines and the beautiful butterfly bones are all exposed.


Ye Qiu and the other four passed by chatting and laughing, and they happened to bump into Qin Mengyao's embarrassing appearance.

"Is this the legendary duck sitting?" Ye Qiu teased.

"Dear, isn't it cute?" Chen Mengna said, "This is something only our girls can do."

"Yaoyao's figure is so good, I envy such a waistline." Yan Ran also said.

"I...I like it too." Lin Xiuxiu hesitated.

"Mmmm." Ye Qiu took a look, "Yes, I like it too."

Several people chatted without a word,

Hey chatting, even forgot to go up to help.

Qin Mengyao sat on the ground with her back to them, her face flushed red, but she didn't know what to do.

"Dear, I suddenly remembered a classic question." Chen Mengna said again.

"Oh?" Ye Qiu was curious, "what's the problem, talk about it.

"You said, if the five of us fell into the water at the same time, what would you do? Who would you save first?" Chen Mengna asked.

"Darling, what will you do?" Lin Xueruo looked at Ye Qiu curiously.

Yan Ran and Xiuxiu also looked over.

Only Qin Mengyao was still sitting on the spot, biting her lip and not getting up.

"I will rate you according to how you fell into the water and how much water you splash."

Ye Qiu was triumphant, "The higher the difficulty factor, the higher the score."

heard here,

Qin Mengyao finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"You guys are enough, can't we talk about something nutritious?"

She grabbed the bath towel with one hand to protect the murderer, and with the other hand grabbed the pillow on the sofa, and rushed towards Ye Qiu.

It's light, it's light,

In any case, it wasn't once or twice that I was embarrassed in front of Ye Qiu.

"And you, Mu Tou, don't you know how to come and help someone?"

A few people stared blankly,

The pillow had already landed precisely on Ye Qiu's head.

"Hey, are you serious?" Ye Qiu said.

"Who is fake with you. 35


Qin Mengyao put another pillow against Ye Qiu.

But this time,

She was dodged by Ye Qiu.


Ye Qiu also jumped to the sofa and picked up the pillow.

"It's fun, I'm coming too. Yan Ran also ran to the pillow.

"Me too.

"Me too!



A pillow fight broke out like this, and Ye Qiu was forced to one-on-five.


He raised the white flag and surrendered, leaving it at the disposal of several women.


063 In the white feathers flying in the sky, the beauties smiled like children.


Qin Mengyao was no longer angry, and everyone was reconciled as before.

"Haha..." Ye Qiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.


He pointed at Qin Mengyao with a playful expression, and helped her remove the feathers from Xiang's shoulders.

"You...don't look, turn around. 99

Only then did Qin Mengyao react, and quickly pushed Ye Qiu's face aside.


There is a cheerful air in the villa.

a week later,

Gu Yuwei's new video has been released.

Fans were ecstatic.

"Oh hoo, the goddess has been producing a lot recently, it's only a month before and after the two videos. 35

"I hope Goddess Gu will continue to maintain and bring us more wonderful videos.

"I don't care if it's a video or not, I just want to see the face of the goddess I see every day."

"Do you just want to see Goddess Gu's face? I'm embarrassed to expose you. 99

"You are greedy for her body, so am I, we are all scumbags.

new videos,

At the beginning, it was the Xiaomi car factory.

The highlight will soon appear, which is the "rubber chassis" of Xiaomi cars

This novel theory,

It really aroused extensive discussion among netizens.

"Xiaomi still has something, and it's a very talented idea to incorporate 'rubber elements' into the chassis.

"The chassis of the current car is too hard, and it really affects the driving experience when passing through bumpy roads.

"However, if the chassis becomes soft, won't we just sit up like we're on a swing?

"It makes a lot of sense. Can this so-called 'rubber chassis' be realized?"

"I think there is something wrong with this theory..."


Netizens quarreled over the "rubber chassis" in the barrage.

"This kind of thing can't be realized at first sight, not to mention that rubber is not resistant to high temperature, it can't stand a few toss.

"Yes, obviously, it's not realistic at all."

"I'd rather use a metal chassis than rubber, it's too shaky."

"Why can't it be realized? Gu Yuwei also said that it is not to replace metal with rubber, but to create a metal chassis with rubber characteristics. 99

"Besides, what can't be achieved, Wuling has done so many researches, have we believed it once? People have not succeeded every time.

"Your ignorance is not important, but don't bring ignorance with the whole people."

"Yes, you don't know, it doesn't mean that others can't create it, this world is far more complicated than you think."

"A honeycomb is what you can think of? Didn't Wuling also build it?

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