Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 257 Is Wuling really a god? 【Subscription】

"It doesn't matter, black and red are also red. 35

Du Quan is also old.

This bit of scolding is drizzle for him, who has a very strong ability to bear.

Instead of feeling ashamed, he wanted to add more fire.

This may be the most ruthless ridicule since Wuling went to the world.

Although Wuling did nothing at all, and did not even show up.

After all,

It's just that some people who hope to support Wuling feel uncomfortable.

For several days in a row, the jeers kept going, and the circle of car friends was about to change.

"Are you finished yet?"

Finally someone couldn't sit still and said, "Isn't it that I can't build a chassis? As for being so cynical?

"It's been so long without a break, how boring are you?

"Besides, it can't be built, and it's not that only Wuling can't build it."

"Make it as if you can do it, look at the faces of these people, it's really disgusting."

"It's really brain-deadlines every year, especially this year. 99

It was rare that someone couldn't stand it any longer and spoke up for Wuling, wanting to fight back.


Soon his post was flooded with taunts again.

"Oh, he's in a hurry, he's in a hurry.

"Everyone, come and see, some people are anxious. Oh, it's scary."

"You're not good enough, so don't let people criticize you, so you, Wuling, are superior?

"The refrigerator can't be refrigerated, so I have to treat it as a treasure? Wuling can't make a chassis, so I can't say a few words about it?""

"What? Wuling is really your father?"

"That's right, I've heard of the guardian of the calf, but I really haven't seen this guardian."


"That's because you are all orphans, and the hukou is only one page, right?"5

"You guys are really filial, and the son of a dog doesn't even know how to repay your kindness."

"One by one, you know disgusting people."


Contradictions always ignite one day.

I don't know when it started, the online ridicule turned into a scolding war.

The liveliness is comparable to the entertainment circle.

This is a traffic storm,

The center of the storm points directly to Wuling.

this day,

Yan Ran browsed the circle of car friends as usual before going to work, and when she saw this scolding battle, she almost lost her anger.

A typical southern gentle beauty like her can lose control of her emotions after reading this post, which shows the intensity of the scene.

"It's abominable, how can these people just keep staring at our Wuling? 063"

Yan Ran was exasperated, her cheeks bulging like a puffer fish.

She went to Ye Qiu, put the phone on Ye Qiu's desk, put her hands on her hips, her big eyes were round.

"You said, what should I do now?" Yan Ran asked, "Even Weibo is Wuling.

Now that Wuling has been scolded on the hot search, Yan Ran is definitely not willing to give up.

Ye Qiu opened Weibo and glanced at the entries on the hot search.

[Wuling can't make a chassis...]

Look, is this what people say?

Really draw hatred.

It is more straightforward to say that Wuling can't build a car.

Ye Qiu simply clicked on a few items, but basically didn't say anything.

It's just some ill-intentioned guys who follow the muddy waters and want to chase some traffic.


Wuling is out of the loop this time.

Ye Qiu didn't panic at all, he glanced at Yan Ran's angrily cute look.

"It's nothing, some people like black, then let them be black, the truth will be revealed sooner or later. Ye Qiu smiled.

"But I just can't take this breath, it's too bullying."

Yan Ran's nostrils shot two air columns, "Why do they say we can't build a chassis?


Yan Ran bit her lower lip, her expression a little aggrieved.

She is the chief engineer of Wuling. When she says Wuling can't do it, she means she can't.


Ye Qiu stood up, pulled Yan Ran into his arms, and patted her head.

At this time,

Ye Qiu heard the beauty's "sobs" coming from his arms.

what a woman can't bear the most,

In fact, it is not grievance, but appropriate care.

at this point,

The old scumbag Ye Qiu still understands it very well.

"Isn't it just a bunch of clowns, look at how your man taught them a lesson. Ye Qiu's eyes scowled.

It wasn't like arguing with you for some messy things,

But you don't think of yourself as a human being, so don't blame me for not recognizing people.

"Don't worry, I'll make them laugh soon enough.

Ye Qiu stroked Yan Ran's hair to comfort her.


Yan Ran finally stopped sobbing.

She raised her head and looked at Ye Qiu like an idol.


"Chirp" twice.

Yan Ran quickly covered her mouth and blushed.

Only then did Ye Qiu realize that Yan Ran was not crying, but hiccupping.

A beautiful girl hiccups is different from a rough man. It sounds like crying, which is lovable.

"Drink some water slowly." Ye Qiu held up his teacup and handed it to Yan Ran.


He picked up his mobile phone again and left a message under the post on the top of the car circle.

"There is nothing impossible, everything is possible, and failure to do so only shows that the level is not enough.39


Posted a second one.

"People can't do it, don't blame the road for being uneven.

Since he had promised Yan Ran, he would definitely not sit idly by.


Ye Qiu handed the phone to Yan Ran.

"Are we going to make a statement?" Yan Ran asked.

"Don't be in a hurry, slap in the face, you have to slap and slap.

Ye Qiu had a fierce look in his eyes, "If you beat him hard once, they're just scared, so it's boring.

After two comments were posted,

The circle of car friends is boiling again.

The long-awaited Wuling finally appeared, and the supporters were more motivated.


Ye Qiu's words were more subtle, and everyone didn't quite understand it at first.

Not to mention the supporters, even the opposition is a little confused.

"Is this an official statement from Wuling?"

"Crap, obviously yes, didn't you see the certification?"

"But what exactly does this mean? Does Wuling really work?"

"It looked like it was OK, but I didn't say it directly, I was a little confused.

"Wuling... said it, but didn't say it completely?"


two comments,

The circle of car friends was silent for a long time.

Until someone finally couldn't sit still.

"To say it is the same as not to say it, it's just not good, it's just talking.


It was the opposition that moved first.

The fire was lit again.

"Xiaomi has said that this kind of chassis cannot be built, and Wuling is still here to be brave.

"Yes, Wuling has created incredible things before, but that doesn't mean Wuling can talk nonsense."5

"How can Wuling create something that is not even logically correct?"

"I can't figure it out anyway, to see how hard you Wuling can be, is it so difficult to admit that you can't?"

"This is the light of the domestic products you advocate, and they all float into the sky."

The problem now is clear.

Xiaomi was the first to admit counsel, but the spearhead was led to Wuling.

What the trolls want to see most is for Wuling to come out and admit a mistake, which symbolizes their victory.

But Wuling not only did not admit its mistake, but also made a mockery, which made the trolls feel disgraced.


The problem became acute.

And because Wuling didn't make a positive statement, the supporters didn't dare to support it casually.

At this time, Wuling,

It seemed a little isolated.

But at this time,

Geely made another statement.

But this time, Brother Shu Fu has learned to be smart. He did not use an official account, but a personal account, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

"The chassis is like the waist of a car, the waist is not stiff enough, how can it stand up? 35

(cfai) The accompanying picture is a cartoon.

There are two anthropomorphic cars on the screen, the one with the auspicious logo is handsome and fit, and the other one is big-bellied and can't stand up in battle.

As for who the other car refers to, netizens naturally know well.

Brother Shu Fu's words also made a pun.

It not only expresses the view that the chassis of the car must be hard, but also satirizes that Wuling has done something wrong, and the waist can't be hard.

His marketing is considered to be effective, and this cartoon has become popular in the circle of car friends.


When other car brands saw that Geely gained traffic from it, they also came to an end one after another.

Running in the forefront is Citroen.

Citroen has always considered itself the boss of the chassis world.


The chassis they developed, in a sense, is indeed better than the average brand.

Now the whole circle of car friends is talking about the chassis, and Citroen has naturally expanded.

Rare professional counterparts, how to have a share of the pie.

"The three major parts of a car are the engine, gearbox and chassis." Citroen said.

"The engine needs horsepower, the gearbox needs to be flexible, and the chassis needs to be smooth."5

"We don't know how to make a soft chassis, we know how to make the chassis stronger and stiffer.

Citroen said this, it is a direct statement that "rubber chassis" is not feasible.


Opposition netizens are even more arrogant.

"Come and see, even the boss of the chassis industry has admitted it, who else dares to say that the 'rubber chassis' can be successful?

"Hehe, I think Wuling dares to die until the duck mouth is so hard. 55

"Now the whole people are watching Wuling's jokes, but Wuling is still holding on, I really don't know what they are thinking.

"In order to show that you are different from others, hasn't Wuling always been like this?

"It's ridiculous that there are so many people who support it at this juncture.

"Hey, ignorance is not scary, what is scary is blindness.


not long after,

There's a new brand out there.

It's all about the chassis on the surface, but it has to be yin and yang weird.

Mercedes-Benz: This is the first time I heard that the chassis can be made soft. Mercedes-Benz can't, but I hope to see it.

Ford: As a responsible company, I think wishful thinking is not advisable. If you do something wrong, you should apologize to your car friends.

Truss: I'm Musk, and I'm always firm that the chassis can only be hard.


When it is rare to step on Wuling, these big manufacturers will naturally not let it go.

Inuichiro was devastated by defending his own domestic market, and he did not forget to pay attention to Wuling, and by the way, he made a few sarcastic comments.

And finally at this time,

Many supporters of the netizens were shaken in their hearts.

"Maybe Wuling is really being stubborn, or why didn't he show his face in this situation.

Xiao Zhou is a member of the support group, and he has been paying attention to the news of the car circle recently.

He is the most loyal supporter of Wuling, but his self-confidence has been hit one after another these days.

The fragile heart can't stand it anymore

The opposition rejoiced, and the supporters defected.


Wuling is out again.

"If you can't do it, go back and increase investment in research and development. Is it worth being proud and proud of not being able?"

Ye Qiu's new comment is like a long-lost spring rain, moisturizing the dry riverbed in the hearts of netizens.

The remaining supporters sent netizens with confidence.

But this sentence is still not directly stated, and it is not enough to inspire people's hearts.


Ye Qiu also has the following sentence:

"See you at the Wuling new car launch on XX month XX.

"Let you see what is called the revolution of automobile chassis."

these two sentences,

Like a cardiotonic, it has completely inspired netizens.

"I knew that Wuling is not ordinary, and surprises are always coming.

"Dude, what do you mean by that? Does Wuling really have a 'rubber chassis'?"

"Is this... reasonable? 35

"Recent things are too complicated, I can't figure it out a bit, isn't this theory proposed by Xiaomi?"

"Could it be that after hearing about this idea, Wuling built it in just a few days?"



Opposition also continued.

"What are you thinking? You really think that Wuling is a god, what can you create with just one word?"

"Whether you believe it or not, I don't believe it."

"It's just a mystery, Wuling has gone too high, and he doesn't know how to be humble. 35

"Sure enough, after any group becomes strong, it will inevitably be defiant, including Wuling.

"Let's put it this way, things like 'rubber chassis' are unrealistic. If Wuling can build it, I will challenge myself to eat ten tons of oligium, eat it upside down, and pull it while eating. , never break your word."

"Count me as one, add ten tons, and if there is a fart in the middle, it will count as a failure of my challenge. 95


"Haha, it turns out that you are also in a hurry, which is really unexpected.

"The feng shui turns, it's so relieved, I support Wuling, Wuling father, come on! 99

"I also raised my hands to support Wuling and slapped these guys in the face.


"What do you have to be proud of? Wuling hasn't come up with anything yet, let's see what you are proud of."

"I just can't get used to you people, talking so aggressively without being polite at all."

"It's just vulgar, what big reason you are telling them, I don't understand.

"I'm just waiting here to see what kind of flowers Wuling can make, the new car launch, right, I'm waiting.

"I don't believe that Wuling is really a god."

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