Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 267 Marry when you meet a Wuling boy! 【Subscription】

It was twilight at this time, and the afterglow of the sun fell.

Mei Li raised her head and saw that Xiao Zhou stepped down from the car on the sunset, and her whole body was covered with light spots, making her look so sacred.

I seem to have seen this scene somewhere...Merry's brain thought quickly.

When I remembered it, it was in the no-man's land of Dunhuang.

In Gu Yuwei's live broadcast room, Ye Qiu led the rescue team into the sky that morning.

that moment,

All the people in the live broadcast room, whether it is a man or a woman, are in love.

hard to imagine,

Even men can't resist Ye Qiu's damn charm.

Of course, Mei Li couldn't resist either, she was a fan of Gu Yuwei, and she was full of longing for Ye Qiu.

But she knew that it was impossible for herself and Ye Qiu,

So I kept this longing for Feng, but in my spare time, I also imagined that my boyfriend would one day set foot on the colorful clouds.

did not expect,

Just today, the fantasy came true.

under backlight,

The figure of Xiao Zhou getting out of the car looks like the hero.

"Zhou, you are finally here. 35

Mei Li couldn't hold back her excitement any longer, she couldn't pat the dust off her body, she opened her arms and rushed towards Xiao Zhou.

The two hugged tightly together,

Like a koala, Mei Li hooked Xiao Zhou's neck with both hands and hung her legs around Xiao Zhou's waist.

Feeling each other's heartbeat and softness, Xiao Zhou didn't want to let go.

Gu Yuwei's drone recorded this scene, and the live broadcast room was suddenly filled with the sour smell of love.

"It turns out that this little brother is not here to take risks, just to meet his lover. 99

"I'm sour, this is the real journey of thousands of miles. I cross the mountains and seas to see you, and everything is unstoppable."

"Seeing that the girls are all hanging on the little brother, the two must be very in love with each other.

"This wave, this wave is all the credit of the Activists, and only the Activists can traverse the Panlong Ancient Road and travel thousands of miles."

"You can only have God's love when you drive a car, but if you look at the car next to you, it will overturn.


"I'll go, if you don't tell me, I really didn't find out, there was an overturned car beside me. 35

"The bottom of the car is almost the same color as the Gobi, if you don't pay attention, you really can't find it.

"It turned out that there was a car accident, and the little brother dared to save the love. 35

"This wave is the arrival of heroes, fearless.

"So, girls, if you meet a boy with a dynamite, get married quickly!


Gu Yuwei also noticed that there seemed to be a less serious car accident below.

It seemed that it was just the car that rolled down the hill, and no casualties were seen.

even so,

Gu Yuwei didn't intend to stand by and watch.

She let the helicopter down to see if there was anything she could do to help.

Fans: The goddess is mighty and worthy of being my husband.

With Gu Yuwei's help, the rescue went smoothly.

Several people lifted the car, opened the car door, and Rose carefully came out from the inside.


From the outside, the rose is only slightly bruised.

As for whether he was not injured by shocks, he had to go to the hospital to find out.


Rescue teams also arrived.

Seeing that there were no casualties, a tow truck was arranged to tow the accident vehicle away.


The leader of the rescue team criticized and educated Xiao Zhou and the two sisters.

The two sisters, Mei Li and Rose, are not prepared for the measures and should strengthen their studies.

Xiao Zhou violated the traffic rules and ran around the Gobi without authorization.

"Although you are driving an Activist, you are also trying to save people, but you still have to be criticized.

The leader said solemnly, "Look at your driving route, are you dying?"

"Fortunately, everyone is fine. If something goes wrong, how can you explain to your family and your lover."5


The leader glanced at Mei Li, who blushed and lowered her head.


He looked at the pulsator curiously again, and his heart was itching.

Recently, I have been hearing people say that Wuling has produced a powerful off-road vehicle, called the Jumper.

It was like going over mountains and hills into a no-man's land. This kind of place is on duty, and the team leader also wants a car.

When I go back, I'll find the team to apply... The team leader thought to himself.

"It's not an example." The team leader said to Xiao Zhou again.

"Yes, never again."

Xiao Zhou sincerely apologized on the surface.

But what he thought in his heart was that there was an agitator, and it was not a problem.

after that,

The rescue team sent Xiao Zhou and the two sisters to the nearest hospital for examination.

As for Gu Yuwei,

Give a verbal compliment and let it go.

"Okay, today's live broadcast is here."

on the way back,

Gu Yuwei hastily photographed the Panlong Ancient Road again.

"Xiao Zhou's story has given me a different meaning to this live broadcast.

"Hope you like it, see you next time.

have to say,

It was indeed a great live broadcast.

There are mountains and rivers, Gobi, and Panlong Ancient Road.

Not only witnessed the hero's heart, but also saw the love of children.

Some people also deliberately recorded the live video, edited the highlights, and sent it to the circle of car friends.

"A love story based on the activator, from here... The editor of the editor said so.

Once the video was released, it quickly aroused the keen attention of netizens.

The first sentence that popped into everyone's mind was "Why is it Wuling again?"

The riders seem to have witnessed too much love on Wuling.

From the pioneers of Chitu showing affection, to the son of the dragon chasing the train, and then to today's jumper who saves beauty from thousands of miles.

The image of Wuling has become more and more plump in the hearts of riders.

"Sisters, if you meet a boy who drives a Wuling brand car, let's get married.

"From this point of view, Wuling is either Hongniang or Yue Lao."

"Brothers, buy Wuling when you buy a car, to provide another guarantee for your love.

"Anything like diamond and gold is not as real as Wuling. If I love her, I will drive Wuling to marry her.

"Wuling boys, girls' heart-felt choice.


"I'm going. It's the first time I've seen Wuling with this function. I'm getting married next month. Is it still time to buy Wuling?"

"In time, add a guarantee to your marriage, and you will be happy."

"You can distrust him, but you can't disbelieve Wuling."

"The essence of Wuling is the red thread, and all love cannot escape from Wuling's matchmaking."

"I bought Chitu last week and fell in love this week, thanks to Wuling. 99

Although it looks a bit off track,

But Wuling really raised the already exaggerated popularity to a new level because of Xiao Zhou.


Out of the circle again.

this time,

It is a constellation circle and a novel circle.

Constellation has always been a topic that girls often talk about, but how can they incorporate such an irrelevant thing as Wuling...

It can only be said that these girls have amazing imaginations,

What was discussed was, what kind of constellation girls should be in love with what brand of Wuling car they should buy in order to reach the end.

This topic has been very hot recently, and it has even been searched.

There are also some big Vs who simply get a test software and enter their name and birthday, and they can find out what kind of car the other half should drive with one click.

It was another wave of big traffic harvesting, but netizens did not reject it at all, but had a lot of fun.

As for fiction circles, it's simpler.

Nowadays, the standard of domineering president is no longer RR or BMW, it should be the son of dragon.

If you don't drive a Son of Dragon when you go out, you're embarrassed to call yourself rich?

Just this Son of the Dragon,

Be sure to choose the best materials, what kind of carbon fiber body, eight-cylinder power engine, injection electromagnetic fluid technology, as well as millions of suspension and chassis, all you can press.

It's a kind of face-lift to drive out, and the neighbors can't take their eyes off it when they see it.

How much does that car cost?

Some people think, how can it be 100 million to 200 million yuan?

Two billion?

That's the cost, and the selling price will start at one billion.

President's Standard,

That is to choose only Wuling, and not the best, but the most expensive.

(cfai) If you don't have a Wuling car, you are embarrassed to say hello to people.

Some netizens joked,

Unexpectedly, one day, I can also see the novel's president rolled up like this, it's really a long time to see.


The cars of the "CEOs" are getting more and more exaggerated, and netizens just take it as a joke.

one day,

When Ye Qiu went to the hive, he bumped into Yan Ran sitting on the chair and smirked at the phone.

He quietly touched behind Yan Ran and glanced at her phone screen.

It was reading a novel.


Ye Qiu coughed twice on purpose.

A familiar voice came, and Yan Ran raised her head with a smile.

The two looked at each other, Ye Qiu naughty caressed Yan Ran's hair, and put a kiss on her forehead.

"What are you looking at? Ye Qiu asked in a low voice.

"Little, novel...

He had never seen Ye Qiu so gentle, just like the protagonist of the president in the novel, Yan Ran was a little lost for a while.

She blushed and explained to Ye Qiu, "It's the overbearing president who drives a Wuling car to pursue love.

"It's said to be a love story revolving around Wuling..."

Ye Qiu frowned, completely ignoring what was so good about this kind of novel.

"A novel with Wuling as its selling point? What's the point of this kind of book? Is the author's brain a show?

Ye Qiu disagreed, "If I become the protagonist of this kind of novel, I might as well finish the calf earlier."

"Hmph, what do you know?"

His hobby was denied, and Yan Ran was too lazy to care about him.

"Okay, you know, you are the best.

Ye Qiu patted Yan Ran's head, turned and walked towards the research room.

"Slightly-" Yan Ran stuck her tongue out at him behind her back.

through the corridor,

Ye Qiu came to Lin Xueruo's research room.


Little Cutie and Lin Xueruo were resting, snuggling together, drinking drinks and enjoying their expressions.

Seeing Ye Qiu come in, they both put down the cups in their hands in unison.

Cutie jumped in front of Ye Qiu first, grabbing his hand and shaking it back and forth.

"Boss, you're here." Lin Xiuxiu's eyes flashed with love.

"Well, let me see how you guys are working."

Ye Qiu touched his chin, pretending to check the work.

Look left, look right, and then see Lin Xiuxiu again.

"There is still time to drink milk tea, it seems that the work is not saturated." Ye Qiu smiled.

"In that case, I will assign you a task.

"it is good."

Hearing the assignment of work tasks, the little cutie not only does not reject it, but is very happy.

This shows that the boss needs me, a very good thing.

Lin Xueruo looked at Ye Qiu quietly, wondering what new ideas he brought this time.

Every time Ye Qiu came to them,

There are always some weird ideas, and these ideas always surprise the market.

"Tell me about it, Darling." Lin Xueruo got up and walked in front of Ye Qiu.

"Okay, stop joking.

Ye Qiu picked Lin Xueruo's chin, walked to the sofa and sat down, then patted both sides.

Xiuxiu and Lin Xueruo had a happy expression, and consciously sat on either side of Ye Qiu, each hugged him and one arm.

"I'm going to go out for a few days, go to Kyoto, there is something going on in the military area. 39

Ye Qiu said while feeling the warmth brought by both arms.

"I have something urgent, so I will discuss it with you first.

Not long ago,

Lao Qin called and said that Minister Liu had invited him.

Moreover, Ye Qiu was asked to prepare early, inside and out, he seemed to be in a hurry.

Ye Qiu didn't delay at all, and went straight to Lin Xueruo.

finished talking,

He was ready to go.


Hearing that Ye Qiu was going on a business trip again, Little Cutie hugged even tighter.

"Xue Ruo, how is our electric vehicle charging station? Ye Qiu asked, "Is there any room for improvement?

"What does Darling want to change?" Lin Xueruo asked rhetorically.

When she said this, she was indirectly acknowledging that there was room for improvement.

But she didn't say what could be changed,

After all, she is Ye Qiu's concept engineer, and she doesn't allow herself the option of "no".

Ye Qiu also understood Lin Xueruo's meaning in seconds, and smiled, "Because our battery capacity is too large..."

"It takes nearly an hour for the current charging pile to fully charge a Chitu Pioneer.

"Our fast charging technology seems to be still in the 'baby' stage. I hope she grows up as soon as possible."

"Leave it to you, my 'brain hole' engineer",


Lin Xueruo's beautiful eyes lit up, and her big eyes rolled around.

The lovely little mouth pursed slightly.

"How far does Darling want to be?" she asked.

"Ten minutes." Ye Qiu said seriously.

If someone else said this, they would definitely think that Ye Qiu must be crazy.

The one-hour fast charging pile can be upgraded to only ten minutes, so I am afraid it is not whimsical.

How big is Wuling's liquid battery capacity, do you have no idea?

But Lin Xueruo didn't think so,

For all of Ye Qiu's seemingly unreasonable demands, her first reaction was to do her best.

"Okay, Darling, don't worry." Lin Xueruo blinked her big eyes a few times and nodded.


Ye Qiu could not wait to give Lin Xueruo a hug.

With her, it really saves a lot of heart.

"Besides, the matter on the Hongqi SUV side, please both of you to keep an eye on it."

"Hmm." The two beauties nodded heavily.

arrange things,

Ye Qiu pulled out his hand with "difficulty", smeared lightly on the bridge of the nose of both of them, got up and left.

on the tarmac,

The private jet is ready to take off,

The destination is Kyoto, Minister Liu and the others are already waiting.

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