Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 269 The best car in Wuling is always the next one! 【Subscription】

After a few days,

In the Mercedes-Benz laboratory.

the same people,

In the middle of the research room are the two Evokers, one of which has been dismantled.

The middle-aged man with half-grey hair stared at the Vibrator with only the chassis left. He touched his chin and walked back and forth, frowning tightly.

"How the hell is this chassis going to be disassembled? It looks like it's all one piece, it's amazing," he said.

"Isn't it true, I can clearly see the connection point and detect the bearing, but I just can't do it."

Someone Ying Hedao is a relatively young engineer.

"Wuling is really amazing, it can actually create this kind of thing. 39

Another engineer's hand hovered over the Agitator's chassis, as if feeling its aura.

He really wanted to touch it, but he was in awe and didn't dare to act.

In recent days,

Mercedes-Benz engineers worked overtime to test the Evoque's chassis.

Including but not limited to, X-ray penetration, sonic inspection, external detail measurement, engineering drawing simulation, etc.

But they have not dared to disassemble the chassis, the main reason is that they dare not.

A group of people have been calculating for so many days, but they have not been able to figure out the mystery of the stretchy jump chassis, let alone the linear array suspension system.


No one dared to disassemble the chassis.

Whenever someone mustered up the courage, they would be splashed with cold water by the person next to them.

"Have you forgotten the dismantling of the Chitu polarizing screen last time? President William's face has never looked better."

"You'd better think about it clearly before you start. Since Wuling can release this technology, it is definitely not something we can master casually.

The stretched "063" chassis seems to be closer to reality than the polarized screen,

But its complex structure, certainly not just one person can master.

After these days of calculations,

They found that some semi-hidden parts seemed to be beyond their grasp in precision.

Germany has always been known for its precision engineering,

These engineers still encountered beings that surpassed them in sophistication.

so that,

No one dared to disassemble the Evoker's chassis, for fear that it would not be able to restore it.

By the time,

In a fit of rage, William plans to lay off staff again.

Previously on the polarizing screen, they had already stumbled, but this time they were all a little surprised.

In front of this stretchable jumping chassis,

Just in appearance, it is completely different from the traditional chassis.

To describe it more vividly...

The traditional chassis is like a single-plank bridge on both sides of the river, the embankment is still, and the wood is very stable.

The stretched dynamic chassis is like a lively koi, with scales neatly and closely arranged around its body.

When encountering an impact, the koi can make full use of the flexibility of the body, bend, straighten, and be flexible.

In terms of value,

Koi are much more precious than single-plank bridges.

The price of a car is 300,000 US dollars. If it is demolished, it will usher in a disaster.

The person in charge, William, no longer trusts them, and will not give them many chances for trial and error.

This made these Mercedes-Benz engineers timid.

"In a few days, President William will come to review again. If we still don't move, I'm afraid it's hard to explain. 35

"Hey, it's really sad, how can we meet an opponent like Wuling.

A group of people frowning,

Some people simply fell to the ground and pinched their chin red with one hand.

"Ye Qiu, why did Xia Guo have such a person?"

"What a blow he has dealt with the industry. Years

at this time,

Ye Qiu has returned to Zhongyun from Kyoto.

After sitting in the office and sneezing several times, Ye Qiu licked his nose and clicked on the circle of car friends.

Recently, the circle of car friends has become more polarized.

this phenomenon,

Mainly reflected in Wuling and other car companies.

Wuling's news is endless and unprecedented, while other car companies have no news.

I don't know if I'm holding back, or I really don't dare to respond.

despite this,

The riders didn't feel lonely either, and they all gathered together to post under the topic of Wuling.

The most popular posts recently,

Including "20 touching little details on the body of the Wuling Eager", "Easter eggs that were not announced at the Eager press conference, how much do you know?" "Comparison of traditional chassis and extended Eager chassis, the victory of the magic car" " Is the linear array suspension really a million suspension? Yes", "Bouncer is flying, watch it spread its wings" and so on.

These keywords all inexplicably hit everyone's G-spot, and netizens have a great time discussing.

"I just found out that every new car of Wuling has a 'man's ambiguity' in it.""

"The vibration of the red rabbit intensified, and the butterfly gate of Leviathan, the son of the dragon did not say anything, it was covered all over. 39

"Now it's the leaper's turn, see the link body that unfolds as it leaps? Who can say no?

"I'll go, if you don't tell me I really didn't find it."

"It can only be said that Wuling understands men too well. Every Wuling car is a man's ultimate dream."


"When it comes to the link body, I have to mention the Activator and the Son of the Dragon.

"It is said that the activator is called the scale link body, and the son of the dragon is called the module link body. The two seem to be inconspicuous, but they are fundamentally different.

"I have reason to believe that the scaly link body will definitely be the focus of the next round, as evidenced by this post.

"Then according to the meaning of the great god, Wuling will work on the scale link body next? What kind of car will that be? 99

"No need to say more, the anticipation is over.


"For the first time in the whole network, we have made a simple comparison between the stretched jumper chassis and the traditional chassis. It can only be said that there is no comparability at all."

"I finally saw the comparison video. Could you please provide additional explanation."

"It can only be said that the Jumper came from the hands of God, and no off-road vehicle can match it. The editor has little knowledge and cannot understand the mystery of the stretchable Jumper chassis.

"It is also the first time I have seen the chassis of the Evoker, which has refreshed my understanding, Wuling Shenche is undoubtedly.

"According to this, the linear array suspension system must be a million suspension.

"No controversy, yes."


"Wuling gave me the feeling that the best car is always the next one. 35

"This is an industrial group that has truly achieved 'no best, only better'. I will always believe in Wuling.""

"Wuling is the ark of the industry, looking forward to the day when Wuling rules the world."

The daily touts of netizens are not a minority.

Although other car companies are silent, it does not mean that no one cares.

The responsible persons of each family will click on the circle of friends to see how much news about Wuling is there.


Gritting his teeth and turning off his phone.

Today is another day when Wuling is angry.

"How can you maintain such a high level of popularity, even a star should keep a low profile.

Brother Shu Fu watched the news with envy, jealousy and hatred in his eyes.

The first thing he does every day before going to work is to open the circle of car friends to see if Wuling's popularity has dropped.

The result is predictable,

Brother Shu Fu looked more and more cerebral congestion, and he was almost in the mood to go to work.

The same symptoms are not just in him.

Most of the heads of car companies have been more or less sluggish recently.

only one,


Honda Junjima was not affected, and he was still immersed in the joy of developing the mini at home.

(ps: At the end of chapter 264, the name of the island nation is wrong, I will correct it from here, sorry orz!)

"This time, we can finally drive Wuling out of our market." He was full of confidence.

Join if you can't beat it,

Honda Junjima decided to carry out this set to the end.

"With my Honda's research and development capabilities, as long as the same model of cars is produced, it must be invincible. 35

After a period of rapid research and development,

Or "plagiarism", Honda's mini met with consumers at the fastest speed.

Honda Junjima immediately ordered people to hold a press conference, hoping to immediately put Honda's mini on the market.

The press conference was on the spot, and Honda Junjima also attended in person.

The pink Honda mini was eventually named N-ONE.

In terms of design, the Honda N-ONE is basically the same as the Wuling mini, and it is also divided into multiple versions.

The island country riders felt a little throbbing when they saw Honda's compromise.

Buying Wuling mini is also buying, not Honda N-ONE is also buying.

At this moment,

The competition is value for money.

"Honda N-ONE is definitely the best choice for users in the low-end market. Compared with others, Honda N-ONE has more complete performance and more practicality. Honda Junjima is talking endlessly.

"Most importantly, the Honda N-ONE is an absolute value for money...

"Then how much is the price of such a car?"

Honda Junjima paused deliberately, and then a series of numbers appeared on the big screen.



There was an uproar in the audience.

Honda Junjima thought it was cheers, and his heart was even more excited.

"You read that right, it's two million yen."

next second,

The stage immediately boiled.

Honda Junjima was very satisfied, and even a little complacent.

You see, this is the cohesion of a country's brand.

You Wuling got the help of Toyota Yukiko to enter the island country, then I will drive you out with your own brand.


Before he could be proud for a while, that arrogance was interrupted.

"Two million yen, why don't you grab it." Someone shouted from the audience.

this shout,

It directly touched the nerves of many people.

It is also a mini model car,

The Honda N-ONE sells for 2 million yen, while the Wuling mini is only 500,000 yen.


Wuling mini has no model restrictions, you can arbitrarily increase or decrease the configuration.

In this comparison,

Isn't this a typical leek-cutting behavior?

Why should consumers pay for you four times the price of Wuling mini?

When it's over, you will be despised as a low-end market user.

Toyota has already said this once, but I didn't expect to hear it again here at Honda.

to this end,

The audience below the stage quit.

"What Honda N-ONE, 2 million yen, isn't this obvious bullying?

"We don't want to be leeks, and domestic cars don't have a good thing. 99

"I'm going to buy a Wuling mini.

The audience who participated in the press conference originally only came with the mentality of watching the excitement.

A lot of people didn't expect much from Honda.

Cars worth hundreds of thousands of yen,

They really don't believe Honda would put that effort into it.

But for domestic enterprises, they are willing to give opportunities.

If it were a Toyota, they wouldn't want to come.


Still ridiculed mercilessly.

"Go away, what a shit press conference.""

"Go, go."

Although the islanders are not big, they are surprisingly irritable when they get angry.

Seeing that someone wanted to climb up on the stage, his expression was still angry.

Honda Junjima looked stunned.

Why did this group of people seem to be going mad all of a sudden when they were fine just now?

I don't seem to have said anything too exaggerated... Honda Junjima couldn't figure it out.

At this moment,

Seeing that the scene seemed to be out of control, the security guard quickly came up to maintain order and took Honda Junjima to the backstage.

on the way out,

0.8 Honda Junjima still doesn't understand, why are these people who don't understand Honda's good?


Although the launch of the Honda N-ONE was a failure, they did not give up putting the Honda N-ONE on the market.

Toyota's side,

Arikiko has been more moisturizing recently.

No one at the top cares about her, and at the same time, because of Inuichiro's decision-making mistakes, part of Toyota's rights also fell into her hands.

The board of directors has started to discuss,

For the "beast" Wuling mini, if there is nothing to do, perhaps it is time to consider letting Yukiko handle it.

after all,

This beast was brought in by her.

in the market,

The Honda N-ONE has rightfully sunk to the bottom.

When Yukiko first saw the Honda N-ONE, she was a little surprised.

I thought Honda woke up

But when she saw the pricing, she was sure Honda was still the same.

The island country has a small population, so the car market is not large.


Consumers' demand for cars is often just for transportation.

Then the price is definitely the first thing they see.

With so much pressure from work and life, it is very difficult for men in island countries to raise their wives alone. How can they have the money to be "leeks"?

Although Yukiko is young, her views on the market are really a bystander.

Toyota discriminated against and did not let Yukiko take power, which was their biggest mistake.

"Hmph, wait, it's mine, it will belong to me sooner or later." Yukiko looked at the Honda N-ONE and smiled disdainfully.

"My cooperation with Wuling has just begun, and there will be more headaches for you in the future. 99

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