Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 279 Wuling mini still wants to challenge the speeding party? 【Subscribe!】

"Boss, good boss, good boss..."

Little cute Lin Xiuxiu has stars twinkling in her eyes, and her eyelashes twitch and wink like silk.

Faced with such a sugar-coated offensive, Ye Qiu could only raise his hand and admit defeat.

"Go on, sweetie.

Ye Qiu said, looking in the direction of Lin Xueruo, indicating that Little Cutie can study with her.

"thank you boss."

Lin Xiuxiu was overjoyed and jumped to Lin Xueruo's side like a little rabbit.

"Boss, you are so kind.

"Haha, fool." Ye Qiu shook his head helplessly.

I really can't beat this little girl, she is really good at it.


As long as Lin Xiuxiu wanted to, she could go to Lin Xueruo at any time, Ye Qiu would not object at all.

It's just that she wanted Ye Qiu's affirmation more, so she kept pestering Ye Qiu.

After all,

Ye Qiu was still too important in her mind.

Everything wants to seek his affirmation.

After explaining the matter of the smart core, Ye Qiu left the hive.

According to the abilities of the two beauties, he estimated that there should be results soon.

as predicted,

the next day,

Ye Qiu had just finished some chores and was leaning on the sofa to close his eyes to take a nap, when Lin Xueruo and Xiuxiu quietly probed at the door.

Ye Qiu heard the sound, but didn't open his eyes.

Only those five special beauties were able to enter his office without knocking on the door.

Ye Qiu didn't even have to do it deliberately, his expression was still lazy.

"The boss seems to be resting. 99

Lin Xiuxiu glanced at Ye Qiu, then raised her head to look at Lin Xueruo, and whispered.

"Well, otherwise don't disturb Darling, come back later." Lin Xueruo suggested.


The sound stopped abruptly here.

Ye Qiu closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

He knew that the two of them must not have left, and were staring at him silently.

Otherwise, how come there is no sound of closing the door?


Ye Qiu couldn't resist them, "Everyone has come, tell me, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ye Qiu speak, the two were pleasantly surprised.

He hurried in and sat next to Ye Qiu, even forgetting to close the door. 25

"close the door."

Ye Qiu commanded without raising his head.

"Yes, boss." Lin Xiuxiu turned around and closed the door, but missed the best seat next to Ye Qiu.

For Ye Qiu's side,

The few women were extremely unified, and they all liked to sit on Ye Qiu's left side and hugged his left arm.

It was because the left side was closer to Ye Qiu's heart.

And Ye Qiu's dominant hand is right hand,

If you hold your arms, you have to loosen them from time to time.

the most important is,

When eating, Ye Qiu is more convenient to put food on the plate on the left.


To the left of Ye Qiu, for the five women, it was "a battleground for the military."

Even a queen like Lin Xueruo would not have any restraint on this point.

Lin Xiuxiu closed the door and turned around to see that Ye Qiu's left was already occupied by Lin Xueruo, with a flash of frustration on her face.

But soon, she sat obediently to Ye Qiu's right.

"Darling, this is a brief, it's about the smart core.

Lin Xue handed a document to Ye Qiu.

"Oh, just figured it out in a day?"

Ye Qiu pulled out his right hand from Lin Xiuxiu's arms and took the document in Lin Xueruo's hand.

"Hmm—" Lin Xiuxiu subconsciously blocked her mouth.

"Mmmm. Luo

Ye Qiu nodded in satisfaction while looking at the brief description.

The two have listed the specific functions and precautions of the smart core in great detail.

According to their brief,

The intelligent core is the carrier of the high-end intelligent system, and it can also upgrade and strengthen the contained intelligence through learning.

Simply put,

It is to let it carry Wuling's artificial intelligence bunny, learn from the red queen of the hive, and upgrade the bunny.

As for why not use the Red Queen...

The Red Queen belongs to the cutting-edge intelligence, the intelligent core and the unqualified.


To let the smart rabbit learn from the Red Queen is to touch part of the Red Queen's algorithm core.

This permission, except Ye Qiu, no one can do it.

"Wouldn't that be another trip to the hive?" Ye Qiu said.

"Hmm." Lin Xiuxiu nodded.

one day,

It was the first time to run the hive three times in a row.

"That's it, you guys can study it again." Ye Qiu ordered.

"I still have some things to deal with here, and I'll go there tomorrow.

"All right.

Lin Xiuxiu, who was still happy at first, showed reluctance on her face.

She couldn't wait to be tired of being around Ye Qiu every day.

After sending off the two beauties, Ye Qiu began to draw up a plan to build a super factory in Europe.

According to the experience of building factories in North America, this time, Xu Dabao was still asked to negotiate.

On the Porsche side, it has already started to move between the EU.

If nothing else, there will be results soon.

just right,

At this time, Xu Dabao was dispatched in advance to ensure the smooth implementation of the European super factory plan.

The finalization of the plan means that Wuling will enter a new level.

At this time,

The system sound suddenly sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, Wuling's industrial ranking is tied for fifth place, and currently ranks sixth in the world. 】

【Industrial rankings have been updated...】

Industry Rankings: World.

First place: Volkswagen Group, industrial index: 8 million.

Second place: Daimler Group, industrial index: 7.8 million.

Third place: Toyota Group, industrial index: 7 million.

Fourth place: BMW Group, industrial index: 6.3 million.

Fifth place: Honda Group, industrial index: 6 million.

The sixth place: Wuling Group, industrial index: 6 million.

Seventh: General Motors, Industrial Index: 5.5 million.

Eighth place: Ford Motor, Industrial Index: 4.8 million.

Ninth place: Tras Group, industrial index: 3.7 million.



Ye Qiu was a little confused.

"The industrial index was only 5.8 million yesterday, how come it is 6 million today?"

I haven't done anything yet, so why...

Are you blowing the wind?

"Forget it, the rise in the industrial index is a good thing.

Ye Qiu didn't bother to look into it.

The ranking did not rise, and the lottery could not be drawn, so I didn't care too much after that.

Maybe there is some special action in the research room, I'll know when I go to see it tomorrow.



one day ago,

island country.

Toyota Yukiko was doing yoga in the villa, and her exposed belly showed a charming vest line.

Jingle Bell--

The doorbell rang suddenly.

Yukiko simply put on a beige trench coat and walked to the door.

On the road in front of the villa, a large truck was heard, the carriage was closed, and the person in charge walked up to Yukiko.

"Ms. Toyota Yukiko, we have delivered your consignment for you."

The person in charge was a bald middle-aged man with a wretched look on his face.

Because of my height and work pressure.

Coupled with the export of the special culture of the island country,

Most of the island men seem to have a wretched air.

Yukiko frowned, and after taking the order from the middle-aged man, she took a step back in emotional resistance.

the man she likes,

Like Ye Qiu, a talented and courageous conqueror.

Although we only met for a short time, the seed of "the sea was once difficult to get water" had already been planted in her heart.

The middle-aged man also realized that he was disliked,

Although I felt uncomfortable, facing my employer, I had to endure it silently.

"There is no problem with the order, you guys deliver to this address."

Yukiko said, and handed a business card to the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man took the business card and turned to get in the car.

After the truck started, the man put the card in his hand under his nose and smelled it, and there was a faint fragrance on the card.

"I don't know who will conquer such a woman in the end?" he sighed.

I don't know how many island society animals there are,


after get off work,

As soon as the door opened, a beautiful wife like Yukiko was sitting on the tatami.

He is one of those social animals.

According to the address, when the truck arrived, someone took over there.

It was a car modification shop, and the staff seemed to be waiting here in advance, and they stepped forward to take over and drive the truck away.

The middle-aged man and the truck driver were blocked from the door.

The truck was driven to the in-store warehouse,

After parking, a group of people rushed around.

They opened the carriage, and the "things" inside were finally revealed.

A silver convertible mini, the car logo is Wuling silver logo.

not long after,

Yukiko also appeared in the warehouse.

this is her car,

The crew will modify the convertible mini according to her requirements.

"The first is painting, I want fire red, and I also want to paint flame patterns." Yukiko ordered.

"Pay attention to tuning the engine and fully release the power."

"Help me prepare a few fake license plates..."

Arikiko spoke, and the person in charge of the modification next to him recorded it.

at the same time,

The staff in charge of the modification have already taken action.

They are professional vehicle modification experts, and they are not surprised at Yukiko's request.

"I came to pick up the car at night, I don't want any accident.


Yukiko left the modification shop in a dashing manner, leaving no chance for the person in charge to refuse at all.

early morning,

island country Osaka,

Hanshin Expressway Route 1.

This is a special loop line, commonly known as the Osaka loop line.

it's here,

Almost every night there is one drag racing drama after another.

Racers fight each other on this loop, and everyone wants to be the speed king.


The red lights flashed, and two Honda Civics stopped in front of the white line.

One of the cars suddenly flashed its high beams twice and then thumped the accelerator.

The other car seemed to understand it, and it flashed its high beam twice, and the accelerator became active.

Flash the high beam twice,

In this loop, at this point in time, it is a signal.

This means launching a drag racing challenge to the opponent, and the other party either accepts the challenge or admits it.

Challenges like this take place every day.

The Osaka Loop Line is only less than 8 kilometers in length, but it is a test of the driver's level because of the many curves and narrow lanes.


It also tests the flexibility of the drag racing car.

Racing at this high speed, there is only one rule, and that is "speed"


Always just run faster than your opponent.

The last second of the red light flashing,

The two Civics rushed out almost simultaneously.

The engine roared and the driver kept pressing the accelerator.

The Civic is like a wild horse, running faster and wilder.

"Yo hoo, it's so cool.

The man in the car was wearing a mask, and it was hard to hide his excitement.

The two cars raced at high speed, rushing through several forks in a row, and their interest was gradually being ignited.

can result,

At the next intersection, the car behind suddenly turned left and disappeared into the alley.

In the eyes of drag racing fans,

If someone temporarily swerves off the track in the middle of the game, it is equivalent to directly admitting defeat.

This kind of people,

It is not worthy to be recognized by the opponent.

The driver of the car in front stopped the car at the intersection, rolled down the window, took off his mask, stretched his hand out of the car, and tapped his thumb three times on the ground.

"Loser, trash.

Through 093 through the faint lights on the side of the road,

The driver was a young guy, in his twenties.

His name is Sakamoto,

He is a social animal who has just entered the workplace, and he came out to race cars to find excitement.

The drag racing culture has a long history in the island country.

Back in the last century,

The island country ushered in a bubble economy period, a large number of companies closed down, and the unemployment rate was rising every day.

Compared with the false prosperity of the early island countries, even the normal life of the island people at this time is an extravagant hope.

Before the bubble economy,

The total house price of Dongjing, an island country, claims to be able to buy the entire American force in New York.

It is precisely because of the real estate boom that a large number of islanders took out loans to buy houses, and eventually took on huge debts when the bubble experience came.

According to what the people of the island country said at the time, as long as you are breathing, you are on the way to repay your debts.

Under the pressure of huge debt,

A group of car owners spontaneously organized themselves to become a speeding party in order to express their heartfelt emotions.

They staged "The Fast and the Furious" on the Osaka Loop Line and called themselves "The Ring Race".

Sakamoto is a ring race, and his team is called Temple Horse Racing.

He came out earlier today, so he first found a passerby to have a try.


The other party conceded defeat and ran away.

"Sorry, wasting my time."

Sakamoto glanced at his watch, it was almost two o'clock.


He turned the car around and ran in the other direction of the circle.

Passing through a few traffic lights,

On a viaduct, Sakamoto found his organization.

at this time,

A dozen cars have gathered on the elevated.

At first glance, they are all Honda Civics.

Every Civic has been modified, and the power and chassis have already "released itself"


Sakamoto heard the roar, which came from the group of cars.

A group of people stepped on their cars, jumping and cheering.

Sakamoto was a little curious,

He drove up to the elevated and parked in the middle of his line.

After getting off the bus,

Sakamoto also got into his car.

Only then did he realize that not all of these Civics belonged to his own team.

Look at the livery of one of the cars, it's from the No-Good-Racing team.

And the TopGun-Racing team, and so on.

But at this time,

All the teams did not confront each other, but surrounded a fiery red mini in the middle.

After asking the person next to you,

Only then did Sakamoto know that this fiery red mini was going to challenge all teams tonight.

"Is she crazy?"

Sakamoto was a little puzzled, "Using a Wuling mini to challenge a Honda Civic, no matter how you modify it, it can't be an opponent?

"It's obviously impossible to challenge all teams at once."

"What if it's a girl? Tonight, I must give her some color."

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