Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 300 Wuling military industry must be exposed! 【Subscription】

"But it's the best explanation, totally convincing."

"Haha, my self-confidence is ignited again, I'm still the cub who will always support Wuling."

"This time I will be convinced. This explanation has completely opened up my second line of Rendu and let me know how powerful Wuling really is."

"Brothers, it's time to fight back, let's see what else these blacks have to say.


This may be the most interesting and controversial "turn-based" scolding battle since the birth of the Internet.

Both parties involved in the war had profound opinions on Wuling, but they formed a situation of extreme opposition.

This opportunity,

The two sides even "played" evenly, back and forth.

And the people watching this scolding battle include almost all Internet people.

There is even Lao Qin.

Ever since he learned about Wuling's current situation from Qin Wan, Qin Jian can no longer feel relieved.

From time to time, I have to ask Qin Wan: "Is Wuling okay with Xiaoye?

"Let's see, is Wuling finished?"

"Why hasn't Xiaoye moved yet, is he in trouble?"

"Hey, why are you cursing again? And..."

Qin Jian is like an old mother, and he is worried about Wuling anyway.

The sky above his mobile phone was empty, so he called Qin Wan every five minutes.

Qin Wan was so troubled that he couldn't help it, so he drove over and downloaded the Cheyou Circle for Qin Jian's mobile phone.

It's not over yet,

Qin Wan also helped Lao Qin choose a forum, and taught him how to read hot comments and post comments.

"The things young people play now are very complicated, and our old people have been abandoned by the times.

Old Qin complained, but he learned all kinds of operations in just one use.

How can I learn so fast today?

Qin Wan looked suspiciously at Lao Qin's skillful operation, pointing at other people's comments.

This is not the first time he has taught Lao Qin to use software, but he spent a lot of effort a few years ago to let Lao Qin learn to read news on prestige.

To say that the Wuling car circle is much more complicated than the communication software such as Penguin.

Old Qin can actually learn it in one go, and he operates with a prudence.

have to say,

Ye Qiu's position in Lao Qin's heart was truly unmatched by anyone.

"How did this start again"? 99

Qin Jian looked at the most popular posts in the car circle, and left thousands of messages in one minute, and the style changed quickly.

"What else could be the reason? It's not all black for black's sake." Qin Wan said.

"Don't look at Wuling in our eyes, but in the eyes of many netizens, foreign ones are more fragrant."

"Recently, the concept of a 'folding car' came out of nowhere, and disagreements arose.

"How?" Qin Jian put down his phone.

"The leaders of the foreign car companies jointly made a statement saying that this thing can't be built."

Qin Wanyi said, "It's just that Wuling can make it again. For a while, everyone didn't know who to believe, or they started scolding."


Qin Wan briefly explained the process to Qin Jian again.

after listening,

Qin Jian slapped the table.

"Nonsense, we Xia people, how should we support Wuling. 35

"The quality of the people needs to be improved. This is a spiritual construction project that Minister Liu has always advocated, and it has been difficult to progress. Qin Wan joked.

"Actually, it shouldn't.

After listening to Qin Wan's words,

Qin Jian touched his wrinkled forehead and wondered, "Could it be that Wuling's previous record was not beautiful enough?

"How is that possible? Since taking over two years ago, Wuling has not been defeated, and the foreigners have lost their armor and armor."

Talking about Ye Qiu, Qin Wan said with great pride.

"Invincible, General Changsheng." Qin Jian still didn't understand, "Then why are there so many people... who are not optimistic about Wuling?

"It's nothing more than a lack of national self-confidence, and I still think that the foreign one is better." Qin Wan regretted.

"It's a big mistake to have that kind of thinking today."

Qin Jian blew his beard and stared, "We must let Wuling erect the flag of a national enterprise, this matter cannot be delayed."

"Actually, to strengthen Wuling's brand influence..." Qin Wan paused and continued, "In my opinion, it's not difficult to say."

"How to say?

"If you can get the endorsement of the state, why worry about Wuling's lack of brilliance?

"Tell me more."

"Wuling is in the military region. These times, it can be said that it has made great contributions." Qin Wan sighed deliberately, "It's a pity, no one knows, how embarrassing it is. 35

"Is there something in your boy's words?"

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"Speaking of which, Wuling's construction of armored vehicles for the military region has always been a secret?

"That's not.

"The contract of the military region doesn't say it needs to be kept secret, so Xiaoye won't reveal it himself? Isn't there a hot search?"

"Do you think Ye Qiu is like that kind of person? With his personality, I can't wait to fight for publicity.

〃Typical strong mentality, Xiaoye, I like him more and more. "Qin Jian suddenly became excited.

"Pay attention to the point, pay attention to the point.

Qin Wan interrupted him in a low voice and reminded.

"Oh." Qin Jian resumed his seriousness, "Since Xiaoye doesn't act, let's help him be decent."

"Is it going to be exposed?" Qin Wan asked carefully.

"Exposure, must be exposed. 35

Qin Jian's eyes were firm, "Wait for the Wuling incident to pass, and see if there are any good opportunities.

"Army Day, National Day, military parade, exercise exposure..." Qin Wan counted with his fingers.

He spoke righteously.

So Qin Jiandu had to wonder, did this guy have a plan?

Fortunately, the suggestions here are not bad, and Qin Jian didn't ask too much.

"I remember everything you said. Today's discussion is very meaningful. In the past, I neglected to take care of Wuling." Qin Jian made up his mind. Help him with a little trouble.

"As for this country's endorsement, it is necessary, very necessary.

"You don't have to worry about the latter, just leave it to me.

"I have to deal with such an important matter myself. 35

If this is the case, Xiaoye will owe me another favor, and then I will help the military region to get some sponsorship... Qin Jian said, still thinking in his heart.



Ye Qiu has returned to the office and started his daily work.

Nothing seems to have changed.

What he didn't know was that a sensational "big bang" was brewing.


A picture suddenly flashed in Ye Qiu's mind: a supernova erupted.

After the nuclear fusion reaction, the result is a literal, galactic-scale explosion.

Wonderful and spectacular, violent and indescribable.

"Why do you suddenly think of this?" Ye Qiu shook his head.

"Is there something big that is going to happen?" Nei.

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