Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 303 Wuling, OK. Truss, can't you? 【Subscription】

Two days later,

american nicotine,

Tesla headquarters.

Holding a pile of documents, the assistant secretary walked carefully to the door of Musk's office.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door softly, as if he mustered up his courage.

dong dong dong-

Several times in a row no one responded.

The secretary looked puzzled and a little overwhelmed.

In the past, when he knocked on the door, Musk would respond quickly, and the tone of the response would change with Musk's mood.

Once Musk is in a bad mood, he catches and scolds whoever.

The unfortunate secretary suffered a lot.

No wonder he even knocked on the door like a formidable enemy.

"What's wrong with the boss today? Are you in a bad mood?"

The secretary hesitated whether to continue knocking on the door, but after thinking about it, he thought it was okay.

He didn't want to face Musk's dead face and be scolded for being incompetent.

But this document was "one-one-zero" and had to be sent. He was nervous and embarrassed, and a "crazy" thought occurred in his heart.

After stabilizing the document, the secretary covered one ear and put the other ear close to the office door.

Just as it was about to be posted, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

The voice just fell,

The secretary was so excited that the document in his hand almost fell.

He immediately stood up straight and turned around to meet Musk, who had a bitter face.

The boss was actually late.



The secretary's brain was running fast, trying to find a reasonable excuse for his eavesdropping behavior.

in the next second,

His thinking was disrupted by Musk.

It's not what Musk said, but Musk's appearance that made him want to laugh a little.

I saw that Musk was wearing a pair of panda eyes, and it was difficult to lift his eyelids, as if he had been stunned.

The secretary's eyes gradually became meaningful, showing an expression that "every man understands".

It seems that the boss went through a tough battle last night.

I don't know which model it is, and it can actually make Musk fake.

To know,

Musk is an overtime maniac. He stayed up late for a month, and he has never seen him so weak.

"Come in, let's talk about something.

Musk yawned and didn't bother to pursue the secretary's question.

With a wave of hands, the two walked into the office.

The secretary put down the document, briefly explained a few words, and hurried away.

Musk looked at the document and didn't want to read it at all.

this time,

He was really sleepy.

Not because of which model, but because of Wuling and Ye Qiu.

In the past two days,

He never stopped attacking Wuling on Twitter, but he couldn't wait for Wuling's response.

In the past, Wuling would quickly come forward to refute this situation.

But this time,

He seemed to be amusing himself, and Wuling would not ignore him.

This makes Musk, who has always been conceited, feel stupid.


It wasn't the first time he felt like this.

wait left, wait right,

Just can't wait for Wuling's response.


Musk lost sleep last night.

"It's abominable, to hide and not dare to show up. 95

Musk was full of indignation, but he had nowhere to let go, so he could only hold back.

When he was so indifferent to work, Musk suddenly thought about it.

"Wuling dare not respond, it means that what I said is correct, they simply can't create a" "folding car".

"It's a shame that I had a little doubt about my own judgment, I'm really an idiot I've never seen before.

"Such a low-level idea can still affect me.""

Musk slapped himself.

"Haha, Ye Qiu, I didn't expect you to have today."

Musk was happy and gave himself two more slaps.


He imagined that Ye Qiu was overwhelmed in Wuling's office and looked overwhelmed.


Two more slaps.

"This time, I won't give you a chance to turn over."

"Wait, watch me trample you to death.

Musk gritted his teeth and slapped himself again.

After playing enough, I feel much more comfortable.

Just when he was content and ready to go to work.

on the plane,

A series of tweets prompting came.

A large number of netizens @ him and retweeted a special tweet to him.

"Wuling, yes. Truss, no?"

Let's take a look at the publisher, Ye Qiu, President of Wuling Group, officially certified by Twitter.

It turns out that Ye Qiu also has Twitter, but he rarely uses it.

If someone else said this, it would be nothing. It is nothing more than a fight to get some traffic.

But if Ye Qiu said it himself, it would be full of deep meaning.

What is Wulingxing, but not Tesla?

Can this be said more clearly?

It's not obvious that Tesla is incompetent and can't create a "folding car".

Musk was instantly furious, with smoke rising from his head.

After finally adjusting the mood, I returned to the bottom in an instant.

Those slaps were basically a slap in the face.

"Too hateful, this guy Ye Qiu.""

Did he stare at me? Had to be at this time?

And so arrogant.

Musk was furious.


Ye Qiu didn't really choose, but suddenly wanted to slap some people.

Now that Wuling is a big international company, Ye Qiu also transferred his speech to Twitter.

This tweet immediately caused an uproar.

Ye Qiu's fans also exploded in a short period of time, becoming the top popularity king on Twitter.

Of course Ye Qiu didn't care. After tweeting, he went offline.

Netizens like to cheer themselves up, so let them go.

It's just uncomfortable for Musk, and he can't find anyone if he wants to fight back.

The situation in the domestic car circle has reversed again, and Zhang Yuxi has also ushered in a large number of praises.

"Mom, what did I see, on Twitter, Ye Qiu came out to face Gang Musk in person.

"This is big international news, Mr. Ye is so arrogant, with such a tough tone.

"In this way, the 'folding car' is a real hammer, and I look forward to Wuling's surprise.

"Ye Qiu came out in person, what could be more real than this?"

"I'll just say, Wuling will definitely not let us down.""

"Haha, my 0.8s won, wait for the super-generation."9


The sound of the counterattack was much quieter, but the stubbornness still existed.

"What's there to be proud of, isn't it just a tweet, there are no ten words, what can it explain?"

"Look at the face, I'm totally convinced that a single tweet can get you so excited.

"You still won, I see how you win?"

"This tweet is good, it doesn't mention 'folding car' at all, and it satirizes Tesla. When the matter is over, let's reverse it again and say that I didn't say 'folding car', all of which It's the netizens who are hilarious, and by the way to clear the relationship, it's really a good calculation.

"How could I not have thought of such a comprehensive and excellent analysis? Well said, bro.

"Look, this is Wuling after becoming a big group. It's really proud."


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