Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 309 is terrible, Ye Qiu is the boss behind the scenes! 【Subscription】

"It's incredible, is it true?"

Some people couldn't help reaching out, wanting to feel the details of the mountains within easy reach.

It's just a window apart, but everyone can't tell the truth from the fake.

Although subconsciously, reason will tell them that all the scenes in the wind tunnel must be fake.

There is no creator god in this world.

All the formations of the terrain come from the collision of the crustal plates and are formed after hundreds of millions of years.

The ability to instantly create terrain in front of him must be a holographic simulation, but it's just a little more realistic.

But this kind of thinking makes them completely unable to convince themselves.

If the whole scene is false,

The American desert in front of me was simulated by the entire system, and it was not real.

How could Mr. Ye be able to drive the Dragon Son S freely on this simulated highway?

The Son of Dragon S in the wind tunnel,

It was they who watched Ye Qiu drive in. 25

This unpainted silver-white Dragon Son S is also unique, and they cannot admit it wrong.

As such,

Can't tell before and after.

Obviously it is a simulated scene, but it can let the son of the dragon run, and even roll up the sand.


There is only one explanation for this.

That is,

The scene in the wind tunnel is not completely simulated, but actually created.


There are already these landscapes, but they are only temporarily used.

Anyway, did everyone get less shock in Wuling? This explanation is very reasonable... Some people secretly thought in their hearts.

"The wind tunnel was closed less than a month ago, and idlers are not allowed to enter. It is said that Mr. Ye secretly arranged for the gods to transform the wind tunnel with handed down craftsmanship.

"Then this is too awesome, this renovated wind tunnel is simply a paradise, like a dream, what you come up with can be done with just a wave of your hand.

"It's a bit unreal, I really want to know what the principle is, and it feels like my worldview has been impacted.

"There is no god in the world, there is no god in the world, there is no god in the world..."

"By the way, how many gods do we know? How do you feel that every time Mr. Ye makes a move, it must be a miracle."5

Around the wind tunnel, the topic suddenly opened up.

Who is Ye Qiu?

A group of science and engineering men and women with clear brain circuits began their discussion.

"First of all, I think Mr. Ye is definitely not an ordinary person. Just his actions that are far beyond ordinary people's courage have to make me suspect that Mr. Ye is also an absolute boss."

"You're not talking nonsense. President Ye manages Wuling and has entered the world in less than two years. This is what ordinary people can do? Besides, we can sing and dance well, and make a beautiful appearance at the annual meeting. He directly broke thousands of big men. He is still a good racing player. I heard that Selena, the track queen of Wuling Racing Club, was won by President Ye by racing. So far, Selena's goal is still Defeat President Ye. It's not over yet, don't you realize that Ye always doesn't work in the hive? Besides, I heard that President Ye often goes to Kyoto to meet big people..."

"It seems to be true. We have seen Mr. Ye many times, but I really didn't notice these details. Listening to what you said, Mr. Ye is really terrifying... Well, I have goosebumps all over my body. .

"There are even more terrifying things, I suspect..."

Having said that,

Originally, it was just a few people discussing in a low voice, but as a result, more and more people came around quietly.

everyone is curious,

In their eyes, what kind of terrifying identity does President Ye have?

"I suspect that Mr. Ye must be a big boss behind the scenes. The president of Wuling is just used by Mr. Ye to cover up his identity. The so-called 'hidden in the city', the more Mr. Ye appears in the public eye, the less people will suspect it. on his head."

"Well, it seems to make sense. 35

"Moreover, I feel that President Ye's identity as a behind-the-scenes boss must have a lot of energy. The transformation of the wind tunnel is not ordinary. This kind of technology can be owned by ordinary companies? It's not because of President Ye's face. In other words, this was originally the patent of President Ye, but it was only used in Wuling.

"It's scary, I'm already shaking. 99

"Don't believe me, I have the evidence. Think about it carefully, Mr. Ye has so many awesome skills, and he is almost omnipotent. Anyway, I have never seen Mr. Ye who can't do anything. Great, why are you only obsessed with the Wuling group? That only shows that Wuling has some hidden functions where we can't see it."

"You mean to say...

talk here,

Someone stretched out his index finger, subconsciously pointed to the ceiling, and his eyes moved up a bit.

Everyone immediately understood what he meant.

It's not talking about the ceiling, it's referring to "above."

As for which top, of course, is the country.

Everyone gasped, and after discovering the "truth", they couldn't help shivering.


A coolness rose from the spine, straight to the sky.

"I guess President Ye 127's true identity is an absolute boss hidden in the city. The 'Ark Project' rumored in the outside world is definitely not groundless, I don't believe that President Ye has no such idea. Let's look at our hive, it's really more and more More and more science fiction, doesn't it really look like an ark?"

"That being said, it's really intriguing.

"Also, don't look at Mr. Ye's ability to do everything, he can reach the pinnacle of everything. In fact, in my opinion, he has been restrained and does not want to be recognized by us, but things like super skills are like human conditioned reflexes. It will be shown inadvertently. Hey, Mr. Ye thought we didn't know, look how fast his car drives? Is it something normal people can do?"

"Oh?! So it is. 55

"Here, I make another bold prediction to support what I said today. 99

"What prophecy?"

"I have a hunch... it's almost too soon, and there will be new actions at the Great Hall soon, either to increase military orders, or to find Wuling for cooperation. Do you think Wuling is really just a car company? Just the light of ordinary domestic products? The layout is small, we are burning ourselves for the rise of a country.""

"I'm going, listening to you say this, I immediately feel a sense of national honor overflowing.

"Yes, the responsibility of the country is added, and I think I can do it again.

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