Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 315 It turns out that Wuling took the Shuangwen script! 【Subscription】

"Haha, I see what else those sunspots have to say, Wuling Ye said directly that they can mass-produce 'folding cars'."

"Didn't they all bark fiercely before? Why is the voice so low now?"

"Ye Qiu personally affirmed it, let's see what kind of weird reasons you guys can think of going to Black Wuling. 35

"Really relieved, after so many days of depression, what I've been waiting for is this moment.

"Who said no? When Wuling's 'folding car' comes out, I will be a fan of Wuling for the rest of my life.

"There is nothing to say, I can only say that Daddy Wuling is awesome! 99

The netizens were rarely supported, forcing the sunspots to retreat.

At the same time, she did not forget to thank Zhang Yuxi. Soon, her personal message was filled with praise.

at this time,

Zhang Yuxi was suppressing her mood at work.

The Wuling "folding car" incident has reversed too fast for several days in a row, and Zhang Yuxi's mood is on a roller coaster every day.

Finally yesterday, she couldn't hold on anymore, and she decided to stop paying attention to this matter.

As for those sunspots, just let them scold them, anyway, it won't be uncomfortable if you don't read private messages.

But having said that,

He really had to endure not paying attention to the direction of things, but Zhang Yuxi always felt a little unwilling.

After all, the matter was caused by her, and she just gave in, the needle didn't fit her character.


When Zhang Yuxi went to work in the afternoon, she was still in an uneasy mood, and carefully opened her heart.

Looking ahead, it's all compliments.

After turning over several pages in a row, there were still zero negative comments, and some people passed the screenshot of Ye Qiu's reply to her.

Zhang Yuxi read the screenshot up and down several times, and the more he looked, the more excited he became.

"Damn it, my mother said earlier that the 'folding car' is true, but you guys just don't believe it."

Regardless of whether he was at work or not, Zhang Yuxi patted the table and stood up.

Colleagues around were startled and looked at this escaped beauty in amazement.

"I believe it now. God Ye Qiu personally affirmed it and said that the 'foldable car' can be mass-produced."

"Haha, it's the old lady who won.


Zhang Yuxi's article was moved out again, and it became popular a second time.

Last time it was because of black and red, but this time it was really discussed by the whole network.

The editorial department also ate a wave of traffic dividends. After several days of depression, they finally fought a beautiful turnaround.

Also triumphant, there is the Internet celebrity Nan Ge.

He is the only Internet celebrity who dares to stand up front, hard steel the whole network, and bluntly support Wuling.

The other is Gu Yuwei.

As that screenshot became popular all over the Internet, Brother Nan finally ushered in another peak in his life.


Nan Ge's Douyin fans exceeded 50 million, and he truly entered the super-first line.

that night,

Brother Nan was so happy that he couldn't hold his cell phone steadily.

To know,

When he was at the peak before, the number of fans was only 20 million.

After the accident, the number of fans was not even one in ten.

Later, "licked" on Wuling, and fans came back one after another, but at most, there were less than 10 million fans.

This time it jumped directly to 50 million fans, Nan Ge was a little overwhelmed.

Obviously, he has not been fully psychologically prepared to withstand this sudden explosion.

so that,

In the newly released thank you video, I stuttered when I spoke.

"Thank you very much for the support and encouragement of my fans. Brother Nan, I am very happy and excited... I am so excited that I am incoherent.""

"It's the first time in my life that I have so many fans, and I'm a little...a little flattered."

"Actually...Actually, as an ordinary Wuling fan, I did the most basic things when necessary.

"Standing on Wuling's side forever and believing in Wuling is what I have always done.

"This number of fans has grown too much, do I really deserve it?

Brother Nan said in the thank you video.

Judging from the tone of his speech, it was obviously not the same as usual.

Not as arrogant and free and easy as in the past, but like a bad student waiting for an award.

I always feel like I don't deserve it.

Fans' comments also changed the style.

"Good guy, 50 million Douyin fans can only be ordinary fans of Wuling, Nange has redefined 'ordinary'""


"Don't worry, Brother Nan, as your ten-year-old fan, I think you are still worth it.

"That is, from the time you openly confronted the entire network and didn't care about being isolated, our 50 million fans are already your old fans.

"It doesn't matter what Brother Nan has done before, it doesn't matter, from now on, Brother Nan is awesome!

"Brother Nan, I would like to call you the strongest, the strongest Wuling 'Lick Dog' was born.""


Commenting on "Wuling licking the dog" under Nan Ge's Douyin is a play terrier.

this phrase,

It doesn't contain any derogatory connotation, it's just everyone's ridicule for Nange, and it is also a kind of affirmation for Nange.

Brother Nan has long been used to it, but he feels very honorable and often makes fun of himself in the video.

"Haha, thank you, it's my honor to be able to 'lick' on Wuling."

not long after,

Brother Nan posted another video, in which he regained his domineering style.


"It's a man. If you talk about being a fan of Wuling, you will hug Wuling's thigh for the rest of your life. If anyone wants to slander Wuling, we can't make him feel better. Don't blame me for scolding people."

"Then whoever, whoever, whoever wants to ruin Wuling's reputation, you don't deserve it.

"Those who offend my Wuling will be punished even if they are far away!

He spoke hotly.

Fans applauded wildly in the comment section.

"Brother Nan is mighty!

"Brother Nan is domineering!"

"Brother Nan is a real man!""


this day,

All of Douyin's traffic is tilted towards Nange, and it has become Nange's exclusive position.

Even people who don't pay attention to Nange come to comment a few words below Nange's video.

Everyone didn't care about anything else, mainly because they felt relieved after hearing about Brother Nan.

"Too many self-righteous guys always think that by joining forces, they can exclude people they don't like."

(got Zhao)

"Brother Nan's experience in the past few days has really made me understand what it means to be '30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi, don't bully young poor', just looking back on it makes me feel good."

"Everyone is my enemy, so I'll turn over the crowd, it turns out that Brother Nan is taking the script of Shuangwen.

"If you think about it carefully, isn't that the case with Wuling?

"Wuling is not only a Shuangwen script, but also pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, the old male protagonist.

"Wuling is not as simple as overturning everyone, Wuling's enemy is the entire world's car companies, it is simply overturning the sky.

"Hahaha, it makes sense, Father Wuling is happy in the world. 35


Ps: Sorry, bosses. The last chapter is repeated for unknown reasons, I have already revised it, and the number of words after revision is only a lot more. I will definitely check it in the future, thank the bosses for their constant love, I kneel down, orz!!!.

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