Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 321 Wuling, what about the folding car? 【Subscription】

"No problem, deal."

Kate raised the corner of her mouth and smiled lightly.

There was something in the words of the old foxes in front of her, but it wasn't that she couldn't hear it, she was just too lazy to argue.

Seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of the old foxes, Kate drank the champagne in her hand and sat down sassily.

Instead of compromising her family, she was full of confidence in her man Ye Qiu.

Moreover, it was also determined that Ye Qiu would not marry in this life from now on.

"That's the way it is, my dear.

Kate held Ye Qiu's face, leaned in and kissed again.

"So it is."

Ye Qiu nodded thoughtfully after hearing the bet on Wuling, the Porsche family's bet.

"I never imagined that the biggest gamble in my life would depend on men for the biggest gamble of my generation. 35 Kate joked to herself.


She kissed Ye Qiu again, "However, I don't regret it at all, whoever called my man was you Ye Qiu.

"Don't worry, you can't lose, Porsche will be yours in the end."

Ye Qiu embraced Kate's slender waist, and the two pressed against each other.

"I didn't see you wrong, my dear."

Kate's face flushed red again, and she closed her eyes.

"Naughty." Ye Qiu smiled.

Leaning over, the handsome face gradually approached Kate.


There was a lot of noise outside the venue,

Many riders have been waiting anxiously and started to push the fence at the door.

Seeing this, the security guard hurried over to appease his emotions, but to no avail.

"We came all the way from all over the world to attend auto shows, not here to get in the rain early in the morning.

"It's already this point, but it's still not released. I really don't understand what's there to cover up?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the Wuling 'folding car' incident, I wouldn't be here. Do you really think a luxury car show would be better than others? It's really interesting to keep people waiting outside."5

"To tell the truth, who came to the auto show today, who are not running for the new cars of Wuling, Mercedes-Benz, and Tesla?

"I don't know what to do, you quickly let me go, or we'll rush in."


The riders were so excited that the security guard at the door couldn't stop it.

The security captain quickly contacted the organizer and reported the truth to the auto show official.

The person in charge of the auto show was an old man in his fifties with a Mediterranean head and a shaggy beard.

The little old man has been in charge of several Dubai luxury car shows. It is the first time that tourists have rebelled against him. For a while (cfai), he does not know what to do.

"I think just let them in. The number of tourists this year is several times higher than before, so don't offend them."

Assistant Xiao Young calmly analyzed and suggested.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you.

After the little old man threw out the task, he slipped away.

The follow-up arrangements for the auto show are all in charge of the assistant.

He immediately ordered to open the fence and let the tourists enter the venue in advance.

under surveillance at the door,

After the security captain saw the opening of the venue, a mighty crowd poured into the venue like a tide.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Thankfully, the instructions above were to let them go, otherwise they wouldn't be able to stop them with the number of security guards.

From the door to the venue, there is a curved road of 100 meters wide.

There are all kinds of luxury cars on both sides of the road, including almost all luxury car brands in the world.

But these are the styles of previous years, which cannot enter the main venue and can only be placed outside for passers-by to visit.


The riders who can come to the Dubai Luxury Auto Show are basically knowledgeable people.

For them, old things are nothing to see at all.


Even though luxury cars gathered outside the venue, no one could be seen stopping.

Everyone's footsteps are getting faster and faster, and some people even run, just want to be the first to enter the venue and quickly solve their doubts.

Has Wuling's 'folding car' succeeded?

This is the same doubt in the hearts of all car fans in the world.

"Tell me, how do I get to Wuling's booth?" The first person to arrive at the venue rushed to Miss Yingbin and asked.

The tone was hurried and hasty.

"Then... over there." The young lady was startled and stretched out her fingers in the direction.

Before I could say thank you, the man flew in the direction pointed by the young lady.

"Hello, how do I get to Wuling's booth?

The person in front had just left, and another came from behind to ask about the Wuling booth, but this time it was more polite.

"Over there." The young lady pointed to the past habitually.

Before she could put her hand down, the next questioner came.

"Hello, that... Wuling..."

"Please go over there. 35

The young lady has experience, and she replied before the other party finished speaking.


Someone else came.



"Okay, thank you. 35

that's it,

All the people who entered the venue, the first sentence was "Wuling"


to the back,

The lady doesn't even need to be questioned.

After the person came, as long as the other party gasped, she said: "To see Wuling's booth, please go there, thank you.

For an hour and a half, her hand barely dropped.

The little sister's arms were trembling with exhaustion, but she still had to force a smile to her fellow riders.

It's really too difficult for me... Miss Sister's heart is bitter, but she can't say it.

The riders asked along the way, turned two small corners in the huge venue, and finally came to the Wuling booth.

I glanced at the small booth, and then looked at the sign in front of the stage, which said "Wuling, Son of Dragon S"

The riders who came first widened their mouths and stopped with wide eyes.

It was obviously hard to believe what he saw.

hard to imagine,

Wuling, which has been in the limelight on major platforms recently, only has such a small place at the Dubai Luxury Auto Show.

This small circular booth can't even hold a car.


There was a man standing there, a beautiful woman.

Xu Feifei.

It can be said,

Car friends are already very familiar with her.

Every time Wuling's new car is explained by her, she speaks a fluent foreign language.

And the sexy moment when she took out the car key from the murderer, all the car friends will never forget it.

this time,

Xu Feifei wore a sexy Klein blue dress with a high slit and stepped on the sky high.

The exposed snow-white long legs made people unable to resist nosebleeds.

If this is the Victoria's Secret venue, everyone will applaud Xu Feifei's beauty and give full marks to her bold dress.

But this is a luxury auto show, and everyone is coming to Wuling.

Through everyone's disappointed expressions, Xu Feifei...

Well, it can be seen,

Compared with the sense of expectation that Dragon Son S brought to everyone, she lost, and lost completely.

at this time,

The riders at the scene were puzzled.

Such a big luxury car show, the dignified Wuling has only so much space, and it doesn't even have a car.

Could it be that Wuling is here to be funny? What about a good folding car?.

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