Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 324 is an eye-opener, is this a replica of the Son of Dragon? 【Subscription】

I see when you two guys can say anything more?

The instructor became angry, and simply stopped talking, and followed the other riders to stare at the two.

Seeing this scene, Brother Shu Fu, who was hiding not far away and watching secretly, felt inexplicably nervous.

This scene seems a bit familiar.

The two were talking, their voices getting smaller and smaller.

Finally, he smiled awkwardly and hid to the side.

Brother Shu Fu just remembered, isn't this exactly the same as me just now?

in the viewing room,

William threw the cup in his hand and stared at the live broadcast, and there was a fire in his eyes.

"Who invited this fool who doesn't know the occasion?"

"Does he not know that doing so will lower the image of Mercedes-Benz in the minds of car fans? 35


When the narrator started talking again, everyone's eyes on him had changed.

Someone frowned, apparently no longer mindlessly raising Mercedes-Benz.

The image of the instructor at this time represents Mercedes-Benz. He actually attributed the shortcomings of his concept car to "it doesn't matter", which is really not the responsibility of the big manufacturers.

"Let the guy on the stage pay attention to 25 o'clock when he speaks, I don't need to see words that will damage Mercedes-Benz's face again." William told the assistant and asked him to bring the words to the commentator.

but to no avail,

The favorite thing for riders is to lift the bar. Since Mercedes-Benz does not admit its mistakes, it is constantly picking the wrong things for it.

The commentary continued, and the commentator walked behind VISION-AVTR.

He raised his hand, and VISION-AVTR's intelligent dynamic tail fin rose.

The back of the whole car is a total of five rows, each row of four tail fins, a total of twenty intelligent dynamic tail fins.

When the intelligent dynamic tail fin is put down, the back of the VISION-AVTR looks flat, but there are still obvious splicing marks and no small gaps.

"This is VISION-AVTR's latest design, which we call the Smart Dynamic Tail Fin."

The instructor said, "These tail fins are designed with full use of aerodynamics, and the height and angle of each tail fin are very elegant."

"The Mercedes-Benz team spends more time on these fins than other components. Because each fin has a different resistance curve when it responds to air flow, twenty fins need to be measured twenty times. 99

"It's a huge amount of work, let's applaud Mercedes-Benz's R&D?"

The instructor suddenly exerted his strength, and his mood was high.

I thought that the riders who got off the stage would sing along and cheer along with applause.

As a result, there was only a sparse applause, and the sound could not be coherent.

The interpreter was stunned for a second, thinking constantly in his mind, what did he say wrong this time.


He was not wrong, everyone also had expectations for Mercedes-Benz at the beginning.


His first action destroyed everyone's expectations for Mercedes-Benz in the hearts of car friends.

The riders who come to the Dubai luxury auto show include almost all the big countries in the world.

Only some of them are Mercedes-Benz fans, and they will not have a fanatical pursuit of Mercedes-Benz like the Chinese.

Mercedes-Benz's new concept car VISION-AVTR sells well, but not enough to blind them.

The sparse applause ended, and someone in the audience began to whisper.

"I've seen this intelligent dynamic tail fin before.

"Does it look like the fixed wind wings of Wuling Dragon's Son? They all have lifting and lowering functions, and they can also be hidden.

"Yes, yes, when you said that, I remembered it. And the rearview mirror of the Son of Dragon is like this."

"But others are more advanced than this. I asked Dragon Son when he first came out, did you also think that the car had no rearview mirrors and no rear wings?"

"More than that, even now, when I see the Son of Dragon, I feel the same way. How did Wuling manage to make the fixed wind wings and rearview mirrors stretch without stiffness? That technology is really eye-opening.

The audience was quiet again, and hundreds of pairs of eyes watched the two discussing without anyone else.

The point is that most people also think they are right.

I didn't think so before,

why now,

After watching the Mercedes-Benz VISION-AVTR, I feel more and more that the Wuling Dragon Son is high-end and advanced?

I watched Mercedes-Benz's promotional video before, and I feel that the new concept car VISION-AVTR is very powerful and avant-garde.

Why do I feel like I'm "plagiarizing" after listening to this lecturer for a long time?

Dare to love you Mercedes-Benz finally linked up with "Avatar" to create a so-called "walking space capsule". As a result, the functional design was copied from the rest of Wuling's play.

This is a bit surprising.

at this time,

William was fidgeting in the viewing room, and his eyes almost fell out when he watched the live broadcast.

"Give him one last chance, and if he messes up again, you'll get out with him." William said viciously to his assistant.

"Let's talk to the guy for a while, don't you always be like a stupid groundhog, is it stupid with a hammer?"


He took a deep breath, calmed down, and slumped on the chair.

After two waterloo trips, the Mercedes-Benz instructor became nervous, and there was cold sweat on his forehead.

He wanted to change the subject again, but suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Let's look at the middle of VISION-AVTR again, shall we?

He turned very stiff, and even asked his fellow riders for their opinions.

The riders were stunned when asked.

You are the narrator, the topic should be your guide, how can you say you are so unconfident?

William watched the live broadcast, slapped his forehead, and sighed.

"What the hell is this guy talking about? Does he have a brain?"

next second,

The instructor even started to introduce himself.

His mind was already empty, and he had memorized the explanation process of 127 before going on stage because he was nervous and forgot all about it.

Now he couldn't even hear what he was saying.

"It's a brand new design, a giant transparent cockpit.

"Through this translucent door, we can see the overall design of the car, which is very emotional. 39

Having said that,

He paused deliberately.

Looking at the audience, there was no discussion due to the transparent cockpit.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

But before the anger was over, someone raised their hand.

"It's a good design, but it's a little bit of privacy, and I've been seen sitting in it. 35

"Then if you want to do something unspeakable in the car, wouldn't it be a live broadcast? That's really exciting.

As soon as this problem arises,

The audience really started a loud discussion again.

"It's as simple as you think, since Mercedes-Benz is designed like this, it must have its considerations.

"Yes, I remember that the glass of the Dragon Son can freely change the transparency, presumably VISION-AVTR is also possible, right?

"That's for sure... Wait, why is it Dragon's Son again? Is VISION-AVTR just a functional copy of Dragon's Son?"

"My goodness, is Mercedes-Benz serious? Just ask.


"Hey, can the transparent cockpit of VISION-AVTR change the transparency freely like the windows of the Dragon Son?

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