Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 327 The Son of Dragon S conference begins! 【Subscription】

"Haha, don't run away, the brother who will be single for 50 years, I took a screenshot and saved it."

"Oh, I'm going, will Wuling slap me in the face just after I set up the flag? That's okay, if Wuling can really take out a folding car, I'll recognize it, anyway, I don't want anyone who is single until now, so I just It's time to contribute to everyone.""

"Brother, you are really ruthless, and Wuling will definitely remember your merits in the future. 35

Brother Nan walked into the venue and didn't forget to turn the camera to give everyone a close-up~.

It's just that there are too many people coming in - too many,

Several times, Brother Nan almost lost his footing, and the camera flickered, and finally had to give up.

Gu Yuwei had already sat down in the first row of the venue.

Because of the invitation ticket, she can enjoy the treatment in the first row.

In fact, when entering the venue, the young lady standing at the door will put a sticker on everyone's murder.

A random number is written on the label, and everyone finds their position according to the number.

Only those who have an invitation ticket can sit in the first row without specifying a seat.

"As expected of me, the goddess of care, the treatment is not the same, it is simply tall." A fan commented on the barrage.

In Gu Yuwei's live broadcast room,

The barrage is another style, completely different from Nange.

"When I first saw Wuling's small booth, I was still thinking, what's the use of invitation coupons with such a place? 99

"That's right, it's not enough for a car, I thought it was Goddess Gu to be a temporary model.

"As far as the beauty of the goddess is concerned, that is enough. She can afford the position of Wuling model."

"Haha, sit in the first row and explain later, isn't Xu Feifei close at hand?

"It's not good to mention other women here in front of Goddess Gu?"

'It's all goddesses, there's no way, my love has been divided.

"I fucking like you when you think you are affectionate and shameless, in fact, I think so too, brothers together?

"Let's go together, haha."


Less than ten minutes have passed, and more than half of the venue has been seated.

There is still a long queue at the door, and the riders are very curious, what tricks Wuling is playing.

in the team,

Someone stood on tiptoe and looked at the dimly lit venue.

"Is this the little black house that Xu Feifei said? It's still a makeshift movie theater, right?

He deliberately laughed loudly, "Are you going to show us a promotional video, or just put a ppt?


The people around were amused.

The originally straight long dragon also became twisted, and everyone got together and laughed and walked slowly forward.

William was also included in the team. Hearing the ridicule of the person in front of him, the corner of his mouth also evoked a trace of disdain.

I can't even take out a car, and it has attracted such a high degree of attention through marketing alone.

This is really yours, Wuling.

No, it should be Ye Qiu, you are ruthless.

William was suffocating.


Why is he Wuling?

The more William thought about it, the more wronged he felt, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong he felt.

Originally, Wuling was just a small booth, so he didn't bother to care about it.

But now,

The official of the luxury auto show violated the principle of fairness and opened a small stove for Ye Qiu.

In front of this matter, it can't be ignored.

I saw William took out his mobile phone, walked to a corner where no one was in, and dialed a number with trembling fingers.

Are all pissed off.

"What the hell is going on with you? How can you do this?

"As far as your methods are concerned, is there any fairness at all? Is your bias too obvious?"

"What does it mean that the organizer is not the organizer? What I want is a reasonable explanation. You are the Dubai luxury auto show, not the Wuling personal brand auto show. Where is the bottom line?"

"You can't be the master of anything, am I here to listen to you?

"Aren't I afraid to drop the price in the hearts of many car companies by doing this kind of small action? We are all rule-abiding people, and you are really speechless when you do this."

"I don't want to hear your explanations, it's all boring excuses..."

The more William spoke, the more excited he became, and his voice became louder and louder, attracting a lot of attention.

Feeling the heat behind him, William stopped.

Turning his head to look, he almost didn't frighten the phone away, he hung up the phone immediately, covered his face and walked away.

Auto show organizer over there,

The operator was suddenly hung up, and his expression was stunned for a moment, then relieved.

"That's mad? It's really glass-hearted. 35

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "As long as you still follow the rules, you are not afraid of being laughed at.

"When dealing with Wuling, are there still few secret actions? I'm embarrassed to expose it.

After throwing away the phone, he started counting again.

The new sponsor named Abdullah is really rich. He deserves to be a Saudi prince.

・・・ Ask for flowers.

"Double the year-end bonus, hehe."9


All unpleasantness was wiped away.

Back at Wuling's special venue, the small black room, the people who were still queuing outside the venue were still chatting.

"It's really boring, what line are we still lining up here, it's just a promotional video anyway, it's a waste of time."

Some people were angry and looked disgusted.

However, his body followed the team slowly and honestly, occasionally taking a peek inside the small dark room.

"This is also for Wuling, I just give some face, otherwise I would have left. 99

"If something suddenly happened at this moment and asked me to leave, I would never look back. 35

He said it confidently.

The person next to him could hear it, nodding at him.

There's something, bro... the guy gives a thumbs up.


The line ahead stopped, and the people in front were noisy.

Everyone looked up, and it turned out that the team was stopped by the young lady at the entrance.

The reason is that the small dark room is full, and the remaining people can no longer enter.

"We've been in line for so long, and we've been blocked out like this?"

This word came,

The buddy who swore just now immediately refused.

"What's going on here? How can you control the number of people watching a promotional video?"

He frowned, "I still want to watch it today."

The guy next to him was speechless.

He said that he wanted you to leave a second ago, but you never looked back. Why did you change your mind so quickly?

What about the face? Bro.

In the end they couldn't get in.

after all,

Wuling's bulletin board clearly states that once the venue is full, the latter will no longer be accepted.


A bunch of big men are also embarrassed to lose their temper in front of other beautiful girls.

If you can't see it, you can only go back with regret.


That dude is still not giving up.

When the door of the small dark room was closed, he would sneak aside and listen to the wall.

The fellow brother covered his face and pretended not to know him.

This guy seems to have lost his face.

in the dark room,

After everyone was seated, there was a sound of high-heeled shoes at the front desk.

Xu Feifei walked up to the stage, clapped his hands, and the lights in the small dark room turned on.

"Thank you all for coming, I announce that the Wuling Dragon Son S supercar launch conference has officially started." Eight.

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