Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 344 Watch Wuling father slap the face of sunspots all over the world! 【Subscription】

"The White Queen!

As soon as Xu Feifei finished speaking, the little black house began to change.

I saw that the crowd outside the window gradually moved away, and soon disappeared.

look ahead,

Things in the distance kept getting closer, and were immediately left behind.

It feels like the Little Black House has really turned into Son of Dragon S, and it's up and running.

The riders outside the little black house raised their heads one after another, but found that the little black house did not move at all.

look at the live broadcast,

The riders in the house are clearly "driving" forward, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

No wonder it's called a visual experience.

"Yo hoo, this feels great.""

In the small dark room, the riders cheered.

"Is the little black house really moving forward? I can't tell the difference. Can anyone tell me what the truth is?"

"Is it important? Shuang is over, this may be the only chance in your life to experience Dragon Son S."

"It makes sense, Master, I understand. 99

"I also realized that I really wanted to slap myself and experience such an exciting thing, but I was still thinking that it was not real. I am such a fool."25

After a while,

The discussion slowly quieted down.

The scene is so real that everyone has been addicted to it.

Someone's expression became tense, because he felt like he was sitting on the Dragon Son S.

At the moment, the Son of Dragon S is racing at extreme speed.

that feeling,

Comparable to extreme racing, nervous and exciting.

Adrenaline is almost overflowing.


The crowd exclaimed.

It turned out that the son of the dragon S was telling the uphill that the top of the slope was in front of him.

Instead of slowing down, it got faster.

Reaching the top of the slope in an instant, Dragon Son S rushed out.

Don't be too excited about this scene.

Except for Xu Feifei, all the girls covered their eyes.

"my Lord!


Another exclamation.

Through the front windshield simulated by the giant screen in front, the boys clearly saw the front of the Dragon Son S swinging in the air.

Just like a fish.

in the air,

The speed of Dragon Son S is not reduced at all.

The car friends have never experienced such a stimulating scene, and some people are so scared that they cover their eyes.

And those who insisted on watching, some people began to gasp for breath.

I feel my stomach is churning and I can't stand it.

It's more terrifying than a roller coaster.

When riding a roller coaster, at least you can still see the tracks.

it's here,

Only the Son of Dragon S can be seen flying in the air, and the speed is still near the speed of sound.

"It's not a supercar anymore, I feel like I'm sitting in a fighter.

A car friend said, and quickly covered his mouth to prevent himself from spitting out.

The others were not much better, but Xu Feifei stood calmly on the stage.

She was already used to it, Ye Qiu forced him to finish many times before coming.

The impersonal President Ye, the bad guy... She stomped her feet and commented on Ye Qiu like this.

that's it,

In the sight of everyone, Dragon Son S turned over one piece of high ground.

They also experience what it's like to be a fighter again and again.

After ten minutes,

The door to the dark room opened.

A group of people rushed out like zombies, covering their mouths.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way...

The crowd ran and shouted.


The door of the small black house was blocked by other riders.

Although the "zombies" tried desperately to open a path, they couldn't do it at all.

I couldn't help it anymore, and someone vomited out on the spot.

The people behind followed immediately, another rare famous scene.

Dozens of people gathered around Wuling's small black house, vomiting while still expressing their shock at the experience just now.

Shortly after,

Xu Feifei also came out of the small dark room.

"Next, please move to the track, the second visual experience is about to be carried out."

"There is no limit to the number of viewers.""

Xu Feifei blinked and returned to the small dark room.

The door of the small dark room was closed, and the staff lady came up with a sign.

They are responsible for leading the riders to the track.

The riders learned to be good this time, and kept up with the young lady, for fear that they would not be able to grab a good position if they were late.

And those riders who vomited didn't care about the discomfort in their stomachs, dragging their weak legs and staggering to follow.

When everyone came to the track,

Xu Feifei was already waiting in the auditorium next to him.

at a glance,

The track and the auditorium are brand new, and the ladies and sisters lead the crowd forward.

The auditorium is huge and can fully accommodate everyone.

After everyone was seated, Xu Feifei picked up the microphone and continued to host.

"Here, we will witness the first leap of Dragon Son S."


Xu Feifei pointed to the track with one hand.

The track consists of multiple corners and multiple sprint stands.

The Dragon Son S stops outside the white line at the entrance, and once it starts, it will sprint as fast as possible to complete the entire track.

Brother Nan was broadcasting live, and fans couldn't sit still.

They were waiting for this moment.

"After waiting for so long, I finally waited for the debut of Wuling's folding car.

"Isn't it okay to be in the little dark room just now?

"It's all a simulation, but it may not be able to convince the gangsters, what we want is to seek truth from facts.

"It makes sense, I must record this performance, and then I will still be on the face of the black gang to see what will they be arrogant in the future? 99

"After waiting for a long time, I finally waited for today, and after waiting for a long time, my dream finally came true, brothers, we are going to be super senior.

"Haha, before the performance started, I was already shaking nervously."

"Look at my Wuling father, slap him, slap the face of the black people all over the world, and beat them to death. 55

"Don't forget @Benz, Tesla, Toyota, Honda, and other car companies, one is counted as one. Ask them, do you still have a face?

"Haha, yes."

in the audience,

The sound of discussion also drowned out for a while.

Although the performance is about to start, there are still people who question it.

"If it travels at near-sonic speed, can the Dragon Son S really rush to the sprint platform without slowing down? When the highest point is in the air, if the speed is too fast, the body will definitely become erratic due to the vibration caused by the airflow. To At that time, if it is not stable, it is very likely that the car will roll over.”

"You know, it's close to the speed of sound. The speed of 100 kilometers per hour is already exaggerated. What will happen to the speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour? I really dare not think about it, nor do I think it is feasible. 35

Ps: sorry, sorry, bosses, the wrong chapter was posted, the previous chapter has been revised in time. The winter vacation is over, and the children of relatives all come back, and they are noisily dazed. Look at me, this fool, I kneel. Orz!!!

At the same time, I would also like to thank the big brothers for their continuous support, thank you for your flowers, votes, rewards, and a series of operations that make the little author fall into the ground. I can't think of anything in return, I will make more compensation tomorrow, thank you!

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