Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 349 Dragon Son S is scheduled, \"rude\" conditions! 【Subscription】

"Dear, I really want to congratulate you, once again turning someone else's auto show into your own press conference."

The Dubai luxury car show is coming to an end,

in the personal lounge,

Kate hangs in Ye Qiu's arms and pecks him on the face from time to time, obviously in a good mood.

"As expected, for Wuling, these are basic operations."

Ye Qiu lifted her chin, "It's nothing to be surprised by, there's no one who can hit."

"Yes, yes, dear, you are the best." Kate rolled Ye Qiu's eyes.

But looking at his expression, there is really no proud look.

Perhaps in his opinion,

Wuling "occupies" the entire Dubai luxury auto show, so that other brands of supercars, even Mercedes-Benz or Tesla, have no chance to appear, but only a small achievement.

Since it is too small, of course it is not worth showing off.

"I don't know what's going on, but suddenly I sympathized with Musk. There was so much publicity before the opening of the car show, and the latest self-driving technology was vigorously promoted. As a result, there was no one who paid attention at the show. Kate said again.

"Dear, 25, this is really a blow to your dimensionality. Have a good Dubai luxury car show, and don't give other luxury cars any chance."

"Even Porsche was left out, but I couldn't be mad at it."

"Porsche lost, but I won."

Kate hugged Ye Qiu tightly and pecked hard, "The old guys in the family have no right to control me anymore."

"Congratulations, you have been promoted to the helm of Porsche." Ye Qiu smiled slightly.

"Still a long way to go……"

Kate suddenly blushed, "You forgot my dear, I want to get the quarter of the equity handed over by the board of directors, but there are additional conditions.

Speaking of which, Kate sighed deliberately.

"Thinking about it carefully, I found that although I won, it didn't seem like I won.

"As long as you don't marry me, my dear, I still haven't gotten anything, except for the nagging of those old things in my ears."

Kate sighed again, "Hey, I can't think of me, the queen of Porsche, that the visible future is clearly limited by a man."

"In this life, it can only be yours. The cost of losing you is too great."

At present, the total market value of Porsche has reached more than 70 billion euros, which is nearly 80 billion US dollars.

A quarter of the stake is worth nearly $20 billion in total, not including board rights.

From this,

If Ye Qiu is lost, Kate's loss is indeed incalculable.

After thinking for a while, Kate calmed down, got up and pushed Ye Qiu down boldly, then rushed on.

"Nizi, you want to..."

Ye Qiu looked at the woman who was close at hand, as if he saw a tiger.

Before he could finish, Kate squeezed his mouth.

"Since my future, I still have to fight for it myself."

"Dear, am I right?"

night falls,

The Dubai Luxury Auto Show ended successfully.

The final result was not satisfactory, and it can only be said that the Wuling family was happy.

Although the auto show is over, the carnival on the Internet has begun again.

summer country,

In the circle of car friends,

Wuling fans raised their eyebrows and started chasing Heizi to turn over old accounts.

"It's that your kid was the most ruthless at the time, and you still have the face to comment, so call your grandfather.

"Finally let me catch you guy, I'll give you a screenshot, take a good look at what I said, I won't remind you what to do.

"Yo, Sun Thief, do you still have time to comment here? Grandpa called?"

"Manually @ all the sunspots who have set up the flag, your grandfather Wuling won a big victory at the World Auto Show, it's time for you to show your filial piety."

"Super plus generation, super plus generation!

on foreign networks,

Netizens are more and more constantly posting, allowing major car companies to explain their initial behavior.

The tone of speech is sometimes tough, and sometimes hates iron.

"This time I really lost my face, and the Wuling folding car has really been built. May I ask the presidents of car companies, what do you think? 35

"You also said that you can't build a fully foldable car, and you tweeted in front of netizens all over the world, and it made people look at it. Is this a shame?

"I thought that Mercedes-Benz and Tesla were mocking Wuling when they said they couldn't build a folding car, but I didn't expect that they were mocking themselves. 35

"I hope that the car companies that Musk had @d at the time all came out with a reasonable explanation. Why can't they compare to Wuling? 35

"Currently, the world's car circle media are discussing Wuling, and they ask you other so-called car manufacturers, does it hurt?


The car media praised Wuling, and netizens stepped on other car companies.

One step at a time, the automotive industry is beginning to experience an unprecedented earthquake.

Musk flipped through the posts overnight and couldn't sleep.

He could clearly foresee,

After the Dubai luxury auto show, if a reasonable explanation cannot be given.

What Truss is about to face is bound to plummet.

In the competition with Wuling, after the previous defeats, Truss lost the Xiaguo market.

And this time defeat, will lose more.

American market? Or the European market?

Or lose it all?

that night,

Wall Street has expressed concern about Truss, causing the price of Truss stock to fall.

This is just an early warning, Musk is ready to sleep in the factory.

Whenever Truss had a big setback, he would force himself to sleep in a factory and create the image of a "desperate entrepreneur" in order to restore Truss' reputation.

The debate on the Internet is getting more and more fierce,

Before Musk decided to imitate 173, there was a period of silence.

When the emotions of netizens are almost calmed down, they will come out and throw the blame.

Seeing that Tesla was silent, other car companies naturally did not dare to act rashly.

No one wants to be the first bird to be shot.

for a time,

It seems like the entire automotive world has gone quiet.

The car company bosses didn't speak, and they didn't even dare to publicize, for fear of disturbing the sensitive nerves of netizens.

Everyone is in danger, and it is such a time.


Netizens turned their attention to Wuling.

a week later,

Wuling announced the reservation plan of Dragon Son S on the official website of the app.

Those who want to buy Dragon Son S need to complete the review first.

The process is similar to that of the Hongqi L5. The Dragon Son S is only sold to those who have passed the review, and each person can only buy one, with a deposit of 10 million US dollars in advance.

After the approval, the quota cannot be transferred to others, but the quota can be cancelled at any time.

There are also some sidelines, and some special cases are also clarified.

In general,

The review of Dragon Son S will not be as strict as the Hongqi L5 political review.


It is to be able to match the identity of the purchaser with the Son of Dragon S.

That's right,

It is the buyer who caters to the Son of Dragon S, not the Son of the Dragon S caters to the buyer.

conditions called "disrespectful",

Only Dragon Son S dares to afford it.

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