Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 35 This Is The Big Toy That Men Yearn For The Most! 【For Collection】


The people on the entire construction site all opened their mouths and looked at the violent aesthetics of the mechanical god.

Dig the foundation, encounter the boulder concrete, switch the breaker, smash it directly, switch back to the mechanical claw, throw the stone out, and continue digging.

Perfect efficiency, almost 20 excavators were hoisted.

Those excavator masters have long since come out of the cockpit, just staring blankly at the huge mecha in front of them to work.

As for own work?

Feel sorry,

I do not want to do.


I don't want to open either.

I just want to watch this big monster work, I can watch it for a year.

The excavator masters, looking at the mechanical god, drooled.

If they had this thing, how could they have been tortured by the boulder and concrete for so long.

Grind little by little and dig out.

Just like the mechanical god, lift up the breaker and smash it, and you're done.

"Damn it, wife, guess what I saw, the real mecha, it's too violent, too terrifying, too cool."

At this moment,

An excavator master came to the video, and at first glance it was his wife who called.

He connected to the video, aimed directly at the mechanical god, and showed off to his wife, as excited as a child in his thirties.

"Ah!!! What is this!"

As you can imagine, the wife on the other end of the video was shocked.

"Fuck, watching this big guy work, it's so cool!"

"In the future, the mecha digs the foundation and directly hammers the big rock?"

"It's so terrifying, it's so cool."

"This is a man's big toy!"

The employees who came to watch the lively car production workshop, although far away, can clearly see the heroic work of the mechanical god.

The appearance of swinging the breaking hammer and directly smashing the boulder is so handsome that it is beyond conscience.

This mech.

It is a man's ultimate dream.

It's a big toy that really belongs to men.

Simply cool.

I witnessed the whole process, how the mechanical god Chen Mengna used violent aesthetics to dig the foundation, and her mind was confused at this time.

She never dreamed that there was such a way of manipulation.

That hammer smashed down, and the rubble that burst out looked so cool and beautiful.


The foundation dug by the mechanical god is exactly the same in both depth and width. It is deeper and more beautiful than the foundation pit dug by the excavator.

"Ye... Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu, this, this..."

Chen Mengna was so excited to see this huge mechanical beast.

She was excited like a child, grabbing Ye Qiu's clothes and stuttering when she spoke excitedly.

"Take your time, don't worry."

Although Ye Qiu was also very excited, this time he was attracted by another thing.

have to say,

Chen Mengna is very predictable.

The excited people next to him all jumped up, and the trembling fluctuations made Ye Qiu sigh with emotion.

At least D. Still more than 36.

be nice,


Chen Mengna didn't pay attention to Ye Qiu's eyes because she was so excited now.

This machine is simply an artifact tailored for the construction industry.

A mechanical god can simply lift the efficiency of dozens of traditional excavators.


Chen Mengna noticed the toolkit behind the Mechanical God.

There are at least ten kinds of tools there.


This big guy is not only used for digging foundations.

He has other uses.

This is a comprehensive performance, and its abnormal heavy construction machinery.

"Ye Qiu, do you sell this machine? Can you buy it now?"

If all the construction units of our company are equipped with mechanical gods, then the efficiency of all future projects will be greatly increased.

And once the mechanical god is assembled, it is equivalent to adding a new reputation to the vast construction company.

If you give Chen Mengna three, no, two mechanical gods.

She can guarantee that the construction of the two factories will be completed in less than two months.

Originally, the R&D center and office building had a one-year construction period.

It can also shorten the construction period quickly.

As long as there is this machine.

The foundation works alone can be greatly reduced.

Simply an engineering artifact.

Unintentionally, Chen Mengna didn't know that because of her excitement, her slender and beautiful fingers pinched Ye Qiu's arm.

It hurts to pinch him.

"Sell, but can you let me go first?"


When a woman does manicure nails, it hurts to pinch people.

"Ah? Ah... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was too excited just now."

Seeing Ye Qiu's mouth twitching, Chen Mengna looked down, isn't it?

She pinched Ye Qiu's arm tightly with five fingers on her hands, her knuckles turning white due to the excitement, one can imagine how much effort it took.


Chen Mengna's face flushed immediately, she was very embarrassed, she carefully helped Ye Qiu to rub.

Apologizing in his mouth: "I'm so sorry, Ye Qiu, I was too excited just now."


Just lost.

Chen Mengna was very sorry, and even a little panicked.

Ye Qiu was speechless, and casually teased: "Forget it, but you, the devil's nine-yin and white-bone claws, are well-trained, tsk tsk..."

Hearing Ye Qiu compare himself to a devil, he was looking at the claw print on his arm that he pinched.

Exactly as he said.


Chen Mengna laughed immediately.

But then, she glared at Ye Qiu, how dare this stinky guy call me a witch?

There is no reason for this.


The voice is a bit like Charm, with a bit of milky sound, coupled with that charming eyes, with a hint of charm.


Be nice!

Ye Qiu said that he was a little overwhelmed.

"Cough cough."

He quickly turned his eyes away, otherwise he would really be conquered by this woman.

Did not see it,

When I first came into contact with her, Chen Mengna looked like a cold-hearted female president, but now she looks so cute and charming, the contrast is too great.

Perhaps realizing that own's tone and attitude were a bit ambiguous, Chen Mengna's face turned even redder.

Her heartbeat accelerated, and she quickly shifted her gaze, looking at the mechanical god who was working, and changed the topic calmly.

"That, this mechanical god, does your factory sell it?"

"I plan to buy dozens of them and equip them for construction companies."

After adjusting her own emotions, Chen Mengna tried her best not to let herself see Ye Qiu, which made the two of them embarrassed.

Ye Qiu is the same.

He also tried not to look at the woman next to him who was like Fairy.

"Sell, but this thing is expensive, are you sure you want to buy it?"

Once the product is made, it must be sold.

It's just that the production cost of the mechanical god is very high.

The cost of a piece of machinery is nearly 3 million.

If this is for sale.

Not earning a triple profit is not enough.

The minimum price is nine million.

That's it,

Still a friendly price.

It is the price sold to Chen Mengna, and it will cost tens of millions to start the market in the future.

How much is an excavator now?

Brand new excavators cost millions.

This mechanical god alone can hang dozens of excavators.

Count it down,

Selling more than 10 million units, um, is very conscientious.

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