Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 367 When the truth comes out, let the White Queen take the lead! 【Subscription】

With the direction of the case detection, things become much simpler after that.

Zhou Feiming had no doubts about the White Queen.

He asked the White Queen to take out the clearest photo of the suspect, print it and carry it with him.

Through the police intranet, I found the basic information of the suspect~.

The suspect, Zhang Kong, an unemployed homeless man, had spent two years in prison for the crime of stealing.

Since he came out, he has never committed any crime, but he has not made any contribution to society.

Zhou Feiming did not plan to arrest immediately.

After all, the current evidence is insufficient, and Zhou Feiming does not want to startle the snake.

leave the police station,

On the Son of Dragon S, Zhou Feiming made another trip to the Suzhou Museum.

It happened that he met Zhao Gongsong there again. He just came out of the museum with a few men, but he still found nothing.

The two collided head-on, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

After looking at each other, they went their separate ways without exchanging a word.

to the door,

Zhao Gongsong still couldn't help but glance back, Zhou Feiming just went in.

"I also said that I asked the White Queen of Wuling for help. What would I do with her help? Aren't you also clueless?

Zhao Gongsong stood at the door and said unconvinced, "I still want to solve the case for two weeks, I think I will give you another two months and don't think about any progress. 35


He took the boys back to the police station.

On Zhou Feiming's side, he took the photo of Zhang Kong and asked the staff of the museum one by one, including Deputy Director Li of the cultural relic cleaning.

Deputy Director Li, formerly known as Li Fu, is now in his sixtieth year.

Although he is quite old, Li Fu looks very energetic and has good vision after wearing reading glasses.

Most importantly, the memory is also good.

When Zhou Feiming asked about him, Li Fu nodded frequently to Zhang Kong's photo.

"Yes, about two months ago, I met him on the back road of the museum. 35 Li Fu said firmly.

Without the slightest hesitation, the tone was very certain.

"Can you tell me what happened at that time?" Zhou Feiming asked again.

At this time,

Li Fu suddenly looked at the monitoring room where the porcelain bottle was enlarged, and his expression became desolate.

"At that time, I was walking back with the porcelain bottle I just cleaned, and I didn't realize that I felt like I tripped over something under my feet..."

Speaking of this, Li Fu's heart suddenly twitched, "The porcelain bottle came out of my hand. If this young man hadn't helped catch it in time, the porcelain bottle would have been broken by me."5

"Good man." Li Fu sighed.

"But it didn't work out. It didn't take long for the museum to be stolen, and the porcelain vase was lost."

The more Li Fu spoke, the more sad he became.

Zhou Feiming patted him on the shoulder and comforted, "It's alright, everything will be fine, we have the key evidence, and I believe we will get to the bottom of it soon.

"thanks, thanks.

Hearing the good news, Li Fu almost knelt down to Zhou Feiming.

Zhou Feiming was so frightened that he quickly stopped him.

After the interviews with all the staff were over, Zhou Feiming only got useful clues from Li Fu.

Others said they didn't know Zhang Kong.

"I always feel... someone is lying." Zhou Feiming said to Queen Bai.

"Reminder, the 'mind reading' function of Son of Dragon S can detect lie." The White Queen said.


It is the precise capture function of Dragon Son S for facial expressions.

This function is the technical foundation of "wide-angle command output", which can judge whether there is any sign of lying when reading a person's command.

"With such a good thing, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Zhou Feiming hurriedly went out and drove Son of Dragon S into an open space in the Suzhou Museum.


Called all the staff again for one-on-one questioning.

The question asked remains the same, but this time, Zhou Feiming sat next to Dragon Son S and asked the person being questioned to face Dragon Son S directly.

With such a car in front of it, it was hard for the museum staff not to notice.

When being questioned, basically everyone's eyes wandered on Dragon Son S.


Zhou Feiming asked...

"I'll ask again, this man's name is Zhang Kong, do you know him?

He picked up the photo on the roof of the Dragon Son S and shook it in his hand.

"do not know."

There is still a clear voice of denial.

"Okay, go and do your work, I'm fine now.

After everyone left,

Zhou Feiming got in the car and asked the White Queen.

"How? Can you see who's talking about panic?

The window shows the appearance of a person.

The White Queen said: "Only he avoided his gaze subconsciously when he saw the photo of Zhang Kong, and his gaze left the Son of Dragon S and shifted to the lower left..."

.....for flowers 0........

This is a typical feature of lying. Although he has deliberately concealed it and avoided Zhou Feiming's observation, he still cannot escape the delicate capture of the White Queen.

"I knew that there must be someone behind this Zhang Kong to help."

Zhou Feiming snapped his fingers, "How can he accomplish such a delicate theft by himself? If you want to understand the habits of everyone in the museum, and even the monitoring settings, it is impossible without insiders to provide clues."


Zhou Feiming found two suspects within a day.


He went to the back road that Li Fu said.


It is found that it is a very smooth road, and the possibility of ordinary people walking on it and wrestling is very low.

What's more, Li Fu was still holding a porcelain vase at the time, so he was naturally more careful.

"He actually happened to fall down at that time, and he just happened to bump into Zhang Kong."

Zhou Feiming said, and suddenly understood.

"Li Fu's wrestling was deliberately designed by Zhang Kong. Just after the porcelain bottle slipped from his hand, Zhang Kong caught it in time, and used the blind spot of vision to exchange the fake porcelain bottle for Li Fu. 35

The White Queen said first, "Zhang Kong has the experience of stealing and is naturally agile, and Li Fu is old and slow to get up, so Zhang Kong has a great chance. 35

"I said, sister, since this time has come, can you leave such an opportunity to pretend to be analyzed to me.

Zhou Feiming said helplessly.

He completely agreed with the White Queen's analysis.

It must be here that Zhang Kong changed the porcelain vases in front of Li Fu.

Poor Li Fu had always thought that what he was carrying into the monitoring room was a real porcelain vase.

As such,

Zhang Kong's treasure stealing process became less mysterious.

Because the porcelain bottle in the monitoring room was originally fake, if you want to take it away, you can just smash it and go out through the vent.

And the provocative eyes he left to the police were precisely to make the police feel how clever he was.

Let even Zhou Feiming not consciously think in complicated directions.

"Cunning, cunning enough.

Zhou Feiming gritted his teeth and said.

"But, this time, I see how you can hide?" Eight,

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