Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 372 The bloodthirsty capital competition is eyeing Wuling! 【Subscribe!】

on foreign networks,

Due to the speed of the Dragon Son S, the Dragon Son S forum also flooded into a large number of riders.

A small forum is approaching the "international version of the circle of car friends".

Not only the riders who like the Dragon Son S, but also the riders who like other brands have posted their posts here.

There are also people who want to imitate the Dragon Son S forum to establish other brands of car forums, but they all fail.

For now,

Looking at the whole world, there is really no car - even the top supercar except the Son of Dragon S - that has no such appeal, and can gather so many riders in a short period of time.

The influence of Dragon Son S Forum is challenging Facebook's status with its unparalleled user viscosity and unique social attributes.

Last few years,

Facebook has always been criticized.

Some people ridiculed Zach, who is at the helm of Facebook, for not making progress, blindly pursuing interests and ignoring user experience~.

There are also politicians who have repeatedly expressed concern about Facebook, saying that Facebook has repeatedly used its social dominance and may interfere in a country's elections.


The fact is that Facebook has long used its own media attributes to firmly control the voices of the people and steadily interfere in the election.

Since Zach failed in the Xiaguo market, his face has been completely exposed.

From a "good man" who is "nuclear good", he has become a capitalist through and through.

In the face of doubts, all kinds of salacious operations continued.

As a result, the market value of Facebook has grown slowly, gradually falling from the top three giants in the world to the top ten.

And recently,

Zach even defied all opinions and resolutely changed the company name to "mate", allowing the company to turn its main business direction to the Metaverse.

The so-called metaverse is nothing more than a new method used by capitalists to cut the leeks of shareholders.

This time,

Investors all over the world seem to see clearly that the name change did not bring any big benefit to Facebook, but instead made a lot of ridicule.

With the rise of YouTube, Netflix and other media software,

Facebook is gradually losing its social and media dominance.

Catching up with the sudden popularity of the Dragon Son S forum, and under the frequent pressure of the board of directors, Zach finally felt the crisis.

"Your decision made the company fall into crisis time and time again, and it also suffered pressure from fishing boats, and the company's stock price fell again and again. We can no longer see your dedication to the company, only a moth is constantly eating the group. As the helm, do you really have a firm seat in this position?"

on the board,

An old man slapped the conference table heavily, pointed to Zach's nose with a trembling finger, and said loudly.

After speaking,

Due to the excitement, I couldn't stop panting.

The others listened to his words, and although no one made a statement, they all nodded silently.

Zach looked around and felt the pressure on the board again.

The last time was also on the board of directors, a group of shareholders voted jointly to let him resign from the helm of Facebook.

Fortunately, with the "one-vote veto", Zach kept his position.

Looking at the talking old man, Zach showed a disgusted expression.

Last time, this guy took the lead and organized a joint vote, and this time he took the lead.

It would be fine if he was alone, but other shareholders felt that he was right.

In this case,

It was very embarrassing for Zach.

At this time,

Another shareholder got up, picked up a document, and pushed it in front of Zach.

"This is a resolution we jointly drafted, regarding the acquisition of Dragon Son S, you should take a look first.

Zach didn't speak, just took the file and browsed it.

"Because of your inaction, or your counter-action, the company's influence in the social world has been reduced a lot, and the Dragon Son S forum was born, challenging the status of familiar faces.

The man said again, "I want to know, as the person at the helm of the company, are you really thinking about the company?"

"'re going to let the Dragon Son S Forum grow and become equal to Facebook?

He originally wanted to say "replace Facebook", because the development speed of the Dragon Son S Forum has far exceeded industry estimates, and the number of registrations has surged every day.

If ignored, the final result is likely to be "replacement".

But in order to stabilize the mood of other members of the board, he temporarily said it was "equal"


Zach took a quick look at the document and was impressed by the rationale for the acquisition.

Based on the current number of users of the Dragon Son S Forum and the level of user activity, if it is listed, it is roughly estimated that the current market value is at least 10 billion US dollars.

It belongs to the "unicorn" with the fastest growth rate, and its market value is on a higher level every day.


"I really can't imagine that such an inconspicuous little forum has grown to this point in less than a month. 55

Zach was surprised, "If you let it go for a while, I'm afraid it will really have an impact that can't be ignored.

"Then what are you going to do?" the board asked.

"I approved this acquisition. 35

Zach is full of confidence, "I will give a price that he cannot refuse. Rest assured, the Dragon Son S Forum will eventually become a subsidiary of the company."5

"Even if the final acquisition is unsuccessful, while watching the acquisition, I have already figured out a back-up plan.

The so-called back-up plan,

That is, when the acquisition failed, he used the influence of Facebook to imitate a "Son of Dragon S Forum".


Zach even thought of a name and called it "Facebook Forum"

After all,

The international Facebook and Xia's domestic Penguins behave in the same style.

In the face of a new "unicorn", either spend a lot of money to acquire it, then enter the board of directors and eat its traffic.

Either plagiarize an identical version, use its own drainage to make it bigger, and coerce the original company into selling itself.

The old capitalist's game.

After the board meeting, Zach handed the acquisition plan to the assistant secretary.

"Instruct the marketing department to acquire the Dragon Son S Forum as quickly as possible, and suppress the price within five billion US dollars. 39

Zach's eyes were suddenly cold and cold, "When necessary, you can use threats, and you must take down the Dragon Son S Forum."

"No social media in the world can challenge Facebook's status.

"Once you buy the Dragon Son S Forum, you can start copying the function and swallowing the traffic.

The assistant secretary nodded and left with the documents.

"The competition of capital is full of blood, and it is my fault that you are too hard-edged. 35

Zach stood on the spot and whispered again, "The bloodthirsty competition, to teach you a lesson, is also for Wuling to see.

"I want Ye Qiu to know, don't easily challenge other fields... you can't play."

Ps: The bosses have been waiting for a long time. Happy New Year to everyone. Here, the bosses are kowtowing to the New Year, wishing the wives and concubines a group, a happy family, and a long life. Orz!!! Eight,

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