Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 378 Ye Qiu's new brain hole, the prince of corners! 【Subscription】


Ye Qiu was sitting in the office and suddenly sneezed several times in a row.

What he didn't know was that he obviously did nothing, but he had become Facebook Zach's number one enemy.

at this time,

The Internet has already been bombed, and almost all people are discussing the "Battle of the Century" incident.

"Is the headline on the front page of the New York Times today so shocking? The battle of the century between Wuling and Facebook, just reading the headline makes one's blood boil."

"Although I am not very optimistic about Wuling, I admire Wuling's courage to challenge social giants.

"It's hard to imagine that an acquisition of a social forum turned out to be a defeat for Facebook. Wuling can always surprise people.

"It is precisely because Facebook lost to Wuling that the follow-up development of the whole thing is full of expectations. I don't know what new methods Wuling will have."

"It was the first time I saw that the "190" book on the face was defeated in the social field. It was really comforting to read."


"I always feel that Wuling is going to be miserable. If you dare to shout on Facebook, Wuling may have to suffer."

"With the despicable behavior of Facebook in the past, since it lost to Wuling in the acquisition of the Dragon Son S forum, it will definitely make unspeakable actions afterward. The giants of America are always like this, especially Facebook, in the In the competition for interests, it has always been a low-ranking person."

"I just hope that Wuling can persevere in the past, and let us see... even a group as big as Facebook has to swallow the evil consequences of failure.

"It's basically impossible. Objectively speaking, Wuling only builds cars. It's still a bit difficult to fight Facebook socially."

"Although I don't want to admit it, after all, it is I who just became a loyal fan of Wuling because of Dragon Son S, but I have to mention Wuling's concerns."5


"Do you really not support Wuling seriously?"

"I have decided to support Wuling without a brain until the day when Wuling turns to Facebook."

"Brother, there are very few people who support you, but count me in.

"As a European, I'm really fed up with Facebook. I don't know when the EU's astronomical fine for Facebook will be approved."9

"As long as someone deals with Facebook, I will definitely support it. 99


There are no taboos for foreign netizens to chat on the Internet.

Say whatever comes to your mind, and don't be afraid to offend anyone.

Judging from the comments of netizens, most netizens are on Wuling's side, but they have different opinions.

Most of the netizens who support it tend to be worried, thinking that Wuling's confrontation with Facebook is hitting a stone with a pebble.

A small number of netizens said that it doesn't matter, they don't care about the final result, they just want to support Wuling and take revenge on Facebook.

The rest, the netizens who do not support Wuling, do not support Facebook either.

They are just not optimistic about Wuling, but they are not happy because Facebook won the final victory.

It can be seen from this,

Facebook's reputation on the Internet has almost dropped to freezing point.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing Facebook jokes.

Even the local netizens of Meilijian scoffed at Facebook.

This situation also brought heat to the New York Times article to a certain extent, creating a situation of "paper is expensive in Luoyang".

The newspapers of the day were sold out, and some people started to recycle them at high prices.

There are many people who collect newspapers.

In their view, this "Battle of the Century" may be an important historical turning point.

Once it is remembered by the world, then the newspapers of the same period must have collection value, especially the famous New York Times.

For the remarks of netizens, Zach also saw it completely.

But he didn't have time to get angry about it.

The downward trend of Facebook's stock price has not stopped so far, and the board of directors has issued an ultimatum to him.

If the stop loss is not completed, the next impeachment of the board of directors will definitely hurt Zach.

"Immediately arrange software manpower, and within three days, a brand new 'Dragon Son S Forum' will be imitated.

Zach instructed his subordinates, "After passing the review, publish it directly, and then use Facebook to drain traffic, and then implement the next plan..."

The next plan is to arrange for people to go to the Dragon Son S forum to dig people, direct all potential forum owners to Facebook, and reduce the content attraction of the Dragon Son S forum.

The main competitiveness of the Dragon Son S Forum is the continuous creation of posts by car enthusiasts.

"As long as these posts no longer appear on the Dragon Son S forum, but on Facebook, I see what you are arguing about with me."5

Zach said with a gloomy face, "It's impossible to keep users for free, but if you spend money..."

"Wuling? Can you compare to my Facebook?"


Because of Zach's sassy operation, Facebook put the core on the metaverse and changed its name to "meta"

But after gaining a brief attention, the American "leeks" did not give Zack face, and their attention to Facebook became lower and lower.

This situation indirectly led Wall Street to lower its expectations for Facebook's stock price.

until now,

Facebook's stock price has fallen by more than 20%.

No wonder the board panicked and kept urging Zach to do something.

It's a pity that for the failure of the acquisition of Dragon Son S, Zach finally decided to invest his capital to fight against Wuling.

over the Xia country,

Ye Qiu didn't realize that on the international network, the situation in the social world was already very serious.


He only occasionally pays attention to Dragon Son S's orders.

When all the orders are completed, the system rewards will almost arrive.

at the same time,

In order to ensure the absolute competitiveness of Wuling, Ye Qiu began to think about the new car.

This feels normal to Ye Qiu, but if it spreads to other car company bosses, they will definitely think this guy is crazy.

As far as Wuling's current competitiveness is concerned,

There are Wuling mini series at low prices, and a convertible is also made.

The electric car has Chitu, and it has also completed the listing of Meriken, and the stock price is rising day by day.

The high-end car series has the Hongqi series, and the supercar has the Dragon Son series.

Pickup Leviathan, 0.8 cross-country jumper.

There are even excavators.

It's hard to tell what kind of shortcomings Wuling has, but Ye Qiu wants to ensure that Wuling is invincible in all directions.

Ye Qiu opened the file and wrote a plan.

Almost without thinking too much, the plan of several thousand words was completed.

It can be seen that Ye Qiu has already done enough preparations and has a clear direction in his mind.

"Either make a RV, or be the 'Prince of the Curve', or..."

Ye Qiu pondered for a moment, "Make a facelift and upgrade to the car series."

"Compared to the early Wuling, with my current technology and looking at the original cars, many of them are already outdated.

"Wait for the reward from the system this time, and see if there is any cool technology that can be used.

"It's better to be a hundred years ahead of the world, I'm still happy to accept it...

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