Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 385: Son of Dragon S, can you play your life? 【Subscription】

Windbreaker, leather shoes, sunglasses, plus the incomparable Dragon Son S behind him.

Sun Xiangwei's appearance can be described as dazzling.

Lao Huang and his friends were stunned, their eyes full of envy.

behind the crowd,

A little girl couldn't help grabbing her best friend's arm, jumping with excitement.

"Slutty, pay attention to your image."

The girlfriend held her down hard.

in front of the crowd,

Sun Xiangwei held up the flower placed in the co-pilot of Dragon Son S, and walked to Zhou Xiaoli with a pretense of grace.

"Zhou Xiaoli, I like you, give me a chance to express and be your lover, okay?"

He didn't say his girlfriend, but his lover directly.

This way of confession was learned from one of his friends who wrote novels.

The author's friend, the mother and child, is single until now, and she has never even held a girl's hand.

It belongs to one who dares to teach and one who dares to learn.


Some things have filter effects, such as money.

Under the halo of money, even Sun Xiangwei made such a greasy confession.

In the eyes of everyone, it is still full of infatuation.

Some girls have already started to bump into the deer in their hearts. Although the heroine is not her, it does not affect her from being nympho.

Facing the flowers handed over, Zhou Xiaoli suddenly didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, she was rational enough to not be knocked down by Sun Xiangwei's sugar-coated cannonballs.

At a critical moment, she remembered what her best friend had taught her just now.

"The more critical it is, the more cruelly you have to kick the man away, so that he will cherish you more."

The best friend said, "I can't let him think that he is high, and we must suppress him severely and use his face...


Zhou Xiaoli seemed to understand everything.

Instead of picking up Sun Xiangwei's flowers, she turned her head aside.


Sun Xiangwei's chest tightened, and he almost didn't hold the flower in his hand.

It was the first time he was rejected by a girl in front of so many people.

Zhou Xiaoli's best friend praised her behind her back.

Well done ladies.

"I know". "Sun Xiangwei was discouraged, "You won't accept me no matter what, right?"

"You wake up, the possibility between us is almost zero."

Zhou Xiaoli said, "Do you think you are rich and can afford a luxury car, so you can chase whomever you want?

Sun Xiangwei was stunned for a moment.

Is not it?

"Love is about soul fit, and between us, I can't feel any soul collision.

Zhou Xiaoli continued, "It's like you drive a luxury car, but what I want is the sky. Because you like me, can your luxury car fly? 39

"Fuck, this girl speaks so profoundly that I was stunned for a moment." Someone whispered from behind.

I don't know how to do it, but on a serious occasion, Sun Xiangwei's heart was stunned by teasing words.

Other cars may not really be able to, but this is the Son of Dragon S, it works.

Seeing that Sun Xiangwei didn't speak, Zhou Xiaoli thought that his "strike" had worked.

She decided to take advantage of the situation to kick again.

"See that broken viaduct?"

Zhou Xiaoli pointed not far away.

There is a viaduct that is being renovated, and a section in the middle has been demolished, and new cement materials have not yet been delivered.

The entrance to the viaduct has been blocked with banners, prohibiting anyone from driving on the viaduct.

"Can you finish that elevated section with your luxury car? No. 39

Zhou Xiaoli shook his head, "Neither can we."

"What if it could? 35 Sun Xiangwei suddenly retorted.

"Are you crazy?" Zhou Xiaoli said in surprise.

"Then what if it could?" Sun Xiangwei said again, his tone more firm.

At this time,

Suddenly someone in the crowd roared.

"Come one, come one, come one..."

Just after shouting a few words, the person next to him slapped him on the back of his head.

"Stupid, are you crazy too? Can this be fooled?"

What is that?

That's a viaduct that breaks from the middle. Do you think it's the drainage ditch of your rural hometown?

The gap in the middle of the viaduct is at least fifteen meters long. No matter how fast he runs a supercar, can he fly over it?

Do you really think it's a plane?

Fly over without sprinting through a ramp?

Are you having a brain bubble?

The guy who was booing also quickly realized the inappropriateness of his words, lowered his head and hid behind the crowd.

Sun Xiangwei didn't mean to back down at all.

"Then what if it is possible?" He asked Zhou Xiaoli firmly again.

Zhou Xiaoli was a little overwhelmed by the question.


She just wanted to connect the broken viaduct, expressing that the fate of the two was not in place, and wanted to suppress Sun Xiangwei.

no idea,

He actually took it straight.

Zhou Xiaoli is also a strong person.

She looked into Sun Xiangwei's eyes and nodded, "If I can really fly over, I will promise to be your girlfriend.

The rich second generation likes to talk quickly.

I can't believe it, you really dare to drive a luxury car to the viaduct... Zhou Xiaoli is not convinced.

""That's good, you'll be optimistic."

Sun Xiangwei's expression was calm, and all the playful breaths were instantly put away.

Like an arrogant man who is desperate for his promises.

He put the flowers back in the co-pilot and sat back in the Dragon Son S by himself.

Just as the door was about to drop,

Lao Huang hurried to him and said with a worried look: "Brother, forget it, there's no need to play like this."

Driving over the viaduct, there are not many movies like this.

Isn't this a rush to die?

Lao Huang got angry, stood up, pointed at Zhou Xiaoli and yelled loudly.

"No, I said Zhou Xiaoli, if you don't like Westbrook, just say you don't like it, why do you have to do it like this?"

"Looks like you're unique? Or does it look like you're classy? You have to watch people play for your life?"

"We men deserve to be played with by your women, right?"

Hearing what Lao Huang said, the crowd watching the excitement also whispered.

"Yeah, look what this said (Denuo's)?"

"People are still infatuated with Westbrook and more money. If you don't like it, you don't like it. You still have to stand on the so-called commanding heights of love and issue orders, and put on a 'beacon fire show lords' here? 35

"Even if it's the 'Fenghuo opera princes', he didn't let King Zhou You go to die, he's going to play with his life.

"Thinking this is the white lotus flower of love? In my opinion, this kind of behavior will only make me look more like a 'female watch', and why are you planning to set up an archway?"

"It can only be said that Westbrook is a real man, and he doesn't even have a fearful expression on his face when he talks about flying over the viaduct, it's really manly.

"From today, I will no longer have any prejudice against Westbrook, Westbrook is my role model.


For the first time, Zhou Xiaoli was accused of standing on the commanding heights, and the sudden grievance made her bow her head shyly.

She was too anxious, and did not expect to cause the current situation.

He wanted to go to stop Sun Xiangwei, but he couldn't hold back his face.

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