Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 387 If you want to die, the Son of Dragon S will accompany him! 【Subscription】

Facts once again prove that

There is nothing that Dragon Son S can't solve, not even love.

Even the love that is full of difficulties, and even life-threatening, is also not a problem.

"Zhou Xiaoli, what else do you have to say now?~"

Sun Xiangwei got out of the car and handed the bouquet to Zhou Xiao-li with a proud face.

"I have nothing to say."

Zhou Xiaoli received the bouquet in her hand.

There was a burst of warm applause from the crowd.

Someone whispered with emotion: "This love is not easy to come by. It turns out that rich people have to work so hard to get love. 99

"So, women and so on are all floating clouds, which will only affect the speed at which we draw our swords.

The man next to him replied.

Sun Xiangwei took Zhou Xiaoli's hand and took her to his car.

The girlfriends behind her frowned and looked remorseful.

Lao Huang felt much more comfortable when he saw that Sun Xiangwei had finally gained love.

Although he had many opinions on Zhou Xiaoli, he was relieved to see that his friend liked her so much.

At this time,

Suddenly someone shouted at Lao Huang.

"Old Huang, you have been with him. You must have seen the magical scene of Westbrook flying over the fracture of the viaduct? Tell us about it."5

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately followed suit.

"Yeah, it's a pity we didn't see such an awesome scene."

"That's right, hurry up, tell us quickly, and make sure the details are clear.

"I would like to express the mood at the time. When Westbrook flew over, were you both scared and excited?

"What does the Dragon Son S look like when it takes off?"

There were more and more questions, and Lao Huang was embarrassed to be asked.

His old face was full of regrets.

"I didn't see Dragon Son S flying past, and when I arrived, Westbrook was already on the other side of the viaduct. 35

"It's boring. The crowd of 39 was a burst of regret.

"Or, let Westbrook perform for us again?"

Another guy said nothing.

Not surprisingly, what greeted him was just a crit on the back of the head.

"Stupid. The person next to him glared at him.

No matter how good-looking it is, it is a life-threatening life.

Westbrook finally passed by, but you still want them to do it again.


You have to let people have an accident to find it interesting, right?

Besides, don't look at everyone's flattery, do you really think everyone is convinced?


Don't say it, it's true.

None of the people present saw the process of Sun Xiangwei flying over the viaduct, and they would inevitably have doubts in their hearts.

Although of all the possibilities, only Sun Xiangwei has a higher possibility of flying over.

But it is human nature to see that others are powerful, and always think in the direction of speculation unconsciously.

Most of the people thought in their hearts that Sun Xiangwei must have found a hidden passage on the elevated and opened it directly.

A small number of people decided to secretly check the viaduct tomorrow, find the hidden passage, and expose Sun Xiangwei.

There were even fewer people who thought it was just a show by Sun Xiangwei and Zhou Xiaoli.

The purpose is to show how powerful he is in front of the crowd.

In general,

All flattery is false.


Everyone knows the proportions, and dare not refute Sun Xiangwei's face.


Except for the dumb idiot.

"Okay, then I'll bring it to you again." Sun Xiangweihao said angrily.

"Fuck, Westbrook, you are serious.

The crowd exclaimed.

"Of course, when I speak with Westbrook, can there be a fake? 35

Sun Xiangwei waved his hand, "Let's go, go over there and wait to see how I will show you the leap over the fault viaduct.


He held Zhou Xiaoli's hand, "How about an exciting leap with me?"

"No, no, you can play.

Zhou Xiaoli shook her head quickly and broke free from Sun Xiangwei's hand.

"Alright then, you can also go over there and watch with them, so that you can see what a chariot is."5

Sun Xiangwei didn't force her, and got into the car on his own.

everyone sees it,

Quickly ran under the viaduct, waiting for a wonderful performance.

Some people have not forgotten to look around to see if they can find the so-called hidden passage.

The result, of course, was nothing.

A group of people looked eagerly at the viaduct.

At the entrance, the engine of Dragon Son S roared again.

Sun Xiangwei has the successful experience just now, and this time he is more confident.

Without any hesitation, he rushed forward with the Son of Dragon S, and there was no fear at the break.

•••••••*#0•• …

Everyone saw that under the night sky, the blue Dragon Son S crossed the fracture of the viaduct and flew into the air.


There was a neat exclamation under the bridge.

With a fracture length of more than fifteen meters, when Dragon Son S leaped to the middle, the body unexpectedly jumped up.

It is such an action that lifts the front of the Dragon Son S upwards.

Taking advantage of the airflow, it flew over successfully.

"What the hell am I looking at?" Someone under the bridge exclaimed.

"I don't know what I'm watching, but I always think it's very cool, so I recorded it. This kind of shocking famous scene, if it is posted on the Internet, will definitely get a lot of views. 99

"I'm going, why didn't I think of it? Hurry up, send me a copy, and I'll share it too.


"You want to be beautiful. If you want, go to my car friend circle and download it. Haha, I'm finally going to be popular."

"Damn, you took such a good opportunity away.


not long after,

Sun Xiangwei drove the Son of Dragon S to the crowd again.

"Look, no matter how many times, I can fly over.

After getting out of the car, he said confidently, "Because this is the Son of Dragon S, a veritable supercar.

"Wuling is so awesome, I kneel down." Everyone sighed.

this night,

Certainly not unusual.

Someone who saw the famous scene of Son of Dragon S would be so excited that they couldn't sleep at night.

Some people lie to more friends for the sake of their friends, and lose sleep because they want to make excuses to fool the past.

There are also people who see that their best friend has gained a rich second generation, but it is difficult to accept this fact, and they have to toss and turn all night.

And the rich second generation embraced the beauty, and the night must be a lingering night.

If the story ends here, it seems to be a happy ending.

But obviously not...

Because the next day, Sun Xiangwei broke up with Zhou Xiaoli, or dumped her forcibly.

The reason is very simple,

After Zhou Xiaoli became Sun Xiangwei's person, she thought she was the winner of this man.

She then explained a series of things such as why she ignored Sun Xiangwei at Lao Huang's twenty-seventh birthday party, and why her best friend asked her to kick Sun Xiangwei away as much as possible.

After speaking,

The love that Sun Xiangwei just got... Broken eight.

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