Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 389 Wuling turned the face on Facebook! 【Subscription】

"Just looking at the text is not good. Does anyone want to see how the Dragon Son S flew over the fracture of the viaduct?"

This comment is a bit of a wake-up call.

The riders responded one after another and continued to urge Sun Xiangwei to post the video of Son of Dragon S.

This stumped Sun Xiangwei.

"Please be rational, everyone, I am the person sitting in the car, how can I make a video?"

Sun Xiangwei retorted.

"It seems to be the case."

After the riders figured out the logic, they let him go.


Sun Xiangwei also fell out of favor.

His usefulness is over.

If you can't even provide a video, there is no need for tracking.

Then came another lucky man who was favored.

He is also a friend of Lao Huang, and the only person who recorded the video that night.

He seized the opportunity very accurately, and just when everyone was anxious, he released the video of Son of Dragon S.


He also followed a small fire.

Car friends have left messages.

"Although the image quality is a bit low at 25 grams, the flight process of the Dragon Son S can basically be seen clearly, which is very good."

"I'll go, look at the length of this fracture, at least the length of three Dragon Sons S, I can't believe it can fly through it."

"I would never have believed such a thing if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes."9

"If it wasn't for Wuling, I wouldn't believe it was a car.

"Only Wuling has this ability."


"Everyone, look carefully, when Dragon Son S leaped to the middle of the fracture, did the body bend a bit?"

"Really, is this the bending attribute of the Dragon Son S? It was used in this kind of place, so I learned a lot.

"It's like a soaring carp, it's very interesting to look at.""

"Interesting? That's right. This is a classic masterpiece born after Wuling's father was controversial."

"Quick, share the video on the Dragon Son S forum.

International side,

Netizens' attention is also focused on the "Battle of the Century"


This thing is basically over.

Although the video of Dragon Son S has also attracted a lot of attention there, it is still not as good as "Battle of the Century"


Ye Qiu followed the riders and looked at the Dragon Son S forum again.

"These people are really persistent, and they are very embarrassing. He complained.


Turn off your phone and get back to work.

After a few days,

America, Facebook headquarters.

Sidney, the head of the technical department, was in the conference room, reporting the progress of the work to Zach.

"According to the basic requirements, we have copied the functions of the Dragon Son S forum and created a brand new Facebook car forum

"All the functions are there, President, take a look. 99

Sidney said, handing Zack the phone for testing.

There is only one app on it, signed facecar, and the icon is a supercar.

And the shape of the supercar,

Compared with the Son of Dragon S, it cannot be said that it is very similar, only the same.

Only Facebook dares to do such a blatant copying behavior.

Zach clicked on the app, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the Dragon Son S forum.

Look at each other on both sides.

Except for the difference in content, other aspects are basically the same.

The Facebook car forum has not been officially released, and it is normal to have no content.

"Good, well done.

Zach nodded and praised, "Everyone has worked hard these days."


He also instructed Sidney, "The launch of the app also needs your attention. I have decided to launch it tomorrow."5


Zach's wording makes the status clear.

In his sense,

Sidney is only responsible for watching the app go online, and the person who makes the order is Zach.

That is,

This decision is beyond doubt.

But Sidney, after all, is just a techie, and doesn't understand the way of observation in the workplace at all.

He pushed the words back.

"President, I think the app will be launched tomorrow, and I'm still a little anxious.""

"Although my colleagues worked overtime and produced the app as quickly as possible, the final internal test has not been completed.

"There must be a lot of bugs hidden in it, we haven't found it yet."

"If it goes online rashly, it is very likely to bring a bad user experience to users."

"So, I think, is it possible to postpone..."

Sidney said, but found that Zach's face became more and more ugly.

Facebook has been clouded lately because of Zach's moodiness.

this point,

Sidney could still feel it.

At this time, Zach was beginning to exude anger.

Sidney's heart had begun to beat wildly, and his voice became less and less, until he dared not face him again.

"I said... I decided to go online tomorrow."

Zach said word by word, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Is it clear enough?"9


Sidney nodded quickly in agreement.

No matter how much dissatisfaction there is in his heart, when facing his boss, he can only swallow it up.

This may be the tragedy of a social animal.


Following Zach's insistence, the Facebook car forum went live the next day.

At first no one paid attention.

But as Facebook's own son, Zach naturally won't let it go unnoticed.

"Let the technical department cooperate with the marketing department immediately and use Facebook to attract traffic to it. 99

Zach ordered, "In three days, I want to see our Facebook car forum surpass the Dragon Son S forum in size.

this time,

You guys are all learned.

As soon as Zach's order came, everyone hurried into action.

190 under the dark cloud,

At Facebook headquarters, no one dared to disobey Zach.

With the world's No. 1 social app attracting traffic, the Facebook car forum quickly grew up.

The number of users exceeded one million in a day.

In order to expand the publicity, Zach found the New York Times again.

Upgrade "Battle of the Century".

An interview video was also specially recorded, in order to carry the heat to the end.

The New York Times also lived up to its promise, and released an article that night.

[Pursue or encircle? Facebook launches a new forum, targeting the Dragon Son S forum...]

This title is very controversial, in order to attract readers' attention.

Another thought will be expressed. Wuling and Facebook have completely turned their faces, and the two sides have already faced each other.

But in the end who wins, the New York Times does not say or give analysis.

to whet the appetite of readers.

And about Zach's interview, it will not be released.

After discussion, the New York Times editorial department decided to push the matter separately.

One progress a day, firmly grasping the reader's heart.

turn out,

The New York Times succeeded.

More and more people are paying attention to the "Battle of the Century", and even the sales of newspapers are also rising.

Also benefited from Zach's Facebook car forum, as well as the Dragon Son S forum.

The number of registrations on both sides is growing.

The Dragon Son S Forum is also gradually approaching the ranks of the world's first-class apps.

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