Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 397 My damn charm, why is it invalid for Ye Qiu?

In addition to the "Battle of the Century", the Dragon Son S supercar has also been paid attention to.

Gu Yuwei went to Wuling with the camera assistant to prepare for a big event.

Just arrived at Wuling headquarters, Ye Qiu's secretary was already waiting at the door.

Miss Sister is also a fan of Gu Yuwei, and she recognized Gu Yuwei in a chic dress at a glance.

"Miss Gu Yuwei, please, Mr. Ye, I'll be waiting for you here.

"You know me?" Gu Yuwei was surprised.

"I believe that anyone who likes geeks should have no one who doesn't know the famous Gu Yuwei. Miss 35 is playful.

Gu Yuwei is famous in China for being extreme and geeky, plus she supports Wuling without any scruples, and the number of fans has reached 50 million.

"Wow, do you like geeks too?" Gu Yuwei asked.

Like finding a bosom friend, his expression is full of surprise.

Geeks refer to people who are extremely fascinated by technology and have outstanding technical abilities, usually mainly men.

It's not that there are no girls who like geeks, but very few.

Today, I actually met in Wuling, who was Ye Qiu's secretary, and Gu Yuwei immediately felt very cordial.

"I like it, I'm obsessed, but I don't have the ability to be a geek, so I can only watch from a distance."

The secretary said regretfully, "Sometimes I envy you for your super-hands-on ability and unrestrained imagination. Any simple electronic component can become infinitely brilliant in your hands, which is simply fascinating.

The young lady glanced at her slender hands and continued, "I'm always clumsy, and sometimes I make mistakes in what Mr. Ye has arranged, so I'm not destined to become a geek.

"It can't be said that, you also have your own shining points, as long as time passes, you will be a great person. 99

Gu Yuwei grabbed Miss Sister's hand and said sincerely, "Trust me, you have a bright future too.

at this time,

Gu Yuwei just turned against the light.

The sun shines through her long straight hair, making her whole person full of psychedelic colors.

In addition, Gu Yuwei's beautiful face is also handsome, and her eyes are straight to the soul of the young lady, and it only takes a moment to tease people.


The young lady spoke incoherently in bits and pieces.

His eyes were full of admiration, and an indescribable feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.

Damn, this woman in front of me is so handsome, I can't help but want to like her.


The young lady's expression was startled, she blinked her big eyes a few times, and her eyes became dazed.

what happened?

Why do I feel that the atmosphere is not right, it looks orange in the orange.

However, Goddess Gu is really handsome.

for a time

The little sister actually enjoyed the touch of her little hand being held by Gu Yuwei.

Am I crazy... The little sister questioned herself enthusiastically.

Oops, I don't know what's going on, that's all.

The lady's heart began to rot.

One of the two didn't know they were flirting, and the other was addicted to being flirted with.

Until the assistant lady coughed several times.

"Cough cough cough..."

These coughs were not to break the atmosphere, but to remind Gu Yuwei.

Gu Yuwei, who has both the aura of a queen and a noble son, always attracts people from time to time.

If it's a man, it doesn't matter.

After all, if a beauty like her can't attract men, it can only be because the world is too crazy.


The problem is that she always attracts women, which makes it even crazier.

It can be said,

Half of Gu Yuwei's fans are attracted by her personality.

most of the time,

Gu Yuwei was clearly teasing, but she didn't know it.

This requires the assistant lady to maintain a sober sanity and remind her on the side.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally offended you, Miss. 35

Gu Yuwei came back to her senses, let go of Miss Secretary's hand, turned her head aside and said.

She knew that she was unwittingly exuding charm again.

"No, it's fine.

The young lady blushed and walked over to the front over Gu Yuwei.


Gu Yuwei asked the assistant lady in a low voice, "Did I cross the line just now?

"Why not? 35

The assistant rolled his eyes, "I just figured that in a little while, they'll make a secret promise to you for the rest of their lives.


Gu Yuwei shuddered, goosebumps all over her body.

"It's scary, let's go quickly and put an end to this topic. 55

She is not someone who likes to show off her feelings, but sometimes, the damn charm can't be controlled.

To this,

Gu Yuwei was also very distressed.

"Since I'm so attractive, why doesn't it have any effect on Ye Qiu?

while walking,

Gu Yuwei suddenly muttered to herself.

"That's because you get nervous as soon as you see Ye Qiu, and your charm is naturally restrained. How can you attract him?"

・・・・・Seeking flowers 0.......

The assistant lady passed Gu Yuwei, shook her head and said.

"Sure enough, I am a fan of the authorities, and bystanders are clear. Oh, love is really unpredictable."

"Hey, I said you are..."

Gu Yuwei stared, "How can you eavesdrop on other people's words?

laughing all the way,

The secretary and sister took the two to the rest room.

before leaving,

The young lady still didn't forget to look back at Gu Yuwei, and there seemed to be a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

Gu Yuwei smiled awkwardly and waved to the young lady.

"Hehehe, hard work, beautiful young lady.

"It's not hard, hehe.

The lady left happily.


Ye Qiu appeared in front of the lounge door.


"You're here.

The moment she saw Ye Qiu, Gu Yuwei got up quickly.


Facing Ye Qiu, she didn't even know how to say hello.

The camera assistant shook his head, thinking that his heart was helpless.

What do you mean by saying "you're here" when you meet?

I'm afraid it's not to express ignorance.

Fortunately, Ye Qiu didn't really care.

"Hmm." He nodded.

"Let's go. 35


Ye Qiu led the two to the garage.

Gu Yuwei came to Wuling this time to borrow a car.

She wants to use the Son of Dragon S supercar to conduct a comprehensive evaluation.

Before that,

Gu Yuwei never does car reviews.

Because in her opinion, the development of the car is too slow.

And in order to cater to more consumers, the configuration of traditional vehicles is getting lower and lower.

Even sports cars are gradually moving in the direction of light luxury.

It's not geeky at all.

Gu Yuwei yearns for any surprising technological product, except for cars.

It was not until the birth of Wuling Yator that she had a new understanding of high-end cars.


Taking advantage of the opportunity, she decided to do a review of the Dragon Son S supercar.

Before taking the test, you first need to borrow a car.

Gu Yuwei tried to contact Wuling, hoping to borrow a Dragon Son S from Wuling.

In her own opinion, this request seems a bit excessive.

To this,

Didn't hold out much hope either.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qiu agreed casually.

"No problem, when will you come to pick up the car?" Eight.

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