Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 41 I Am That Engineer! 【For Collection】

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran were still unable to crack the ESP system, which made them hate the engineers of Wuling.

Although Ye Qiu is not a professional electronic control expert.

However, he is very familiar with Wuling's electronic control system.

And during this time, he has been learning the knowledge of electronic control, and has the foundation of an engineer, so he has made rapid progress.

Looking at these two women, it is estimated that they will be late at night.

I still have things to do.

Two women are lying on a small table concentratingly.

And carefully discuss, try to crack.

Ye Qiu looked at it from behind, and the curves were simply beautiful.

But he's not the kind of wretched guy who takes advantage of his eyes.

At this time,

Yan Ran began to try to crack the system again.

But just as she was entering the program, Ye Qiu suddenly spoke.

"Why don't you try turning the 4WD system off first?"

What a simple question.

Why did you two struggle for so long?

"The four-wheel drive system is off?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!!"

this sentence,

Yan Ran was completely enlightened.

She hadn't thought about it before, but now that she thinks about it, Ye Qiu is right.


She immediately started to control it on the computer.

Turn off the 4WD first, then start hacking the ESP.

"It's done!!!"

That is ten seconds.

She successfully cracked the system that had tormented her for hours.

"Thank you so much, I didn't expect you to know this?"

After cracking the system, then relying on Qin Mengyao to adjust the balance and matching between the new motor, the battery pack and the system.

Yan Ran looked at Ye Qiu in surprise.

This handsome man is so powerful.

"Sister Ran Ran, he is amazing. Do you know that he is a senior automotive engineer. This is my friend."

"Look, I'll say I'm your lucky star. If I don't bring my little brother here today, you will definitely not be able to solve this problem."

"Do you want to do something for your lovely lucky star Little Sister?"

Ye Qiu hasn't spoken yet.

Qianqian came over immediately and stood between Ye Qiu and Yan Ran.

She is taking credit.

He lost 1,000 yuan for no reason, but did not take advantage of Ye Qiu.

Then why do you have to make up for it from the two sisters.

"I really want to thank my little lucky star. In this way, sister, I will personally reward you with 10,000 yuan."

Yan Ran smiled and pinched Doduo's face mischievously, her face full of pampering.

"Hee hee, sister is so nice."

Hearing 10,000 yuan, Qianqian didn't care about Yan Ran pinching her face.

And she secretly turned back and smiled proudly at Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu shook his head speechlessly.

"But although you have cracked the system, you can install high-horsepower motors and batteries."

"But I can tell you with certainty that the body strength of the Hongguang mini may not be enough. If the horsepower is too high and the instantaneous starting load is high, the body frame will be deformed."

"Also, a gearbox with a fixed gear ratio can't handle too much torque."

"By the way, did you change the gearbox?"

Wuling this car.

Especially the convertible version.

The body strength, if it is the original motor with 28 horsepower, there is no problem in driving it.

But if you replace it with a motor with more torque and more horsepower.

Definitely can't stand the powerful torque that burst out at that moment.

If the torque is too large, the most direct response is that the vehicle weight is unbalanced. When starting, it will instantly lean back, and the body column will be deformed.

Then when it starts, it rolls over directly.

"I can't see it, you know it quite well, but don't worry, we have already thought of this."


As for Ye Qiu's words, Qin Mengyao, who was controlling the computer, glanced at him unexpectedly.

Because Ye Qiu said it very professionally.

If these problems are not solved, it will definitely not work.

But Qin Mengyao is a designer and senior engineer in the automotive industry.

How could this not be prepared.

Yan Ran opened the car door and let Ye Qiu see what was inside.


The body steel frame, they have been re-strengthened.

And inside the car, the weights have also been re-balanced.

The gearbox has also been changed to be able to handle more torque.

Ye Qiu said nothing more.

Just be a quiet spectator, ready to enjoy the game for a while.

at the same time,

He is very interested in this Stephanie named Yaoyao, and this Ran Ran who can crack various car systems.

"When the game is over, talk to them."

Took half an hour.

Qin Mengyao has already taken care of everything.

A brand new Hongguang mini convertible, in addition to its appearance, it still looks like Wuling.

Almost all the core components inside have been refitted.

"Yaoyao, are you ready? We've been waiting for you for a long time."

A man's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Sounds a little frivolous.

"Go away, come out now."

Qin Mengyao did the final adjustment and put on a racing suit and helmet.

got into the car.

After all, it is a mountain road, and safety must be done well.

The garage door opened, and Qin Mengyao drove out.

Yan Ran and Qianqian cheer for her.

"Come on Yaoyao, win his Terras."

"Sister Yaoyao, come on, hello, little big brother, cheer for my sister Yaoyao too."

"Oh, come on."

Qin Mengyao, who was sitting in the car, made an OK gesture at the three of them.

Just backed out of the garage, and then drove the car to Panshan Road.

During the game, Ye Qiu didn't go.

Because there are too many people.

Moreover, Ye Qiu knew very well that even if the Hongguang mini was refitted, it was absolutely impossible for him to outrun Terras.

The wind resistance coefficient is not a class.

What's more, it was still running on the mountain road, and a gust of wind blew over, and the body of the Hongguang mini was about to shake.

"You said you were a senior automotive engineer? Which car company did you work for?"

Yan Ran was very curious about Ye Qiu.

With a single word, he solved the problem that he had been tortured for for a long time.

This shows that Ye Qiu is technologically powerful.

As a programmer and technology controller, Yan Ran really wants to communicate and learn from people who are stronger than himself.


She is as proud as she is in her heart, and she has never met a person who is professionally stronger than herself.

Ye Qiu was the first.

So Yan Ran was very curious about him.

"Tell me you can't hit me."

Ye Qiu looked a little strange, which made Yan Ran very strange.

"Why should I hit you, I'm not Yaoyao, I like to use violence."

That's best.

Ye Qiu shrugged and spread his hands, looking innocent: "I work in Wuling, and I'm the one you were scolding just now, the engineer who designed the Hongguang mini electronic control system."

PS: Ah... I haven't communicated with you for a long time. No one has spoken in the comment area for the past few days, and the data has not moved. Is it really that my writing is too bad, everyone gave up on me, woo woo... ...Is there anyone else watching it? I have a poor collection. If you are giving up on me, the author will really cry.

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