Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 56 Lying in the trough, Wuling Hongguang is awesome! 【Subscription】

"Hey, why are there so many people in the mountains tonight, I seem to have seen Qin Wudi just now."

Wuling Hongguang, who was galloping by, was passing by the parking lot, and the sharp-eyed Qin Mengyao seemed to see a lot of acquaintances.

"These guys have to come to this mountain for a party every few days and nights, and this place has almost become their exclusive racing arena."9

"Last time I was here and lost to Li Zhixian, but today, we directly beat a high-performance version of Terras.


For the last defeat, Qin Mengyao was very aggrieved.

Although I am not the one driving the car today, I built this car myself.

I personally built a perverted Wuling Hongguang van, and its performance directly beats the high-performance version of Tesla.

If this is said, it is estimated that no one will believe it.

"Look at the data carefully... I found that Yaoyao has a very crazy factor in your bones. 99

"If this was in ancient times, you must be a female bandit leader. 99

Along the way, the relationship between the three has completely changed.


After Yan Ran and Qin Mengyao's strong request, they called Yaoyao and Ranran directly.

And they also affectionately called Ye Qiu: Death Ye Qiu.

Ha ha……

To this,

Ye Qiu could only be dismissive.

Very helpless.

"Haha, female bandit leader? How do you know my childhood dream?

When she was very young, Qin Mengyao thought about the female bandits in the TV series.

If she grew up and lived in ancient times, she would definitely become a bandit.

What a great bandit.

Free to do whatever you want.

This sturdy woman really cannot be viewed with ordinary thinking.

Bai blinded her innocent and quiet appearance, but beneath her quiet appearance, there was a restless heart.

"What, do you think I have a problem?

Seeing that Ye Qiu didn't speak, Qin Mengyao suddenly pulled behind the driver's seat and asked viciously.

"Of course no problem, your dream is good, bandit is the most promising profession in the world."5

Ye Qiu pouted.


Yan Ran looked at the two bickering, covering her mouth and snickering.

Strange to say.

Before today, they just regarded Ye Qiu as a boss who could achieve their career dreams.

The relationship with him, 25 is not very good.

Even in front of Ye Qiu, Yan Ran was a little cautious.

However, after just racing, the three escaped from death, and Ye Qiu successfully saved their lives by relying on his perverted driving skills.

The relationship between the three became close.

Even at that moment, Yan Ran felt like Ye Qiu had been friends for many years.

She was able to show her most natural self in front of him.

"Speaking of which, you are still my first male friend."

Yan Ran looked at Ye Qiu quietly, thinking in her heart.

"Boom boom boom!!!

At this time,

The three people in the car suddenly heard the violent roar of the engine on the mountain road ahead.

That strong and low-pitched, yet very transparent and pleasant engine sound.

Ye Qiu knew what kind of car this was as soon as he heard it.

"God of War GTR?"

"God of War GTR?"

Qin Mengyao and Ye Qiu spoke almost simultaneously.

Also go to the garage at home, almost all brands of supercars have it.

GTR is a god of war, naturally.

So he is very familiar.

Qin Mengyao is the same.

Her car, even more than Ye Qiu.

This bitch is a wealthy person, her family is not bad, and she likes to play with cars. In her garage, there should not be too many supercars.

Even she goes to work every day in a Ferrari.

The male employees of Wuling almost all stared at her, thinking that one day they would not have to work hard, and Qin Mengyao, a rich woman, had taken a fancy to her.

"Listen to this sound, the two GTRs are racing.

Ye Qiu finally understood why there were so many people in the parking lot just now.

Why did Terras have to go up the mountain at night.

So tonight,

Racing here.

"Ye Qiu, catch up, let's kill GTR!""

Hearing the racing, Qin Mengyao's eyes lit up, as a girl who was busy racing, she was still on the road she was familiar with.

How can you be indifferent.

"I am familiar with the road here, you can drive, I will show you the way!

"Chongchongchong, today, we will not only kill Truss, but also destroy the GTR!"9

Anyway now it's for testing the limit property.

Ye Qiu also felt his blood boiling when he heard the engine sound of the racing car.


The switch underfoot slammed to the bottom.

Wuling Hongguang S, the dual motors burst out with full horsepower and torque, and instantly accelerated at a terrifying speed.


Cornering and drifting, with Qin Mengyao's guidance, Ye Qiu was able to advance the situation ahead of the curve.

even if you don't know,

does not matter.

With his current reaction, if he can make temporary adjustments, nothing will happen.

"Boom boom!!!"9

"Crack!! 35

The sound of the GTR in front was getting closer, and it was accompanied by the sound of tires rubbing against the ground.


At this time, the two cars were chasing fiercely.

"I see... haha.

After turning another corner, the three people in the car finally saw the two GTRs racing ahead.

One black and one white.

chasing one after the other.

The white car overtook the black car, but soon the black car found a gap and overtook it.

Looking at the dashboard, the speed of the vehicle ahead at this time is at least 120.

Drive so fast on the mountain road.

these two,

Definitely a professional driver.

"Huh? Why is another car coming?"

Inside the black GTR, Su Tian quickly discovered that there was an extra headlight behind him.

This puzzled him, but also shocked him.

To know,

He and Wang Yue are professional drivers.

It was so fast on this road that it was impossible for a car to catch up.

If they can catch up with the two, it can only show that the other party is the same master as them.

"Interesting, threesome? Still crushing you."

Another expert joined in, Su Tian was not only not angry, but full of passion.

Blood boils all over the body.

For drivers, especially top drivers like Su Tian, ​​what they want most is to be able to compete with experts.

While winning Wang Yue, the mysterious driver also won.

This is a great achievement for him.


Wang Yue in the white GTR behind is the same idea as Su Tian.

Both have strong confidence in their hearts.

Whoever comes, today's winner.

It's all yourself.


Ye Qiu soon found out.

We were still chasing intensely just now. The two GTRs you chased after me changed their lineup.

The two cars drove side by side, completely blocking the direction of Ye Qiu's car.

"Ye Qiu, they want to block you, can you bear it!!"

"Of course I can't bear it.""

Want to block me?

Let me first ask the Wuling Hongguang S that I drive, if you agree or disagree.


The motor instantly burst into a powerful torque, Ye Qiu controlled the Wuling Hongguang S, behind the two cars, looking for an opportunity to surpass.

Now it's a straight line,

Being blocked is only temporary.

After a while at the corner, he will look for a chance to pass.

"Want to overtake on a curve?"

"It's impossible."

The two top drivers, Su Tian and Wang Yue, immediately guessed what Ye Qiu was thinking.

The two looked solemn.

They didn't know what car was behind them.

but it doesn't matter,

Just to keep pressing you.

Ye Qiu was looking for an opportunity to overtake.

But Su Tian and Wang Yue never gave him any chance.

And during this process, Su Tian and Wang Yue were also looking for opportunities to surpass each other.

three cars,

On the mountain road, the intensity of the competition is unimaginable.

at this time,

This scene was recorded by the high-speed drone in the sky.

Qin Shao, who was in the parking lot, was watching this scene with his friends through a huge 100-inch TV screen.

"Qin... Qin Shao, hit me now, am I hallucinating?"


"Hey, it hurts, it's not a hallucination. 95

"Damn, is this really a van? How could a van race two perfectly modified GTRs?'

In front of the screen, dozens of people were all gathered here, watching the game.

Originally, they were watching two GTRs, and it was very exciting.

But suddenly,

There is a van that, at a terrifying speed, uses all kinds of cool drifts to quickly pass the curve under the lens of the drone.

And quickly caught up with the previous two GTRs.

Qin Shao felt that he almost had a cerebral thrombosis.

"What kind of van is he?

What the hell.

Is this the speed of a van?

So fast cornering, so intense drift.

Can a van do it?

Anyway, Qin Shao has never seen such a sturdy van in his life.

"Quick, record it, and let the people along the road take a picture of what kind of van it is. 99

"Also, turn on the cameras on both GTRs to capture the trail of that van."

mountain road,

Someone was filming with a camera around the bend.

On the two GTRs, many cameras from different angles are also installed.

to record the game.

But now,

Qin Shao was very interested in that weird van.

What kind of van is this?

Can you race a GTR?

"Fuck, Young Master Qin, over, over...! 99

"Hi!!! The van overtook two GTRs, I could see it clearly, he was using inertial drift."

"Damn it, it turns out that Li Zhixian didn't lie, there really is a van that can inertial drift, and the speed is fucking fast, at least more than 130.

at this time,

Everyone just remembered that Li Zhi had said it before.

He was seconded by a van.

The opponent used inertial drift, the speed of 150, and passed a sharp U-turn handsomely.

At first they didn't believe it at all.

I thought Li Zhixian was telling a ghost story.

But now I see it with my own eyes.

Only then did they know that this ghost actually existed.

And so terrifying.

"Grass his grandma, it's really cool!!!

Looking at the van, when it turned a corner, it drifted with a strange inertia and instantly cut into the inner bay.

Exceeded the containment of two GTRs.

do not know why.

Qin Shao felt that a fiery emotion was erupting in his heart.

It made him feel like his body was shaking.

Just so cool.

This is the game!

This is racing!

"GTR has overtaken again!! It's Su Tian, ​​it seems that King Su was beaten by the van and got angry, haha.

"Fuck, Wang Yue is also in a hurry, he is accelerating, and he is ready to overtake.

at this time,

on the mountain road.

Su Tian and Wang Yue were so pissed off.

I originally thought that the car that appeared suddenly was a super performance car.

Otherwise, how can it be possible to race with your own perfectly modified GTR?

But when it came to the corner, Ye Qiu found a perfect route, drifted through the corner from the inner bay at a strange angle, and finished surpassing the two of them.

It was the first time that Su Tian and Wang Yue saw what kind of car it was.

"Wuling Hongguang S?"

"What the hell? Is this a van?"5

The two were stunned at the time, joking.

The fuck is this a van?

During this time,

The one who has been racing with you all the time turns out to be a van?

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes,

The 907 killed neither of them believed that the van could have this kind of performance.

"Shame!!! Even if you die, you can't lose to a van.

that moment.

Su Tian and Wang Yue.

Feeling insulted.

If people drive a van, if they lose.

After that,

How are you still in this circle?

To know,

Today's game, but the whole process of video, will be broadcast on major websites later.

"Absolutely can't lose!"

Su Tian and Wang Yue swore in their hearts.

Even if the car crashes and kills people, it must not lose to a van.

That's the dignity of a professional racer.


Su Tian is crazy.

Wang Yue was also crazy.

The two of them didn't want to die, they accelerated frantically, and then instantly overtook the van in a straight line.

"Alas... the GTR accelerates too fast in a straight line."

"These two GTRs must be perfectly modified, with at least 1,000 horsepower, straight-line acceleration, and can crash any supercar.

Inside the Wuling Hongguang car, Ye Qiu sighed with emotion.

The reason why GTR can be called God of War.

It is because of his invincible linear acceleration.

Honda red head series engine, the king of straight line acceleration.


It can compare the acceleration performance with all supercars without falling behind.

Even 80% supercars.

All were killed by him.

The title of God of War is not for nothing.

"It doesn't matter, let's overtake on the corner.

In comparison, the Wuling that I drove myself, although the performance is also very powerful.

But there is no way to compare the straight line with the GTR.

Not one level.

But it can't compare to a straight line, it is better than a curve.

A pure electric car with a cost of 200,000 yuan can be compared with a GTR of more than 1 million yuan, and it is already very powerful.

"Damn it, it's too awesome, the GTR overtook it, and the van overtook it in the corner again."

"He's going through the corners so fast, so silky."

"At this moment, I really thought that it was Fujiwara Takumi who was driving in the van.

"Young Master Qin, it's too exciting.

The friends in the parking lot watched the van and the two GTRs compete fiercely, you overtake me, and I overtake you.

Bitten to the death.

The strong visual impact made everyone's blood boil.

"If the van loses, I will also admit his status as the king!"

"That's right, after all, it's a van. Even if it's refitted, it's still a van. 35

"But I think the van might win? 35

"That would be too arrogant."

At this time, Li Zhixian, Wang Xuan, and Xiao Gui finally drove here.


The three of them just got out of the car and came to Qin Shao's side, but they didn't speak.

Looking at the big screen, the Wuling Hongguang S racing with two GTRs.

The three grow their mouths.


"Wuling Hongguang is awesome!!!"

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