Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 73 Whoever embarrass Wuling is my enemy! 【Subscription】

summer country.

Wuling factory, in the office building.

Today Ye Qiu had planned to take a long nap, because according to the time, today was his boss' rest day.

But last night, my parents called Ye Qiu and said they wanted to come over.

"Why are Mom and Dad here at this time?" Ye Qiu muttered.

No way.

Ye Qiu could only get up early and go to meet his parents.

As a result, as soon as he got up, he received a call from Xu Dabao with a very anxious tone.

"Mr. Ye, it's not good, something big happened, Tesla's stock price crashed yesterday.

Hearing this, Ye Qiu was stunned.

Tesla share price crashing?

what happened.

As the first stock of Nasdaq Motors, Tesla's share price has always been stable.

It has achieved steady growth for more than 380 consecutive days.

How come it collapsed.

"How much did it crash?"

"You may not believe Mr. Ye, but Truss lost more than $100 billion in market value after the US stock market opened yesterday.


More than 100 billion US dollars?

What the hell happened to Truss.

"Could it be that Musk is going to burp? Otherwise, what else could have dealt such a fatal blow to Tesla's stock other than this news?

The market value of more than 100 billion US dollars disappeared out of thin air.

That's almost one-fifth of Tesla's market cap.

Usually when this happens, there must be a problem with the person at the helm of the company.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to collapse so violently.

So it's no wonder that after Ye Qiu heard it, his first thought was whether Musk was going to burp.

"Uh... President Ye, it's not that Musk is going to fart, in fact, this matter has the most direct relationship with us.

On the phone, Xu Dabao laughed very schadenfreude when he heard what Ye Qiu said to himself.

Because after he investigated the results, he almost thought he had hallucinations.

"We? Why are you still related to us?

this time,

Ye Qiu was even more puzzled.

My Tesla is listed in the US stock market, and I am in Xiaguo.

Your stock price has collapsed, and I have a woolly relationship with Wuling.

"Cough cough... Mr. Ye, the specific situation is a bit complicated, but the main culprit for the collapse of Tesla's stock price is our plasma battery."

"Plasma battery?

Wuling's plasma battery has only been released for a few days.

The news reached the free American.

And it even directly crashed the stock price of Tesla?

Ye Qiu felt a little weird.

Even he has full confidence in the future of plasma batteries.

But at this stage.

It can directly crash the stock of a company with a market value of more than 500 billion US dollars.

"There must be someone behind this.

Keen intuition told Ye Qiu that the things involved were definitely not simple.

Plasma batteries are just a medium.

There is definitely capital behind it.

And it is a capital predator.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Shen from Sequoia just called to make an appointment and said that he would ask you to give him a time to have a meal together anyway.

"Also, we actually received a call from the CEO of Modustras headquarters just now, and she said that she would come to visit you in person tomorrow."

Ye Qiu was a little intrigued when he heard the two people Xu Dabao mentioned.

"I see, tell Shen Nanfeng that I'm very busy recently, if he wants to chat, he can come directly to the factory.

"As for Truss, tell him there is no time.

The people of Truss came to visit him.

Ye Qiu didn't have to think about the meaning of this.

Definitely for the plasma battery.

Musk lost more than 100 billion US dollars in stock price in one day, how can he be reconciled.

He will definitely find a way to make the stock price rise again.

How to go up?

Of course, the culprit that caused the collapse of Tesla's stock price will disappear from this world.


be your own thing.

Ideas are beautiful.

The reality is cruel.

Plasma batteries, Ye Qiu will never sell them.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need to meet the CEO of Tesla.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I understand."

Ye Qiu's answer was exactly the same as Xu Dabao's guess.

Anyone with discernment knows what the CEO of Trussia is calling.

He immediately went to reply the message to Tras.

Tesla headquarters,

Xu Ying received a reply from Wuling: "I'm sorry, we are busy and have no time."

Is Mr. Ye busy?

Must be busy.

But there is absolutely no time to not see each other in person.

Then there is only one case.

The other party doesn't want to see him.

"Hey... I knew that Ye Qiu was arrogant, so I guessed the reason I was looking for him.

Last night, Musk called Xu Ying overnight to ask Ye Qiu to meet.

He is now taking a private jet in 920, heading to the sky where Xia Guolai came.

This morning, Xu Ying contacted Wuling and wanted to make an appointment with Ye Qiu.

But the other party's reply was within her reason.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when Musk comes. 99

Xu Ying knew very well that it was impossible for Ye Qiu to see her, and even if Musk made an appointment in person, the other party would not give face.

Because to a certain extent, the two sides are the most direct competitors.

Ye Qiu was able to save Wuling Motors from the brink of bankruptcy, and now the net profit of the factory exceeds one billion yuan per month.

His ambition, and ability, are absolutely formidable and terrifying.


After Ye Qiu hung up Xu Dabao, he called his parents.

"Son, don't wait any longer. Dad has something to do and is going abroad. Your mother will go with me."

"Stinky boy, Dad, I blocked an arrow for you, think about how to thank you, father and me when you go back."5

Mom and Dad have something to do temporarily, why don't they come?

A bit of a surprise.

But Ye Qiu grinned.

It's just right not to come. After meeting in the province, my mother asked her by ear, why I didn't go home for a few months and why I didn't call her for a few months.

"Blocked an arrow for me? What do you mean.

As for what Dad said, what did he mean by blocking an arrow for himself.

Ye Qiu couldn't understand why.

"Forget it, take a good rest today."

After a good rest at home, Ye Qiu went to work early the next morning.

"Mr. Ye..."

"Mr. Ye..."

"Mr. Ye..."

On the way, everyone who saw him greeted him respectfully without making too much noise.

Having been in a high position for a long time, Ye Qiu has developed an aura of a high-ranking person.

This kind of momentum is naturally distributed, and he can't control it himself.

The employees of the company are both afraid and respectful of Ye Qiu.


Except for two people.

"Ye Qiu, all the pre-market work has been done, and now it's time to set the price. In terms of price, have you ordered it?""

Qin Mengyao heard that Ye Qiu had arrived at the company and immediately came to look for him.


Qin Mengyao was excited all day.

Because she heard, the plasma battery directly crashed Tesla's stock price.

within a day,

Evaporated more than 100 billion US dollars in market value.

This is simply incredible.


As a Wuling employee, Qin Mengyao and all the people in the Wuling factory heard the news.

All with visceral pride.

Do you see it,

This is the battery technology of our Wuling era of subversion.

Our new car equipped with plasma batteries has not yet been listed, which has directly caused Tesla's stock price to collapse.

As you can imagine, once our car goes on sale.


How terrifying the impact is.

"Hee hee... Ye Qiu, let me tell you, right now, Mei Lijian doesn't know how many people are saying that they want to buy one after the new Chitu is on the market.

"Almost the whole world knows about our Wuling plasma batteries and our Chitu brand."9

"On all of America's online platforms, news about us is now everywhere.""

"Those American people are also eagerly looking forward to our new car launch and the introduction of their domestic sales.""

Yan Ran brought Ye Qiu a notebook, and showed him the reactions of the people of Meilijian from the other side of the ocean to the new car of Chitu.

Many people are curious, what exactly is the plasma battery that caused the collapse of Tesla's stock price.

So they searched in various ways.

There are domestic porters.

The various properties of the plasma battery were made into videos and released abroad.

Immediately triggered a terrifying response.

Look at the old beauty.


Niubi ah.

The plasma battery turns out to be more than three times the storage capacity of traditional solid-state batteries.

A pure electric car can really drive 1,500 kilometers on a single charge.

This was before,

Can't even think about it.

Coupled with the two new cars of Chitu, the appearance and interior design of the appearance deeply touched the heart of Laomei.


Now many old beauty are looking for through various channels, when will Chitu be sold in Meilijian.

"Don't worry, if there is a chance, we will expand the American market, but now we still focus on domestic."

America's market is definitely going to expand.

but not now,

The most important thing is to win the domestic market first, and to stabilize Chitu's position.

"In terms of pricing, I have already thought about it. The two models of Chitu, Chitu Punk, are the models that will be sold in the future."

"The overall steel column of Chitu Punk's body is made of aviation-grade alloy, which is more expensive, plus plasma batteries, electronic controls, motors, and everything.""

(cfah) "A single-motor red rabbit punk costs around 170,000.""

"The double-motor version of the red rabbit punk costs around 186,000."

The powerful CNM-01 fully automatic modular architecture platform benefited from the system lottery.

The production cost of the two models of Chitu has definitely reached the lowest level in the world at present.

But Rao is like this, because both cars use aviation-grade alloy memory metal as the metal material for the body theme.

So the cost seems to be higher.

Except for the two Red Rabbit Punk cars, only the main steel for the body is made of aviation-grade alloy memory metal.

All Red Rabbit Lightning models are made of aviation-grade alloy memory metal.

Red Rabbit Lightning Single Motor Version: Cost 230,000.

The dual motor version costs 280,000.

The three-motor version costs 350,000.

When pricing, Ye Qiu considered a lot.

For a model, there must be one or two, as a model of the volume.


The two versions of Chitu Punk, as well as the Chitu Lightning single motor version, are the models that will be used by the Chitu brand in the future.

This kind of volume is not for making huge profits, but for market share.

Now the cheapest Truss edamame 3, from the most open is the imported version of more than 800,000.

After the domestic production, the price has been reduced again and again.

down to around 230,000 now.

In order to reduce costs, Musk has spent countless efforts, and even specially modified Tesla's production process.

In the production of traditional automobiles, after the main body structure of the body is produced by die-casting, workers will install all the body parts in the assembly workshop.

some of,

All suppliers' spare parts are completed in the factory's final assembly workshop.

For example, it is like the steel frame of the body.

In the traditional steel frame of the body, a die-casting machine casts a model of each part, and then enters the welding workshop, where a robot assembles more than a dozen different parts and die-cast body parts into a whole body.

But the production process of Terras is like the production process of stacking wood.

Musk will originally traditional car companies need to produce more than a dozen body steel modules, and then assemble them for transformation.

Terras and Caterpillar Heavy Industries have developed a 6,000-ton super die-casting machine.

This die-casting machine can directly divide the main body of the body into four modules for die-casting, which reduces the time of die-casting, and is integrally formed, which reduces the production cost.

And the waste from die casting can be directly recycled and reused.

The production process is reduced.

In eg.

in the assembly workshop.

The traditional captain installs the center console of the vehicle, and the supplier will send all the materials needed in the center console to the depot.

Then, the people from the depot will connect and harvest, sort out all the sources of goods, and store them in the warehouse. When installation is required, the center console will be assembled by the factory itself, and then installed on the body.

Invisibly, it increases the workload of workshop workers, requires a large warehouse, increases the process of dispatching spare parts, and greatly increases production costs.

But Musk is trying to cut costs.

He directly asked the supplier to assemble the center console in the original factory and send it to the Tesla Super Factory in the form of an assembly.


After the center console arrives at the super factory, there is no need to store the warehouse at all, and it is delivered directly at the door of the production workshop.

After delivery, immediately enter the assembly workshop for installation.

Save the cost of storage, scheduling, and assembly.

The other body parts are assembled in the same way.

It's like stacking wood to build a car.

The purpose of doing this is to reduce costs and bring down the price of Tesla.

Everyone is complaining about Tesla's ugly interior.

that is because,

Musk wants to reduce costs to the extreme, and then sell the car at a reduced price as soon as possible to increase market share.


Ye Qiu had to admire Musk's madness.

Everything is for the greatest possible reduction of production costs.

But fortunately,

In terms of controlling production costs, Ye Qiu can say without hesitation that no one can beat Wuling.

The cnm-01 fully automatic modular architecture platform is called fully automatic.

that is,

In addition to the final vehicle assembly workshop and the inspection workshop requiring workers,

Die-casting, stamping, electroplating, welding, spare parts assembly and other workshops are all fully automated by robots.

The ten-axis fully automatic robot has a precision error of nanometer millimeter level.

Compared with the current world, the most advanced ABB industrial robots are more terrifying.

ABB industrial robots are generally five-axis linkage.

But Wuling's is a ten-axis linkage, and the angle control is more arbitrary and more accurate, and it can do the work that five-axis industrial robots can't do.

Such as the assembly of internal parts of the body and so on.

Such a ten-axis linkage industrial robot could not be built even if Ye Qiu were killed.

At present, the highest ABB industrial robot in the world is the seven-axis linkage.

To achieve ten axes, it is estimated that it will take several years to complete.

Workshop No. 5.

In the final assembly workshop of the Chitu brand, workers assemble vehicles in the same way as Tesla.

It is only necessary to assemble the assembly automatically assembled by the robot and install it on the vehicle.


In order to completely occupy the market, we will increase the market share of Chitu brand as soon as possible.

Ye Qiu decided to fight with Tras.

Red Rabbit Punk single motor version, price: 199,000.

Dual motor version: 208,000.

Red Rabbit Lightning Single Motor Edition: 250,000.

Dual motor version: 350,000

The three-motor version, as the flagship performance version, is to improve the brand value and is directly priced at 800,000.

Benchmarking Truss edamame Y.


This is just the price of the naked car, and the specific optional configuration depends on the consumers themselves.

Ye Qiu also called Xu Dabao over.

After saying this price.

All three felt that Ye Qiu's pricing was a bit crazy.

"Mr. Ye, you are too crazy, the red rabbit punk is 199,000, if the price is announced, it is estimated that the whole country will go crazy.

Xu Dabao was amazed.

Now the pure electric vehicle market has created new energy sources such as those garbage extension programs and plug-in hybrids.

In domestic pure electric vehicles, Tesla and Bia Di are the two overlords.

Edamame 3 and Bia Dihan are both priced at more than 230,000.

As for Weilai, which also focuses on pure electric vehicles, the price is more expensive and the positioning is different.

Another small Peng car.

The P7, which is also positioned as a B-class car, has to be sold for more than 220,000.

Red Rabbit Punk 199,000, absolutely beat all brands.


The cruising range of Chitu Punk is three times that of other brands.

The comprehensive endurance of 1521 kilometers is unique in the world.

As can be imagined,

After the price is released, it is estimated that the whole country will be crazy.

However, in this way, the profit of the manufacturer will be reduced a lot.

If the customer does not choose the configuration of a car, it will earn 10,000 yuan, because it will also give the dealer profit and pay taxes.

In the past, new energy countries had subsidies for factories.

but now,

have nothing left.

For Chitu's new car sales, the official APP users still choose their own models and configurations, and then the Wuling 4S shop temporarily assumes the task of delivering them for post-maintenance.

Chitu's after-sales network, Ye Qiu plans to start attracting investment in a while.


The main investment personnel are still the partners of the current Wuling 4S store.

If they are willing to open another Chitu 4S store, that would be great.

It's okay if you don't want to.

Some people want to do.

"The price is like this. As for the release of the new car price, I don't think it will take a month. Now I don't know how many customers call Wuling every day to urge the new car to be launched.

"Uncle Xu, you go to advance the press conference. It will be set in three days, the price will be announced, and reservations will be accepted nationwide."

The APP has been developed for a long time, and the order of Chitu is embedded in Wuling's APP.

This also saves the user the trouble of downloading again.

After the specific price came out, Qin Mengyao and the others had already decided on the price of the optional equipment.

Just write all the information programs into the APP and you're done.

In this regard,

Hand it over to Yan Ran, and it will basically be done in one day.

Since Yan Ran came, Ye Qiu really found out that these girls are really fucking talented.

Wuling's official website and APP have been developed to the greatest extent in her hands.

The OL product interface and fluency made Ye Qiu think that this APP was developed by a programmer from a major international factory.

It's just too bullshit.

But in contrast, Ye Qiu also paid real money to buy expensive servers.

After arranging the selling price and the production tasks of the factory, Ye Qiu left the Wuling Automobile Factory.

Driving a top-equipped Red Rabbit Lightning, I headed to Wuling Energy Heavy Industry on the other side of the mountain.

"This is a car worthy of the temperament of a boss.

Before going out, Ye Qiu could only drive a Hongguang mini.

Although the car was cute, it was not worthy of his status.

Now that I have Chitu, I naturally have to change myself to a more handsome car.

Chitu Lightning three-motor four-wheel drive performance version.

In line with his domineering chairman status.

Come to the power plant.

The security guards at the gate are all special workers recruited from the system.

These security guards were carefully selected by Ye Qiu, all of them were tall and powerful.

It looks even scarier than the body of a bodybuilder.



Seeing the boss coming, the security guards hurriedly saluted and opened the door for Ye Qiu.

These are all people who are 100% loyal to Ye Qiu and will never defect.

Is his most trusted.

In the workshop of the mechanical god, it was a mess.

During the industrial fair, the mechanical god received 219 orders.

After so many days,

Orders are increasing every day.

It took three years for the production tasks alone.

Ye Qiu also wants to increase production capacity and make more money.

but helpless,

The production line is too expensive, and he cannot afford it temporarily.

With the launch of Wuling Hongguang's vehicles, the sales volume is booming.

Plus the mechanical god.

Ye Qiu's current points have reached a terrifying level.

total points,

came to 490,000.

The points that can be used have also reached 340,000.


The lucky draw of 200,000, 300,000, or even 400,000 points that Ye Qiu had expected did not appear.

"I don't know if 500,000 points can be drawn again."

Ye Qiu is looking forward to waiting until the points reach half a million.


When they came to the workshop, Lin Yi and Lin Er were very busy every day.

Not only to produce mechanical gods, but also aviation-grade alloy memory metals, and plasma batteries.

"How about the production of plasma cells, can it keep up with the production capacity of the car factory?"

Ye Qiu is most concerned about the production capacity of the plasma battery.

The Chitu brand, as can be expected, will definitely become popular.

at this time,

I am afraid that the core plasma battery will not be able to keep up with the production capacity.

"Boss, if the standard version of the 380KG battery module is produced, the monthly production capacity can reach 20,000."5

"This is the current limit. The main reason is that the power consumption of the plasma converter is too horrible. The existing circuit system can only bear so much."5

As an energy expert, Lin Er is responsible for all production and raw material procurement of plasma cells.

He told Ye Qiu helplessly.

Because the plasma converter needs to consume a terrible amount of electricity at the moment of startup.

With the current circuit system of the industrial park, it can only do this.

"Can't the production capacity be increased any more?

The production capacity of 20,000 plasma cells per month is definitely not enough.

Even too little.

The CNM-01 production line has an annual output of 1 million units.

The production capacity of 80,000 units per month.

The battery has to keep up.

"If we can build another super-large substation ourselves and connect it to the official power grid, we can turn on the full power of the plasma converter. It is estimated that the monthly output of plasma batteries can reach 30,000 pieces."

Build your own super substation?

This is also a way.

But only increase the production capacity of 10,000 yuan.

"Or, boss, if you want to increase the production capacity, you can only exchange for another plasma converter.

Lin Er smiled.

Hearing this, Ye Qiu rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Do you think I don't want to buy it?

That thing has 1.5 million points, what do you want me to buy?

"Forget it, build a super substation, damn, when I have points, I must buy another plasma converter.

That terrifying big man is like a super device like an energy tower in the future world.

Ye Qiu swears.

When he has enough points, he must buy another one!

Do not,


To build a super substation, you need to report to the government. The amount of electricity used by the energy factory every month is simply a terrifying figure.

The electricity bill alone is nearly hundreds of millions a month.


This is the consumption of the two workshops of the plasma battery and the mechanical god.

Ye Qiu never dreamed that the biggest cost of plasma battery production is not the material.

It was the electricity bill.

Plasma converter, like a beast that eats electricity, consumes more than 4 million KWH of electricity every day.

This is equivalent to the total amount of electricity produced by a small power station in one day.

Fortunately, the power system of Zhongyun City is strong.

But that's it, this kind of power consumption still made Zhongyun official people find Ye Qiu more than once to ask.

What exactly is being produced in your factory?

It takes such a terrifying amount of electricity in one day.

The person in charge of the official power grid, as well as the person in charge of the city, came to the factory to inspect it, after seeing the machinery and equipment of the energy factory.

They went back and silently discussed a plan.

To Wuling Energy Factory, equip the circuit system separately.

If it is not equipped, it will not work. If such a terrible production equipment is not given to the circuit system alone, the circuit of the industrial park will be paralyzed sooner or later.

at the same time,

The people in the city attach great importance to the Wuling Energy Heavy Industry Factory.

Mr. Shi personally asked Ye Qiu to tell him that if Wuling had any needs in the future, he would call him directly.

Make sure everything is satisfied.

Wanting to build a super substation to meet the use of plasma converters, Ye Qiu could only call Mr. Shi.

"Super substation? Don't worry about it, you don't need Wuling to pay, it's out in the city, and the construction will start immediately, and it will be completed within a month.

When Ye Qiu called.

Mr. Shi, who was in the meeting, heard his request, not to mention how excited he was.

this morning,

The news from the United States, almost the whole country knows.

Tesla shares crashed.

The market value has evaporated more than 100 billion US dollars.

The culprit behind all this is the plasma battery developed by Wuling and the Chitu car brand.

The purpose of Mr. Shi's meeting was to discuss a new Zheng policy for Wuling.

in order,

It is to let Ye Qiu understand that Zhongyun City supports Wuling.

Such a promising enterprise in the province ran away.

Now that Ye Qiu called to find him, Chang Shi naturally met all the requests immediately.

"Okay, thank you boss."

After hanging up the phone, Zhongyun Shi Chang Huang Youwei immediately called the person in charge of Zhongyun Power Grid.

"Now, immediately, go and build a super substation with maximum power for me next to Wuling Energy Heavy Industry, which must be completed and put into use within a month.

"If you delay time, you, the director of the Electricity Bureau, don't do it! Go home and eat Baba.

The Secretary of Electricity had never seen such a vulgar remark from a mild-mannered elder.

He was a little bewildered.

But did not dare to refute.

"If I can't complete the task within a month, I will resign immediately!"

The boss has spoken, if this can't complete the task, then he really doesn't want to do it.

"We Zhongyun finally created a star company, which is the pride of Zhongyun and a business card for us to face the world.

"All departments of your municipal administration should remember to Lao Tzu that in the future, all matters concerning Wuling must be resolved by Lao Tzu as soon as possible, so that the other party can understand our official attitude.

"If anyone lets me know, and dares to interfere with it, whoever is the enemy of Lao Tzu!"

Huang Youwei knew very well that as long as Ye Qiu didn't kill himself, Wuling would definitely start to take off.

The future surpasses Truss, that's for sure.

As Wuling becomes stronger, how many jobs and taxes can it bring to Zhongyun.

as well as,

Drive other industry chains of Zhongyun.

Just like the Ali Group, it has the same effect on the entire Hangcheng.

It is unimaginable for a giant enterprise to drive the economy of the entire city.

If Zhongyun wants the economy to take off, Wuling is the top priority.

If Ye Qiu was dissatisfied with Zhongyun because of some things, he finally moved the factory.

That Huang Youwei definitely wanted to cry.

It's about your performance.

Whoever stops him is his enemy.

How many millions to build a super substation?

I can still afford the money in Zhongyun City.

Ye Qiu was surprised that a phone call went smoothly.

Without spending a penny, the problem of super substations has been solved.

After a month of waiting, the production capacity of the plasma battery reached 30,000 yuan per month.

It can also temporarily meet the production capacity of the Chitu brand.

As for too many sales, customers are anxious to pick up the car?

Then just wait.

"Mr. Ye, come back soon, Musk has come to our factory."

The secretary called Ye Qiu. After Ye Qiu heard it, he said, "I see, I'll go back now. 35

PS: I haven’t talked to you for a long time. To be honest, I’ve been in a state of ignorance for the past two days, because overnight, my book has become so awesome, and it’s even on the list. I can’t think of killing it. There will be such a day.

Since the book was opened, the data has not been very good. Even after it was put on the shelves, it took 4 days to reach the 500 orders that the author was thinking about.

In such a situation, I made a recommendation the day before yesterday, and the next day I got up and looked at it, what the's on the list!!!

My mind was confused at the time, and I didn't know how to express joy and surprise.

Of course, I deeply understand that all of this is due to the support of my readers. For this reason, what I can do is to try to write every plot well, so that everyone can enjoy it and watch it happily.

Say it again, this is a purely industrial novel, there will be no exaggeration, everything is written in accordance with the actual situation, I will do my best to write the details well, of course the author I am not a professional in this field, and I need to check a lot of information when writing.

However, I am a hard-working writer, no matter how difficult it is, I still code with the greatest enthusiasm every day, and although there are only two or three changes a day, I have a lot of words, more than 20,000 words a day, nearly three 4,000 characters, more than 10 people.

Thank you again for your support, the little author has nothing to do in return, he can only quietly rise up pp, pick up a soap, promise me, take it easy!!!.

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