Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 83 Want a lithography machine? Okay, pay for it! 【Subscription】

"Boss, have you heard that just now, the Black Palace announced that they will conduct a thorough investigation of companies producing lithography machines in the world. 99

In the office, Ye Qiu is reading the quarterly report.

The manager of the propaganda department reported a news to him.

Ye Qiu frowned and was a little unhappy: "Does this matter have anything to do with us?""

Laomei will check whoever she likes to check.

What does it have to do with us.

The manager of the propaganda department thinks so too.

What does this have to do with us.

"By the way, the announcement you made yesterday was a bit too arrogant. Next time, remember to pay attention. We are a product company and we must focus on product promotion."

"Only this one time."

Regarding the content of the announcement issued by the Propaganda Department yesterday.

to be frank,

Ye Qiu felt a little too arrogant.

Although it's true.

But an announcement came out, which was equivalent to pushing Wuling to the forefront.

This is inconsistent with Ye Qiu's principle of keeping a low profile.

However, the power of the announcement is very powerful.

Because in just half a day today, the order volume of Chitu brand has increased by nearly 20,000 units.

All are the contents of Wuling's announcement yesterday, which gave consumers great confidence and trust in Wuling.

"Look at the good deeds you've done. You made the ideal chairman look like a grumpy woman. This morning, you posted more than a dozen Weibo posts and scolded me."

When he was idle and bored to browse Weibo, Ye Qiu saw Li Xiang's Weibo.

good guy,

How exciting is this.

One morning, this guy went crazy and posted a dozen Weibo, scolding himself in secret.

Ye Qiu is very suspicious, I have no grievances with you, and the scolding between Wuling and Ideal was also started by you first.

Now it's better for you, if you can't scold you, just start playing like a woman.

One cry, two troubles, three hangs?

He shook his head speechlessly. This kind of person, Ye Qiu, didn't take it to heart at all, and he never even regarded Ideal Car as a competitor of Wuling.

"Boss, you said that I was too arrogant when I announced the chip production line. 99

"But Chairman Ideal, this person is simply disgusting. He publicly mocks us, Wuling, and you, the boss, all day long. We can't bear it. We must let him know what we are. 35

"Don't worry, boss, leave this to me, and promise to vomit blood from Li Xiang's anger.

Different from the managers of other departments, they were promoted from the old employees of Wuling.

The manager of the propaganda department was directly promoted by Ye Qiu from the first batch of Western University students who entered Wuling.

His name is Li Guangyi, and he is a man full of all kinds of wild ideas.

Young people.

I know very well how to do publicity in this era.

It is normal for the old man's thinking to sometimes fail to keep up with the young man's thinking.

After Li Guangyi took office as the manager of the propaganda department, he formed his own team and achieved very good results.

Ye Qiu agreed with his ability very much.

Just a little bit.

This person is very vengeful, and whoever offends him in life, he will have a small notebook of his own to write down, waiting for one day to find his way back.

It's not that his mind is not right, but the unyielding spirit deep in his heart is full of young hearts.

Externally, if anyone says Wuling is bad, Li Guangyi will investigate first, and then start to fight back.

In short,

Absolutely no loss.

There are good and bad characters.

Li Xiang had ridiculed Wuling and Ye Qiu openly and secretly before. How could Li Guangyi, who was raised by Ye Qiu and treated him like a Bole and a beacon, could bear it.

You can humiliate me, but you can't humiliate my Wuling, let alone my boss.


A scolding battle between Wuling and Ideal.

It lasted for over a month.

The other departments are busy fighting with Tras.

The propaganda department is a weird one.

Every day is thinking about how to kill the ideal.


The results are proud.

Li Guangyi's propaganda department told the people from various aspects, various data and technologies during this period.

The extended-range engine is rubbish.

Originally, everyone had a good impression of Wuling, but now it is natural to believe it.

920 So it leads to,

Ideal last month's sales, only less than 100 units.

Li Xiang thought it was the battle between Wuling and Tesla, which led to the collapse of ideal sales.

Who knows, the entire Wuling propaganda department is just fighting with him, and no one in other departments takes him as a dish.

"Okay, remember not to go too far. After all, they are friends and businessmen, and they are all domestic car companies. Save some face."

Ye Qiu was too lazy to deal with this idiot.

drive him away.

If the chat continued, this guy had to tell Ye Qiu what he was going to do next to get angry with Li Xiang.

Make people angry with heart disease.

"Boss, boss, it's not good, someone from above has appointed you to see you.

As soon as Li Guangyi left, Xu Dabao hurriedly came to Ye Qiu, saying that someone was coming from above.

Name and name to see Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu's face was solemn: "How much?"

The meaning of the above is very broad.

It is important to which level.

"Top level!



On top of the top floor, it was a surprise.

"The people above come to find you, is it for the lithography machine?

After much deliberation, this is the only possibility.

"Li Guangyi, this bastard, I really want to kill him."

If it weren't for this guy Li Guangyi, who made an arrogant announcement, telling the world that Wuling could manufacture and produce 14nm chips by itself, where would it make the above specially visit.

"Please come here."

It is impossible to see, unless Wuling does not want to mix in the country.

"No need to invite, Mr. Ye, we don't invite you, I hope you don't take offense."

Before he finished speaking, four people walked in from outside the door.

The leader of them was a middle-aged man with glasses. He wore a suit and gave a gentle and bookish look.


Ye Qiu, however, felt the aura of a deep and high position from his body.

"Introduce myself, my dear Qin Wan, I won't go into detail about the specific duties, you just need to know that this time I came here, and it was ordered by the boss himself. 35

Qin Wan didn't tell Ye Qiu in detail.

But the word "boss" was deeply remembered by him.

Ye Qiu understood in a second, and hurriedly held Qin Wan's hand with a smile, and then pulled the relationship like a familiar one.

"Brother Qin is welcome to come to the Wuling factory to guide the work. As an inspirational car company to serve the nation and the country, if there is anything we need to do, don't be polite and say it directly.

good guy.

It doesn't matter at this time, so when are you waiting?

The attitude of the other party is obvious, not to find fault.

That must be a good thing.

"Uh... President Ye has a very good character, and the purpose of your Wuling is very good. 35

For Ye Qiu, who is familiar with himself, he is a bit shameless and arrogant, and speaks Mandarin to officials.

Qin Wan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

You are such a clever little devil.

A car company that serves the nation and the country.

You dare to say so.

But at first glance, his impression of Ye Qiu was very good.

This is a young man with a difference.

"That's for sure, Brother Qin, you don't know, since our Wuling was established, we have only had one principle, we can do everything for the country and the people, and as long as the country needs it, we are ready to accept tasks at any time.

"I think at the beginning, we at Wuling did our best to serve the people for this dream, but almost went bankrupt. Later, fortunately, we got out of the predicament. Although the country has not given any help, our determination to serve the country will never be. changed.

‘Brother Qin, stop beating around the bush, let’s talk straight, what the country needs me to do, I will never say anything, even at the expense of Wuling’s interests. ""

Ye Qiu said these words with a serious expression, full of sincerity and rich emotions.

Xu Dabao next to him couldn't listen anymore.

Not to mention Qin Wan.

Three black lines appeared on his forehead, and he thought to himself, you bastard, blocked the words, Lao Tzu said.

Say what to say.

The main purpose of Qin Wan's visit this time is cfah.

It is for the 14nm lithography machine of Wuling.

Just this morning, the old beauty went crazy and began to thoroughly investigate those manufacturers of lithography machines, all foundries with lithography machines, and chip manufacturers all over the world.

The purpose is to find out who sold the lithography machine to Xia Guo.

They would never believe that Wuling's lithography machine was developed by itself.

It was definitely Xia Guo who quietly stepped in to help and quietly bought it from a foreign company.

And while investigating this matter thoroughly.

Lao Mei started to attack Xia Guo early this morning, gave many trumped-up names, and began to trouble Xia Guo in many ways.

The state executives are a little confused by the attitude of the old beauty.

I thought we didn't do anything.

Why are you incompetent and furious.

After investigation, the bosses found out.

good guy,

It turns out that the source of everything is here in Wuling.

They actually came up with a 14nm lithography machine.

This is something that SMIC has not produced for more than 20 years.

Wuling actually made it.

Is this something you can do as a car company?

What the country lacks most now is the chip basic industry.

Even when I wanted to buy a 7nm lithography machine, I went through all the troubles, but it was destroyed by Laomei.

Now you Wuling have 14nm.

Then just bring it over, let's study it, 7nm, 5nm, is it still far?


Qin Wanlai's purpose today is to take that lithography machine from Wuling and send it to SMIC.

The three people behind him are all top engineers of SMIC, specializing in the development of lithography equipment.

But what Qin Wan didn't expect was.

Ye Qiu is too slick.

He seemed to have guessed his purpose.

What Wuling said quietly is that Wuling serves the country and the people.

Although Wuling has not given any help from the state in the process of development, as long as the state needs it, it will support it at any time.

On the surface it says support.

The central idea is to tell Qin Wan.

You want to come to me for something at this time, but there is no door.

If you want it, I'll just play a rogue.

"Cough cough... President Ye, can I visit your factory? We have seen the car factory just now. Wuling provides jobs for so many college students. Personally, I admire President Ye very much."

"I don't know if I can visit your energy heavy industry factory.

In front of the state, as long as you want to check on you, you have no secrets.

Qin Wan knew exactly where Ye Qiu's factory was and how many people were there.

But he really wanted to see that 14nm chip production line.

As for the lithography machine, I'm trying to figure out a way.

"Okay, Brother Qin wants to see, what is there, go. 99

Ye Qiu agreed without hesitation.

The first time he saw Qin Wan and the three people behind him, he knew why this old boy came.

Because the three people in the back are too famous.

Great experts in the field of optics in China, Ye Qiu knew their names when he was in school.

And he knows better.

These three people are all currently working at SMIC.

This company is, on the surface, a private company.

But Ye Qiu knew that the state was controlling everything in this enterprise.

The people from SMIC came to Wuling.

For what.

I must have taken a fancy to the lithography machine that my family Xiuxiu finally transformed.

SMIC wants a lithography machine?


Depends on how much you can pay.

"Haha, then let's go. 35

Qin Wan and Ye Qiu were chatting and laughing, and those who didn't know they thought they were friends for many years.

Only the two of them sneered in their hearts.

"Old Fox.

"Little Fox!""

Qin Wan wanted to cheat Ye Qiu, and it was best to take that lithography machine away without paying any price.

But Ye Qiu wants to cheat Qin Wan even more, you fucking don't want to spend money, you want something from me?

Is it possible.

The two of them have their own ghosts, and the whole process of communication in harmony on the surface is very pleasant.

Inside and out, fight wit and courage.

It's not that Ye Qiu doesn't want to support the state.

He is very clear,

What are the virtues of the leaders of some state-owned enterprises?

Behind this incident, SMIC must be pushing.

It is the kind that wants to get Wuling's lithography machine for free through the country, and the attitude is still high.

You, SMIC, sent three experts without even a person in charge.

It was not clear to tell Ye Qiu.

I've got you.

Ye Qiu sneered in his heart.

See who eats who at the end.

With Qin Wan and the three leading experts in the optical field, Xu Dabao drove the car himself, while Ye Qiu and Qin Wan sat in the back row chatting.

The car of the three specialists followed.

When he left the Wuling factory, Ye Qiu saw another acquaintance.

Xu Feifei.

The girl is here again.

In the past month or so, Ye Qiu has seen Xu Feifei at the door many times.

He was puzzled.

Why does the other party have to wait at the factory gate almost every day.

Originally, Ye Qiu thought she was waiting for Xu Dabao, after all, the relationship between the two, tsk tsk...

Later, when he saw that Xu Dabao's car left the factory without calling Xu Feifei, Ye Qiu was a little puzzled.

What are these girls doing?

If it wasn't for Qin Wan in the car, Ye Qiu really wanted to ask Xu Dabao.

What's the matter with your daughter.

The two Chitu Lightnings left the Wuling Automobile Factory and drove on the road to the energy factory on the other side of the mountain.

in the car,

Qin Wan felt the Red Rabbit Lightning, which has recently become popular all over the world.

don't say,

This car is really more comfortable than all the luxury cars he has ever sat in.

The car he was riding was a special version of the Red Rabbit Lightning made by Wuling for the chairman of Ye Qiu.

The wheelbase of 3200 mm has reached the standard of the D-segment car.

Legroom in the rear is simply extravagant, with four doors and four seats.

The top is equipped with a luxurious starry roof, and in the interior of the car, you can see all kinds of Xia Guofeng elements at any time.

for example,

At this time, Qin Wan saw the blooming peony embroidery on the roof of the car.

And the blooming white lotus on the car door at hand.

Sitting on the seat, enjoying the gentle massage on the back of the seat, is as warm and comfortable as a lover's hand.

Everywhere is detail, everywhere is luxurious but not high-profile.

Enjoy everywhere.

Sitting in this car can make people feel relaxed and happy to the greatest extent.

"Brother Ye, your Wuling car is really good."

Qin Wan sighed sincerely.

This car really refreshed his impression of domestic cars.

This sense of enjoyment has surpassed Mercedes-Benz.

As for the Audi that Qin Wan rides every day, it is even more incomparable.

Even the boss's red flag, compared with this car, is the same as a chicken.

Qin Wan himself wanted to complain about what Hongqi was doing.

"Brother Qin has won the award. The purpose of our car building at Wuling is to do the best if we don't do it. Of course, if you think our car can be used, why not consider using a government car?"

If Wuling Chitu can become a new generation of official car.

It is unimaginable for the growth of brand value.

As everyone knows,

At that time, Audi was a brand that was almost killed abroad.

After entering the country, relying on the identity of the official car, he miraculously survived.

The people's thinking is simple.

The official car, it must be a good car.


Audi has made a lot of money by relying on domestic sales, and has become one of the three major BBA giants in a short period of time.

If Ye Qiu can snatch the identity of Audi's official car.


Exciting to think about.

"Uh... I can't be in charge of this."

Qin Wanke didn't dare to promise anything to Ye Qiu.

Changing the brand of the official car will touch the interests of many people.


It's not his responsibility.

"All right.

Ye Qiu also knew that Qin Wan should be the boss's secretary, and he would definitely not be involved in such a thing.

"But after I go back, I will recommend your car to the boss. 35

Qin Wan really felt that Ye Qiu was shameless.

But he likes it.

Because Ye Qiu is a young man who is absolutely loyal to the country.

It can be seen from the chat that Ye Qiu has a sense of family and country in his bones, which is a trait that Qin Wan admires very much.

Today's young people all admire everything abroad, and there are few Ye Qiu who have a heart for the country.

Being able to help him make a premise in front of the boss is a convenient thing.

As for whether it can be done,

It's not something you can manage.

"Then thank you Brother Qin.

Ye Qiu was overjoyed and felt that Lao Qin was a good person.

The two quickly arrived at the energy factory, and when they saw that it was the boss's car, the security guards let them go.

Come to the door of the workshop.

Lin Yilin Er had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Ye Qiu had already sent a message to them, saying that he would bring people to visit the factory, show what should be seen, and hide what should not be seen.

Lin Yi and the two naturally knew what they couldn't show.


After preparing everything, wait for Ye Qiu's arrival.

"Brother Qin, please.""

When he came to the chip workshop, Ye Qiu pointed to the equipment in the dust-free workshop and said with a smile: "This is our Wuling engineer, who spent countless manpower and financial resources, and purchased a 96nm process light through the Magic Capital Microelectronics Group. Engraved machine, transformed."

"The amount of money spent in it is beyond your imagination, Brother Qin. Although the 14nm process was finally successfully achieved, it is nothing more than that. 35

"It is also 14nm, and the technology level of this lithography machine still has a lot of gaps with foreign countries. 35

This is impossible.

Although Xiuxiu can be transformed, the manufacturing process is also 14nm. There are still many gaps between this and foreign companies.

At least the performance of the chips produced is at least 20% lower than that of foreign countries.

But it is absolutely no problem to meet the car use.

"This is really your own transformation? President Ye, how did your engineer do it?

"I have seen the 96nm lithography machine of Microelectronics, and it is indeed this one, but it can be transformed into 14nm, which is unheard of."

"It's incredible."

The three optical experts from SMIC are not interested in the others.

But seeing this 14nm lithography machine, they were excited.

After studying the field of optics for a lifetime, they have been able to achieve the 24nm lithography level, which is the result of spending countless manpower and financial resources.

14nm, is a bigger watershed.

As long as domestic technology can break through 14nm, then 7nm, or even 5nm technology, can definitely break through together.


After seeing this machine, the three experts looked at a peerless beauty, flushed with excitement.

People who do technology are the purest.

Because in their eyes, only technology.

"Can we go in and see?"

The three were a little embarrassed.

Ye Qiu nodded generously and said, "You can do it anytime. 35

It's no secret, no one can see it.

With Ye Qiu's approval, the three excitedly changed into dust-free protective clothing and entered the workshop.

"Brother Ye, to be honest, the purpose of my visit this time is for this machine. Do you think it's possible to do this, let the machine out and give it to SMIC for research?"

Qin Wan finally said it.

In fact, he also felt that it was inappropriate to do so.

The state came to grab something from Wuling, which is a bit hooligan.

"Yes, I have said it a long time ago, as long as the country needs it, we Wuling can support everything at any time."

Ye Qiu nodded with a very generous expression on his face.

But the voice changed: "But brother Qin, you also know that we Wuling have spent unimaginable manpower and financial resources to build this machine. If the state takes it away, our chip supply will be cut off. .

"Let's talk about it first, I will absolutely support the country unconditionally, but you also have to help me solve the chip issue first. Also, the country can't let me spend more than a billion dollars and give it to some companies for nothing. .

"It has to be reasonable, of course, if the country is short of money, then we will not mention it, and you will directly take away the lithography machine.

want my machine.

Treat those business leaders as achievements.

Then pay the corresponding price.

You have to help me solve the chip supply problem first, and then give me the cost of the lithography machine.

Although Ye Qiu only spent tens of millions for the renovation.

But if this doesn't make you a billion, how can it be done.

Anyway, my attitude is very obvious, if you want, you can take it at any time, and when you take it, I will change it myself.


If you want, you have to agree to my conditions.

Qin Wan had a headache.

What Ye Qiu said, on the surface, is to support the country. If you want it, I will give it to you.


You can't use the identity of the country to bully me, a company that serves the people and the country.

You took away the machine, so my chip has to be solved for me.

Give me the cost.

Money is a small thing.

But Qin Wan is very clear about the chip issue alone, and the state cannot solve it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to Ye Qiu to ask for this machine.

According to what Ye Qiu said, he could only build this machine, and even when he built it, he was in a foolish mentality, and he succeeded in a confused way.

Let him build another one, it is estimated that there is no game.

"It's not in a hurry, I'm just telling you, and I'll definitely give you a satisfactory answer on the specifics.

It's fucking hard to do.

Before Qin Wan came, he thought that Ye Qiu would refuse directly, and that he would put forward many conditions.

But only unexpected.

Ye Qiu was so slick, saying that he would give it anytime.

But the meaning of the words is very obvious, it is impossible without paying the price.

After visiting the chip factory, Qin Wan left in a hurry, and he didn't even have time to see the workshop of the plasma battery.

A few hours later, Qin Wan returned to Kyoto.

Came to an office and saw an old man.

"How is it? Are things done?"

This old man was the one who had been paying attention to Wuling before.

Ye Qiu guessed right, Qin Wan's identity was the secretary of the old man.

"Boss, Ye Qiu is too slick..."

With a wry smile, Qin Wan told the old man everything about his meeting with Ye Qiu.

No details were withheld.

When the old man heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "This kid is interesting, but he is right, he has worked so hard, and even the sanctioned country has not come forward to help, and now that there is fruit, some people think to scramble.39

"I'm not happy with me either.

"In this way, you go and tell those people that if you want to get the lithography machine, go and talk to Ye Qiu yourself. As the introducer, as long as he can meet Ye Qiu's conditions, we will help facilitate this matter.

Today, when Qin Wan was sent to Wuling, some people came to look for the old man, which annoyed him, but he couldn't refuse.

Now that I know Ye Qiu's attitude, it's easy.

exchange of benefits.

If you can meet his requirements, pay the price, don't think of using the previous method to let the above forcibly snatch it.

Now is not the past, and the old man hates this style the most.

New bosses, too.

Therefore, no one dared to snatch the lithography machine from Wuling in the open.


Qin Wan nodded and went to inform some people.

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