Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 205 The Tense Border Situation (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Are we capable of bringing this submarine back?" Zuo Qingyun asked Long Baichuan.

"Our fishing boat has already set off, and it is expected to arrive in two days. Before that, we must ensure that this guy will not move around!" Long Baichuan said with a frown.

"Use our three boats to release the cables to fix it and prevent it from moving. There is no reason to let it go after it has been caught!" Zuo Qingyun said, although it is a bit troublesome for a semi-submersible fishing boat to catch a submarine, but for the sake of integrity This is the only way to keep it.

"Let's go to the storage warehouse to have a look. I think they found some cultural relics and they should be there!" Long Baichuan said, Zuo Qingyun nodded, and then they headed for the storage warehouse at the rear of the submarine, where the door rudder has It was full of rust, and several people struggled to open it. The moment they opened it, everyone was shocked by the treasure contained in it.

The storage bin itself is not very big, but the value of these cultural relics sorted out by pirates is incalculable. The earliest date was a thousand years ago. Unexpectedly, this group of 31 pirates actually had this kind of awareness, even if they were fighting among themselves. These priceless treasures were not destroyed.

"Our exploration operations will definitely attract the attention of all parties, especially Jiaopenji, they cannot remain indifferent. This place is also a little close to their base, take these materials away first!" Zuo Qingyun said to the soldiers on one side, a The soldiers nodded, and carefully waterproofed the two boxes they found.

"I will ask for support and let the fleet send all the nearby warships over!" Long Baichuan said. After all, these things are very important, and the fleet will easily get approval.

"Okay, let's leave here first, by the way, take the remains of the hero away first!"

After half an hour, several people floated up from the bottom of the sea, and Wu Gang rushed over and asked, "How is it, how is the situation?"

"The submarine is basically well preserved. Now we need to fix it to prevent it from floating along the ocean current!" Zuo Qingyun said with a smile, "In addition, in addition to the cultural relics on the submarine, we also found a hero."

"Hero?" Wu Gang asked suspiciously, Zuo Qingyun looked at him and nodded, they boarded the boat and unloaded all the equipment.

"I'll leave the rest to you, Team Dragon, I'm going to take this thing back first!"

"Don't worry!" Long Baichuan nodded. He watched Zuo Qingyun get on the helicopter with the two silver boxes, and then gradually went away. Wu Gang and Long Baichuan looked at the unobstructed sea, and the thoughts in their minds seemed to drift away gradually. Tie Zi, if you can also see this scene, how wonderful it would be...

Zuo Qingyun took a helicopter to the Dongdao base, and then quickly transferred from the base to the headquarters of the East China Sea Fleet.

"Are you here?" Cao Zhongguo looked at Zuo Qingyun who entered the door and smiled, and then a staff officer next to him directly took the suitcase in Zuo Qingyun's hand, "Your secondment will end soon


"The southern war zone has already asked us for people, and the war over there is very tense!" Cao Zhongguo nodded. He also knows a lot about the severe situation on the border. Now both sides are actively preparing for war. Of course, as far as Yanhuang is concerned , in fact, do not want to fight.

"When shall I go back?"

"In just a few days, you go back to take over, and then return to the southern theater immediately!" Cao Zhongguo sighed, he really didn't want Zuo Qingyun to go, but he was from there after all, Zuo Qingyun saluted, Then he turned and left, returning to the sea training ground.

"I'm leaving, and I'll entrust them to you!" Zuo Qingyun looked at them who were still training over there, and said to Deng Jiuguang.

"Okay!" Deng Jiuguang nodded, Zuo Qingyun is a seconded person, it's normal to leave, and he also knows that Zuo Qingyun doesn't want them to know about his departure, soldiers are like this, as long as the organization needs it, pack up your backpack and go Set off. There are actually very few things that Zuo Qingyun has to hand over, and he has already finished what needs to be done this month.

Zuo Qingyun returned to her dormitory in the beast camp, packed her rucksack, and brought Zuo Si back. In two months, Zuo Si also had the appearance of a soldier. She was admitted to the Central Military Academy, but she, Can't send her away either.

"You have to go by yourself, sister! The battle is urgent, and my brother can't see you off!" Zuo Qingyun packed her things for her, and looked at her tenderly, "When I arrive in Yanjing, I can find you, Sister Feifei, if you need anything, she is in the center. Military Medical University, you know the phone number!"

"I know, brother, don't worry about me!" Zuo Si shook her head, a smile appeared on her face, "Just go to your own business, sooner or later, I will stand in front of my brother to protect him." your.

"Okay!" Zuo Qingyun nodded, and then went out with his suitcase. At this time, his military uniform had been changed into army uniform, and his navy uniform was left at the sea training ground. The car was already waiting outside, Zuo Qingyun opened the door, let Zuo Si get in the car, and helped her put her luggage into the car.

"Squad leader, take her to the airport!"

"Don't worry, Zuo Shen!" The sergeant smiled, then started the car and left, while Zuo Qingyun quickly ran to the apron not far away with his rucksack on his back, where a helicopter was already waiting for him .

"Please fly over from the sea training ground!"

"Okay!" The blue helicopter flew over the sea training ground. Through the window, Zuo Qingyun saw that they lined up neatly on the beach and saluted a standard 327 military salute to the approaching helicopter. This was their last They knew very well that once Zuo Qingyun left, the chance of seeing him again would probably be gone. Zuo Qingyun's eyes were slightly moist, and she turned her head away.

A day later, Zuo Qingyun returned to the Synthetic First Brigade deployed at the border. The entire brigade revealed a strong sense of tension, and the air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder. He returned to his reconnaissance camp, Everyone is intensively training for battle.

"You're back." Looking at Zuo Qingyun who came back, Shangguan Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief. He almost exhausted himself to death in the past two months.

"Well, I'm back, what happened recently?" Zuo Qingyun asked.

"Well, let me tell you briefly first!" Shangguan Yun spread out the map, and said with a serious face: "After you left, the monkey army on the border was ready to move, they kept harassing my border, even with It was the same as before, shelling our border villages and killing our border people. The Southern Theater Command issued an order to ask the officers and soldiers to restrain themselves. Until a month ago, a company confronted the monkey army crossing the border and asked them to leave immediately. As a result, the patrol opened fire directly. Guo Lin was already prepared, counterattacked in time, and repelled this company. Since then, our two armies have completely changed into the current state!"

"The battalion commander, the brigade commander ordered you to go there!"


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