Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 207 If War Breaks Out Today (Please Subscribe! Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

Zuo Qingyun pointed back from the front, seeing the nervousness of the officers and soldiers in the battalion, he shook his head, and then called the chief of staff, "Get ready tonight, we will organize a barbecue!"

"Okay!" The chief of staff nodded and went to make arrangements. Zuo Qingyun returned to the battalion headquarters and took out a letter from his backpack and handed it to Shangguan Yun.

"I really don't know why you father and son insist on writing letters instead of making phone calls?" Zuo Qingyun looked at Shangguan Yun helplessly.

"I don't understand, this letter is written with a sentimentality." Shangguan Yun smiled and said to Zuo Qingyun, he suddenly found that Zuo Qingyun who came back from the sea seemed to have changed a lot, "The sea breeze has made you vicissitudes, Zuo Qingyun Comrade."

"What vicissitudes?" Zuo Qingyun said angrily, "The whole camp organizes a barbecue at night, so don't stay in the house, and have a good chat with the brothers, I have a faint feeling that the war is about to start gone."

"Yeah, the storm is coming.

The night fell quickly, and everyone was surprised by Zuo Qingyun's decision. Under such a tense situation, they even organized a barbecue. However, this approach was a one-off for the officers and soldiers who had almost no rest for a month. It was a rare adjustment, and the whole battalion was organized in an open space, Zuo Qingyun suddenly felt that such a 947 song was very suitable for the occasion.

This group of young soldiers was preparing for a war that would break out at an unknown time. From their faces, Zuo Qingyun saw a kind of firmness and passion, but also bitterness and confusion. They watched Zuo Qingyun walking among them and handed him the grilled meat skewers directly. Although they hadn't seen him for two months, it didn't affect their relationship at all.

"No need, you can roast and eat it yourself!" Zuo Qingyun looked at them and sighed slightly. No one knows how many of these people who are here now will have the national flag when they come back. They are still joking today The laughing brother may have turned into a cold corpse in a blink of an eye. War is always cruel, and it is the same for everyone.

If a war breaks out today, some people may choose to run as far as possible; if a war breaks out, some people may be negative and pessimistic, but they will choose to face the difficulties.

Zuo Qingyun took the guitar, sat among them, and played it, the passionate melody immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"The armor that sharpens the will, the bullet (dbaj) full of wisdom, people have reached their hearts before they set out, their minds are fighting, and the souls of soldiers stand tall and straight on the commanding heights. Everything is to face the war if it breaks out today..."

"Every day is fully dressed, every moment is ready to go, I promise my mission with my life, if war breaks out, this is my answer..." Zuo Qingyun's voice is impassioned, why he sings this song at this time is to inspire Everyone's morale, war has always been a game for the brave, and the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road. The Yanhuang soldiers can move forward bravely, and they begin to rely on this unyielding spirit.

The blood in everyone's heart is burning. They used to think that the war would not break out, but now the situation that is on the verge of breaking out makes them realize that the war may be on the verge of breaking out

This gap in reality quietly changed their hearts, and they became confused. Zuo Qingyun gave them ideological and political education in this gentle way.

"I'm fully dressed every day, and ready to go every moment. I promise my mission with my life. If war breaks out, this is my answer, this is my answer!" The officers and soldiers of the whole battalion roared out in unison. They were swept away. Now that they wear military uniforms, they have such responsibilities and obligations. With August 1 on their heads and feet on the Yanhuang land, they are bound to use their lives to defend the honor of the Yanhuang soldiers.

On this late summer night, the singing of the reconnaissance battalion spread far and wide, and at the same time, the game between Yin and Nation was also going on.

The commander-in-chief is currently having an online meeting with Ruan Ying, President of the Monkey Kingdom

"I hope that the monkey side can abide by the content of the Gaoshan agreement signed 20 years ago and stop invading our border!" The commander said indifferently to Ruan Ying, "It will not benefit both of us if we continue to make trouble like this."

"The Gaoshan Agreement? Is that something I signed?" Ruan Ying's face showed a hint of surprise, "It was signed by the former president and you, and it has nothing to do with our current government.

"So, don't you plan to admit it?" The commander snorted coldly. The so-called Gaoshan Agreement was a non-aggression treaty signed with the Monkey Party after the border war was over during the second commander's tenure twenty years ago. It seems that they are ironclad. I don't want to back down.

"How can we admit this without signing it?" Ruan Ying's expression was very surprised, and then his attitude gradually became tougher, "It is you Yanhuang who invaded our border

What does it mean to injure our soldiers on routine patrol?"

"Then it seems that we don't need to talk anymore." The commander didn't want to waste his time with them any more, and he gave courtesy first before fighting. Now that they have swelled to this point, let's take a look. He hung up the communication immediately.

"Yanhuang, hehe, it's just young soldiers who haven't fought in twenty years. It's really amazing that the Monkey Kingdom is still the same as it was twenty years ago?" Ruan Ying sneered, and he immediately dialed a phone number, "Hi, Lieutenant General Pudenwen, our talks have collapsed, and you must be prepared to prevent Yanhuang from suddenly attacking.

"Go, immediately notify all members of the military and political council to hold a meeting!" The commander's eyes were shining with anger. This group of guys occupied many of their islands in the south. Over the years, Yanhuang has been enduring for economic development. They have endured too much. After a long time, it's time to let this group of guys with high-sightedness and low-handedness see that the current Yanhuang is still unshakable.

"It's time to implement our battle plan!" The commander looked at the members of the military and political council in front of him. All of them were general-level officers. They were the most precious spiritual wealth of the Yanhuang army. that battle.

"I suggest that General Ye be in command!" An admiral looked at the white-haired old man aside.



"Okay, General Ye is in command. The southern theater is fully in charge of this border operation. It needs people, equipment, and equipment. All preparations must be completed within a week. It must be done in secret. Some troops can be withdrawn from the border. Let go of their vigilance, this battle will definitely raise our Yanhuang army's prestige!"

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