Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 211 Murder In The Night (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Which unit do you belong to?" At this time, a second lieutenant on the side came over and said, "I am also the platoon leader of the seventh team of the Security Force!"

"We belong to the 319A Division!" Zuo Qingyun said calmly, "We just fought with the Yanhuang Army who attacked us, and their corpses are in front of us."

"That's it!" The second lieutenant of the monkey army was full of admiration. He really didn't know how he would feel if he knew that the person wearing the Yanhuang military uniform over there was one of his own. , We didn’t even say a word on the march, compared with you, we are far behind, you are really a role model for us to learn from!”

The corners of Zuo Qingyun's mouth twitched. This group of monkey soldiers are really hard-witted, but fortunately, they have gained their trust, and his pace gradually accelerated. The two monkey army officers were already talking to Zuo Qingyun Zuo Qingyun kept praising them, making them feel a little ecstatic, but fortunately, their own people didn't know what Zuo Qingyun was talking about, they only heard the two monkey army officers If you let them know what Zuo Qingyun talked with them, they will definitely not be able to help complaining

The camp is starting again.

The three came to the front unknowingly, Zuo Qingyun gave Ran Feng a wink, he immediately understood, when he reached the corner of the intersection, Zuo Qingyun directly took out the dagger, and quickly covered the mouth of the officer beside him, and immediately A dagger directly cut open the artery on his neck, and the monkey army officer stared at Zuo Qingyun with disbelief all over his face. As the blood flowed out, his body also became limp. Another officer was dealt with by Ran Feng in almost the same way.

The bodies of these two people were quickly dragged into the grass by the soldiers who followed, and the blood on the ground was also covered up, as if it had never happened. Just in case, Zuo Qingyun turned his head and took a look. When the soldiers of the monkey army walked past this corner, they didn't find their dead bodies lying in the grass beside them.

"What should I do next, Battalion Commander?" Ran Feng asked.

Zuo Qingyun also took a look, and then shouted to the team facing the team in monkey language, the seventh team of the Taian Army, Qing will arrange for you!"

Looking at the soldiers of the monkey army who came over, the people in these squads looked at Zuo Qingyun astonished. They are already in modern warfare, and they can still play like this? In fact, they are not to blame, each of them is issued with With the latest generation of digital terminals, anyone who loses the signal will be tracked immediately, and the monkey army's grassroots troops, even the elite troops, cannot do this at present

Even Yanhuang is only equipped with front-line troops on the frontier. For the monkey army, the gap in technology cannot be made up. This is an unequal war.

As a result, a dozen monkey soldiers were eliminated in this way, and they once again refreshed their understanding of Zuo Qingyun.

"The front is Mengping Village, five kilometers away is Nangao!" said Yu, the squad leader of the security guard.

"Where did the Synthetic Battalion attack?" Zuo Qingyun asked.

"The Synthetic Battalion was attacked by the enemy in Qingfeng Gorge. Their path was blocked by gravel. There are many guerrillas of the monkey army above the canyon. They are cleaning up!" Kuang Yu said, Zuo Qingyun frowned, If they delay there any longer, they will not be able to launch an attack on Nangao as scheduled.

"Regardless of them, we will infiltrate first, notify each group, and gather at the predetermined location!"

At this time, at the frontline headquarters of the Monkey Army, Pu Dengwen looked at the battle report with a silent face.

It has been 6 hours since Yanhuang launched a surprise attack. In these 6 hours, they have already lost a regiment of troops, and there has been a gap in the eastern defense line. Fortunately, the current Yanhuang army's offensive cannot be built in advance. The permanent fortifications are blocked.

"The 319A division reported that its air defense company was raided by Yanhuang! They wiped out two platoons of Yanhuang army scouts!"

"The air defense company of the 319A Division?" Pu Dengwen quickly found their deployment location on the map, which was already 20 kilometers beyond the battle line, and suddenly he realized that if Yanhuang wanted to infiltrate, he would definitely have more than this amount of troops, and his brows were furrowed. , "Order the secret service team to attack quickly, and make sure my rear is safe!"


"Order the frontline troops to resist the Yanhuang army's attack in batches, play guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare, harass them in small groups, and wear down their energy!"

Pointing forward, Li Wenyao was furious as he watched the advancing front of the Synthetic Battalion. He looked at the map and said to Chief of Staff Yang Yong.

"The Synthetic Battalion has been attacking for three hours without taking a step out of the canyon. This is still under the condition that our side has fire support. What are they doing?"

"They are clearing the monkey army guerrillas near the canyon and the mines at the entrance of the canyon. Their harassment cannot allow the tanks to pass safely." Yang Yong also frowned. The reconnaissance battalion is advancing rapidly. Once in position to attack, they are left alone.

"Let the Army Aviation and artillery increase the batches of fire support!" Li Wenyao said coldly, since the conventional method is not enough, then use firepower to open a way, "Let the mine-sweeping vehicles rush forward directly, tell them, don't pay attention These guerrillas, they are delaying the momentum of our offensive, they will be exhausted in one go, and then we will be exhausted, and when our morale is low, it will be the time for the enemy's main force to attack."

Now the front lines of the two armies are advancing rapidly. The reason why they are advancing so quickly is that the third-rate monkey army responsible for the frontline resistance is invincible. It's a real tough fight.

Enter the village swaggeringly!" Looking at the village in the dark, Zuo Qingyun said, "Everyone, don't talk!"

Even in the dark night, Zuo Qingyun did not let down his vigilance at all. The reason why he swaggered was entirely because he was on his own territory, and there was no one who pretended to be an enemy to walk on his own territory and still shrink back.

"Stop, password!" At the entrance of Mengping Village, a monkey-language cry suddenly came from the dark night. For a while, everyone was ready to fight.

"See clearly, we belong to Division 319A, and you still ask us for a password?" Zuo Qingyun immediately cursed, after all, Division 319A is an excellent signboard, who cares what password a guerrilla in a small village uses.

"It turned out to be the comrades of Division 319A, so I've been waiting for you!".

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