Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 212 Strategic Deployment (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Notify all the troops to put on the simulation equipment immediately!" Zuo Qingyun issued an order, "The artillery battalion goes out of the D7 area, and the reconnaissance company is responsible for protection! At the same time, the militia reserves in various villages and towns are mobilized to quickly gather and return to the building according to wartime standards.

Half an hour later, the command of the theater command was also issued. There were only four words: the exercise began.

At this time, countless generals of the Southwest Theater Command gathered here, and countless electronic screens were placed in front of them to monitor their deployment in real time. Zuo Qingyun's deployment quickly appeared on the electronic screen, one by one red. Arrows go everywhere.

"Zuo Qingyun's arrangement can be said to be a standard defense!" Major General Tan Shaocheng nodded and said, it is very rare to be able to react in such a short period of time, this kind of arrangement can be done quickly no matter which direction the enemy is attacking from. Moreover, they did not stick to the military system. They mobilized all the police, national guard, and militia reserves affiliated to Kunming City, at least giving them a paramilitary combat force of at least 3,000 people.

"Indeed, his reaction speed is beyond my imagination." Ye Chengfeng 697 nodded. He was specially sent by the Military and Political Council. At this time, the command hall of the Military and Political Council can also see their performance, "It is indeed young The best of his generation."

"But Long Xiaoyun in the central theater is not bad either!" Admiral Qin said looking at one of the display screens, "She has more troops than Zuo Qingyun, and even has a special warfare squadron, I don't know who will win. "

This exercise was specially approved by the Military and Political Council. The purpose was to train these young officers. Although some of them had brilliant achievements, knowing how to fight does not mean that they can command large troops to fight.

Zuo Qingyun was sitting in the command position at the moment, pointing his fingers at the table, now the situation is a little unfavorable. Now their only strategic weapon is the Fifth Strategic Missile Brigade, but it is impossible for the enemy not to have thought of this, but for the missile force, the distance does not have much impact.

"This brat..." Looking at Zuo Qingyun's appearance, Li Wenyao felt a little funny for no reason

"Information warfare, intelligence warfare..." Zuo Qingyun murmured, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Order the engineer battalion to build a battalion of tank camps in the S9 area at night. Let the support company pull the camouflaged inflatable tanks tomorrow." Drive in, the National Guard is strictly guarding the periphery, and civilians are not allowed to approach, and the intelligence center will release information that there are tank units in the S9 area at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Zuo Qingyun did this in order to confuse the lurking enemy personnel hiding in the city, so as to hide the location of his real tank unit. After all, the eight tank companies of the four synthetic battalions have not moved at all.

"Order the support company to pull the two tank companies of the Synthetic First Battalion to the garbage dump incineration plant in the western suburbs of Kunming to disguise themselves tonight, and disguise the two tank companies as garbage.

"Pfft!" Yang Yong on the side couldn't help laughing, this is indeed a test for the two companies.

"In addition, the tank company of the Second Battalion of Synthesis was stationed in the Kunming Fire Brigade and replaced with the paint of fire tanks. The remaining five tank companies were camouflaged in the jungle in the western suburbs and stayed where they are!" Zuo Qingyun's arrangement is also very risky. Now, there are almost no armored forces in the city, but for the city's fortifications, it is not very meaningful as a defensive tank.

"The reconnaissance battalion is organized in platoons, and the whole city searches for suspicious persons. As for what is suspicious, they know! The focus is on various government agencies." Zuo Qingyun issued the last order of the afternoon. His bureau has been set up, and now he is waiting They drilled (dbaa) came.

At this time, tens of kilometers away from Kunming City, there is a temporary headquarters.


"Come in!" An officer walked into a tent, but the colonel, who was staring at the electronic map of Kunming, didn't turn around to look at him.

"The superior has issued the information of our opponent!"

"Oh, who is it?" The colonel turned around slightly at this moment and asked with great interest.

"The combined first brigade, plus an air defense brigade, a missile brigade and an army aviation regiment.

"Synthetic first brigade? Interesting!" The colonel chuckled lightly, "Didn't they come down from the front line just now and regain their combat effectiveness so quickly?"

"I don't know. According to the information, their commander is not Senior Colonel Li Wenyao, but Lieutenant Colonel Zuo Qingyun, the deputy chief of staff." The lieutenant colonel frowned, "I know this Zuo Qingyun. Legend, one of the four special heroes in the whole army.

"Don't underestimate him." The colonel shook his head, "You are not as good as him in terms of modern tactics. This is a huge challenge for us. The Synthetic First Brigade has just gone through the tempering of the war. At this moment, it is the front line. The head is in full bloom, and our pressure is not small."

"But we have twice the strength of the opponent. Can we still win? In addition to the standard configuration, we also have an armored regiment, an information and intelligence brigade, a special forces unit, a missile brigade, and even a fighter jet brigade. .” The lieutenant colonel said a little puzzled.

"Never underestimate your enemy!" The colonel said solemnly, "Don't forget that military strength does not determine everything, only the commander's thinking is the most important. Go ahead, let the cadres above the deputy regiment come to the meeting [we] Have a good discussion."

On the second day, everything went according to Zuo Qingyun's deployment. The camouflaged inflatable tank was pulled to the predetermined area by the support battalion, and the mighty army immediately attracted the crowds of the people.

The people are very curious about why the troops of the Yanhuang People's Army appeared overnight, but they are also curious about these tanks, and they all took out their mobile phones to take pictures. The surrounding guards just stopped them seriously, but there are still photos going crazy on the Internet spread. The scouts of the Ninth Brigade who sneaked in earlier quickly passed the information on the scene to the headquarters.

"Order the missile troops to prepare for launching immediately!" Colonel Mao Wenlong, commander of the Ninth Brigade, ordered. Although he was also very puzzled by Zuo Qingyun's approach, he also believed in his intelligence personnel. After all, in the Internet age, every move of the army will be followed. He then gave the order to attack, trusting his scouts. .

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