Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 248 Great Power Strategy (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

On the other side of the central theater theater, the temporary headquarters of the Yanjing First Garrison Brigade led by Long Xiaoyun.

"Order the army aviation unit to carry out intensive bombing along the No. 3 highway, and the Wolf Warrior Squadron will set off and parachute in the No. 13 area!" Looking at the electronic screen, Long Xiaoyun said lightly.


"How many troops do we have?"

"Three battalions."

"Order them to attack, and make sure to wipe out all the enemies in area 13." Long Xiaoyun ordered decisively, and she looked at the fiery red arrow on the electronic screen with a smile on her face.

Two hours later, the battle to guard the gate of Yanjing ended successfully. Listening to the cheers in the command post, Long Xiaoyun heaved a sigh of relief. She brushed the hair on her forehead and said, "Contact the commander of the war zone." department."

"Lieutenant General!" Long Xiaoyun saluted.

Lieutenant General Qin, the deputy commander of the Central War Zone, nodded slightly, "Good job, but there is still a little gap between you and Zuo Qingyun, he ended the battle two hours ago, and the loss of troops he used is smaller than yours, I'll send you the video material later, you can study it~"

Hearing Zuo Qingyun's name, Long Xiaoyun's pupils shrank suddenly. The last time she heard it was when Zuo Qingyun was awarded a special meritorious official in Yanjing. She hadn't seen Zuo Qingyun for a long time, and her impression of him was still in the When confronting the blue army. She faintly recalled the time when she first met Zuo Qingyun. In just three short years, she was promoted to lieutenant colonel, and Zuo Qingyun was also promoted to lieutenant colonel.

"You and Zuo Qingyun are old acquaintances, I won't say much, just work hard!" Lieutenant General Qin immediately hung up the communication, and at the same time the video of the exercise that Zuo Qing went to in the headquarters began to broadcast

"Hello, Colonel Mao. Seeing Mao Wenlong who was waiting for Zuo Qingyun in his headquarters, Zuo Qingyun stood at attention and saluted.

"I'm not fine." Mao Wenlong said pretending to be serious.

"Hehe, there are winners and losers in battle, don't be so stingy, old classmate." At this time, Li Wenyao walked over with a big smile. Zuo Qingyun.

"Heh, if the director department hadn't informed me, I would have thought you were in command this time." Mao Wenlong said angrily, "I've been in the army for 20 years, but I didn't expect to fall into the hands of a junior. The fighting hero who came out."

"However, there is one thing to say. After the battle of the Monkey Kingdom, the cooperation between the various arms of your troops is very tacit. Your artillery even dared to launch an artillery attack 100 meters in front of the armored troops. Our Ninth Brigade still has There are many things to learn from you." Mao Wenlong said with emotion, and his eyes looked at Zuo Qingyun, "How about it, as the deputy chief of staff, you come to us, and I will make your deputy become a real one. It just so happens that the Ninth Brigade hasn’t dispatched a chief of staff yet.”

"Go, go, you don't want to dig out my people!" Li Wenyao gave him a cold look, "Believe it or not, I'm still the same as before..."

"Stop it, why don't you mention that." Mao Wenlong was suddenly embarrassed, and quickly waved his hand and said.

"Okay, here you are, I will treat you to a field meal as a landlord." Li Wenyao said with a smile.

"Ah, field food????"

In the battle hall of the Military and Political Council, almost all the drills came to an abrupt end in the morning. The commander sat on a chair and tapped his fingers on the table. Judging from the situation of the drill, there were very few outstanding officers. It stands to reason that the city's offensive and defensive The side that defends the city is the most advantageous, and the entire army will not be wiped out under the circumstances that there is not much difference in the number of troops, but I did not expect that "in this era, there are officers who still engage in positional warfare in the city's attack and defense.

"Starting in November, middle and high-level officers will be transferred from the whole army in batches, and they will go to various military academies to study modern warfare tactics courses, especially officers over the age of 30. They enter the army early, and many theories are changing. If they reach If you don’t meet the graduation requirements, then continue your studies.” After a long silence, the commander-in-chief said that the people’s army should face the world and face the future. Although the army’s main task of occupying key points and annihilating the enemy’s effective forces will not undergo major changes, it must also adapt to some modernization. Means and tactics, after all, technology is being updated every moment.

"There is one more thing, Commander." The general in charge of the Monkey Country said at the moment: "Now that we and the Autonomous Alliance Army have built a complete line of defense, do we have to withdraw the troops?"

...‥asking for flowers...

"Withdraw? No, according to our agreement, we will be stationed there for two years!" The commander shook his head, "In addition to assisting in defense, our troops also need to strengthen the construction of various parts of the Autonomous Alliance. Make investment, and soon a large number of projects will start, and the task of the troops is to prevent the sabotage of the monkey army agents."

"Commander, let's strengthen their economy and infrastructure construction. If they turn around and attack us, won't the purpose of our battle be lost?" Lieutenant General Miao asked

"Think about it, after you live your current life, can you bear to be thrown into a slum like the Baixiang country?" After enjoying the benefits that Yanhuang brought them, will they still think about confronting us? And we didn't interfere in the internal affairs of the Autonomous Alliance, just sent an advisory group. By the way, I decided to transfer Zuo Qingyun to the southeast coast , do you have any comments?"


The sky was bright, and the residents of Kunming City listened to the gunfire all night. When they got up early the next morning to go to work, they found that the road was clean without any traces left. The notice left said that the exercise has ended, thank the people of Kunming City for their cooperation, and I am very sorry for the disturbance.

Although the large forces have withdrawn, the investigation of the terrorists is still going on. The military intelligence bureau has conducted a large-scale investigation in Kunming City, and has checked in various government agencies and departments, and many people have been arrested. Through their investigation, Zuo Qingyun knew a terrorist organization Holy Salvation Society entrenched in Xinjiang Province.

This made Zuo Qingyun worried on the way back. If Yanhuang wants to revive the glory of the Kingdom, he must first wipe out the enemies in the country, and these guys are hiding in the dark, whether it is Xinjiang Province, Tibet Province, or lonely Overseas Taiwan Island is something they must solve. .

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