Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 255: Fierce Battle At The Factory (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!

At the same time, the Red Turban Army and a large number of mercenaries poured in continuously from outside. Zuo Qingyun stood behind the bunker on the second floor, and he could only focus on shooting. The corpse of the Red Turban Army. Naturally, this group of red scarf soldiers were just cannon fodder for these mercenaries. They originally wanted to directly destroy the Chinese-funded factories through a surprise attack, but they did not expect to be discovered by Zuo Qingyun. Let alone Zuo Qingyun, even ordinary workers haven't dealt with a few.

"Get all the drones out," Lips slapped the table and roared.

"Yes." His subordinates quickly began to mobilize the drones, and with a harsh buzzing sound, nearly ten small drones flew into the factory. These drones were equipped with machine guns, and their firepower was very impressive. Zuo It is also impossible for Qingyun to kill these things at once. After shooting down one, the remaining drones all surrounded them.

All the fire barrages ejected from the drones chased Zuo Qingyun and ran around the factory, but the factory was full of bunkers that Zuo Qingyun could use, so there was no threat to him for the time being, but correspondingly Yes, he has no way to fight back.

"Damn, how did this guy do it." The subordinate cursed viciously, and continued to control the drone to hunt down Zuo Qingyun. Without Zuo Qingyun, the Red Scarf Army and mercenaries rushed into the factory and Workers exchange fire. They have all fought on the battlefield. Under their attacks, the workers' armed forces suffered heavy losses.

This kind of scene is what Lipps wanted to see. A series of gunshots rang out, and a drone following Zuo Qingyun's butt was shot down immediately. He saw He Jianguo who shot, and Lipps' expression changed Once it gets ugly, "Kill this guy."

Judging from this man's technique, he is very professional. His subordinates quickly controlled the drone to turn the gun, and at the same time he said in the walkie-talkie: "Take care of this veteran first."

He Jianguo sneered when he saw so many people rushing towards him. The person who can be the reconnaissance company commander in the counterattack war is naturally not an ordinary person. He dexterously chose the bunker while shooting. With He Jianguo's restraint, Zuo Qingyun escaped from the gunfire. He threw away the 47 rifle in his hand and picked up a lighter 16 rifle from the dead Red Turban soldier. A drone exploded.

At the same time, Zuo Qingyun quickly rushed towards the fire hydrant not far away. He directly smashed open the window of the fire hydrant, connected the water pipe, nozzle and fire hydrant together, and then quickly unscrewed the fire hydrant, a strong stream of water Immediately, they headed towards the drones flying in the air, and the two drones were caught off guard and quickly swept away by the water and lost control...

"Da da da!" A series of bullets shot towards Zuo Qingyun. He rolled sideways while holding the nozzle and charged at the soldiers of the Red Scarf Army who surrounded him. The high-pressure water gun immediately knocked down a group of soldiers. He Jianguo took the opportunity Shoot back directly, and kill six people in one face.

Zuo Qingyun dropped the sprinkler head and carried out rapid combat fire with a rifle in his hand. He Jianguo also left the bunker and rushed towards Zuo Qingyun's direction quickly.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Yifan's blood was boiling with enthusiasm, and he wished to rush up directly, but at the moment he couldn't summon any strength from his body.


"It's really exciting." Seeing this scene, Lips was almost laughed stupidly by the group of Red Turban soldiers.

"I'll go head on!"

"Be careful, they are not easy to deal with, it is best to take a hostage." Seeing that his subordinates were going, Lips did not stop him but reminded.

The subordinates nodded and rushed into the factory with a group of people. They did not participate in the siege of Zuo Qingyun, but chose to avoid the two people after a detour and went directly to Dr. Chen.

Zuo Qingyun noticed their actions, and then he said to He Jianguo: "I will leave this to you, I will go to Dr. Chen."

"Okay, don't worry, leave it to me." He Jianguo said immediately, Zuo Qingyun nodded, then threw away the rifle, and quickly walked in their direction. Now the drones have been completely destroyed, and those guys can't see now Case.

"Dr. Chen, where are you?" Lips' men shouted loudly, Dr. Chen and the others hid in the corner, Rachel covered Pasha's mouth, and they were getting closer.

It has to be said that these red scarf soldiers did help Zuo Qingyun a lot. He quickly found the route of the guy through a straggling Red Scarf soldier. Grabbed a man's mouth and slashed his neck with a dagger[and dropped him on the ground.

Suddenly, the men who were about to find Dr. Chen and the others stopped, and the sound of footsteps behind him disappeared. He suddenly turned his head and started shooting, but there was nothing behind him, and the people following him were all dead.

"Drink!" A figure suddenly appeared next to him, his subordinates turned around suddenly, and hit his right shoulder hard with a blow of the whip leg. Qingyun kicked and fell to the ground, followed by a black gun aimed at him.

"Bang!" The gunshot rang out, blood spattered everywhere, Zuo Qingyun493 directly picked up the walkie-talkie hanging on his chest and said lightly, "He's already dead, if you continue, he'll probably be there soon."

Immediately Zuo Qingyun hung up, and Lips in the command room shouted angrily: "I will definitely kill you."

There was a cold killing intent in Lipps' eyes, he directly picked up the weapon, and said over the intercom: "Everyone, assemble!"

At this time, most of the enemies in the factory had been wiped out, or in other words, there were not many troops in their surprise attack tonight. Zuo Qingyun and He Jianguo met again, and his right arm was scratched by a bullet.

"Are you all right?"


"Okay, let's go wave again!"

"They have already evacuated!" At this time, Zhuo Yifan ran over and said, Zuo Qingyun frowned, at this time a call came, it was Chen Qiao.

"I am Zuo Qingyun!"

"We have found that the Red Turban Army has colluded with overseas mercenary organizations. The Red Turban Army has hired these mercenaries. You have to be more careful."

"Captain, it's a little late for you to say, we have already had a fierce battle with them." Zuo Qingyun said angrily, "But I have a hunch that they will never give up easily. Are our helicopters okay? "

"rest assured.".

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