Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 257 Menacing (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

On the second day, the worst situation really happened. He Jianguo found the mighty Red Scarf Legion in the binoculars. He immediately turned over and said, "It's almost as you expected."

"How many people, are they carrying heavy weapons?" Zuo Qingyun said very calmly.

"I haven't found it for the time being. I'm afraid it's just the vanguard. There are about a hundred people." He Jianguo said.

"Are you afraid?" Zuo Qingyun chuckled.

"Afraid? Hey, I'm just afraid that I won't be able to play well. They are all heads-offers." He Jianguo laughed, showing his heroic qualities when speaking.

"What about you, little brat?" Zuo Qingyun looked at Zhuo Yifan again, after all, they don't have much combat power now, and it's only one they can use.

"This time, I will let them know how powerful you are." Zhuo Yifan gritted his teeth and said firmly.

"Okay, act according to our previous deployment." Zuo Qingyun directly took an SVD to the roof. It was captured last night and it was in good condition. This gun is for this group of red scarf soldiers who only know about Chutu It can be described as reckless. He Jianguo and Zhuo Yifan led other workers 353 to ambush in the factory.

A few minutes later, Zuo Qingyun could clearly see their vanguard troops in the scope. Zuo Qingyun pulled the trigger directly at the frontmost soldier, and a bullet went directly through his forehead. In a short time, countless bullets The rain was flying, and a battle of uneven strength, but both sides were brave and fearless, started immediately.

Zuo Qingyun's key target is to search for the opponent's snipers. After all, the gap between infantry is not very large. Zuo Qingyun only searches for key targets to attack, such as mercenaries hiding among them and people who look like Red Scarf Army cadres. .

Under the cover of Zuo Qingyun, the people on his side did not suffer too many casualties, but the Red Scarf Army suffered heavy casualties because they did not have any outstanding snipers. Even with the superiority in weapons and numbers, they have no way to change anything. Once a worker here falls down, another person will replace him. Everyone knows that this is a life-and-death battle. There is no so-called savior, or the savior is themselves.

More than a hundred vanguard troops were defeated in this head-to-head (dbfg) battle. To the extent of their desperation, these red scarf troops were far inferior to the workers in the factory.

"The 54 tanks are all concealed." Suddenly, Zuo Qingyun saw the giant steel monster appearing in the distance from the scope, and a shell suddenly flew over, and the two workers who had no time to dodge were immediately blown to pieces. At the same time, A tank's tank gun had locked onto Zuo Qingyun above the factory.

"Boom!" Zuo Qingyun evaded in time, and a big hole was blown out of the roof above the factory, and debris and rubble kept falling, but fortunately, the others had moved elsewhere in time.

After that, several tanks rushed in directly over the factory wall, firing and destroying recklessly. It didn't take long for the entire factory to be full of ruins.

Looking at the workers in distress, Lipps shouted excitedly: "If you fight against me, you will die. Except for Dr. Chen, everyone will be killed. If you find Zuo Qingyun, report immediately, and I will kill him myself."

"Yes!" The tank troops immediately dispersed to find the target, which provided opportunities for Zuo Qingyun and the others. After all, a single tank without the protection of soldiers is indeed very fragile, and the 54 tanks were originally equipped by the Yanhuang Army, Zuo Qingyun He is very familiar with He Jianguo and knows where the dead ends of this tank are.

"Old squad leader, I'll show up later to attract the tank's attention. You take the opportunity to go around from behind. We're going to grab a tank." Zuo Qingyun said to He Jianguo.

"Don't worry!" He Jianguo nodded, because of their bombardment, there were ruins everywhere, which provided a good opportunity for them to hide.

Zuo Qingyun threw away the SVD with no bullets, and then rushed out from one side, a tank driving in front noticed Zuo Qingyun at once, and the parallel machine guns in the tank began to shoot at Zuo Qingyun, Zuo Qingyun suddenly disappeared in a At the corner, when the tank was advancing rapidly, He Jianguo jumped onto the tank directly from the side.

When they found He Jianguo jumping into their tank, the soldiers in the tank drove the tank around, trying to throw He Jianguo off, but He Jianguo firmly grasped the railing of the tank, like a willow tree in a strong wind.

When the tank passed by, Zuo Qingyun jumped over directly from the side. He and He Jianguo pulled open the hatch on the tank with force. The moment it opened, Zuo Qingyun quickly took out his pistol and shot directly inside. , The commander and loader were directly beaten into a sieve, and the driver was shot dead by Zuo Qingyun as soon as he got out.

Zuo Qingyun directly dragged out the driver's body, and then went to the driver's seat. The cockpit of the Yanhuang tank was not bad, and he drove the Type 97 very smoothly. He Jianguo went directly to the position of the loader, and Zuo Qingyun directly drove the tank to pick up Zhuo Yifan. At this distance, He Jianguo directly fired an anti-aircraft machine gun at the Red Scarf soldiers who surrounded him.

The large-caliber bullets passed through the human body and directly covered them with a cloud of blood. The remaining Red Turban soldiers were also frightened and dared not go forward at all.

"Get in the car." Zuo Qingyun yelled at Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan quickly climbed onto the tank without any hesitation, and directly entered the position of the gunner in the battle compartment. At this point, all members of the 54 tank trio were present. After realizing that their tank had been taken away by them, two tanks rushed towards them immediately.

"Boom!" A shell directly hit the side armor of the 54 tank. The shell and the armor sparked violently and then jumped away and hit a house behind, directly blasting the house into slag.

"Armor-piercing shells, reload." Zuo Qingyun shouted, in fact, He Jianguo was already ready without him shouting, he had already locked on a tank, and said directly to Zhuo Yifan, firing. "

Zhuo Yifan fired resolutely, and an armor-piercing projectile escaped directly, hitting a 54 tank not far away. At a distance of several hundred meters, the armor-piercing projectile of the 54 tank basically has no problem penetrating the 54. During the powerful impact, the tip of the armor-piercing projectile directly pierced the armor of the tank, and countless debris splashed inside the tank. The members of the tank crew He was directly beaten into a hedgehog by the fragments.

"It's not bad to fight." Zuo Qingyun praised, his movements were not slow, he directly put into gear and drove the tank directly, and there was another tank chasing after him. .

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