Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 260 The Action Begins (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Hello, Captain Yang Rui, I will also serve as your sniper." Zuo Qingyun came to the deck and said to Yang Rui. Yang Rui's military rank is Major, Zuo Qingyun is Lieutenant Colonel, Zuo Qingyun is higher than Yang Rui in terms of rank, but in the combat mission team, it depends on the position, Yang Rui is the captain, Zuo Qingyun has to cooperate with his command, but Gao Yun also gave Zuo Qingyun's command authority is necessary.

"With your participation in this mission, I am more confident." Yang Rui said with a smile. After all, everyone hopes to have a strong teammate.

"It's also my first time participating in the operation of the Navy's special forces. I still need to ask for advice in some places. Please don't worry about my identity in the next mission. In this team, I am just a sniper."

Listening to Zuo Qingyun's words, Yang Rui heaved a sigh of relief. Since Zuo Qingyun said so, it means that he will not overwhelm others with his rank. It is impossible for a small team to have unclear command authority. Even more so.

"Let me introduce the other team members to you!" Yang Rui said with a smile. He pointed to his team members one by one and said, "This is observer 31 Li Dong, machine gunner Zhang Tiande, you can call him Shitou, machine gunner Tong Li, health worker Lu Chen also has communications soldier Zhuang Yu."

Zuo Qingyun greeted them one by one. Of course, among these people, they had heard of Zuo Qingyun. As the first batch of battle heroes who were awarded special meritorious service in restarting the wartime honorary title of the whole army, they naturally informed the whole army. Without exception, they were very interested in Zuo Qingyun's life-and-death deeds, but they didn't get close to Zuo Qingyun because of this. Although they heard about Zuo Qingyun single-handedly rescuing dozens of expatriates, the rumors were far from the actual performance important.

"Okay, I don't know the specifics of this mission yet, can you please tell me briefly?" Zuo Qingyun asked.

"Five days ago, a military coup broke out in the Republic of Ivia. The rebels led by General Sharaf have occupied many major cities. During the war, many people were missing or kidnapped, including foreign nationals. It is not known whether there are any Chinese nationals. This incident is suspected to be the work of Zaka, an extremist organization in the Republic of Ivia."

Yang Rui said in a deep voice: "This Zaka, in order to make the Republic of Ivia recognize their organization, has launched terrorist attacks many times. In the past two years, he has united with many extremist terrorist organizations to carry out operations in the Eurasian region. This time The coup was that Zhaka supported General Sharaf, who is known as a lunatic. In addition, there are rumors that this was done by K2 behind the scenes. Have you heard of this organization?"

"Although the Red Scarf Army was responsible for the turmoil in Lisomna before, K2 also played a role in it." Zuo Qingyun said.

"This is a troublesome thing." Yang Rui frowned. In the following time, several people communicated again. Zuo Qingyun also got some information. There are about 130 expatriates in the Republic of Ivia, and The other 30 employed foreigners.

The next day, the Langya was approved by the government forces of the Republic of Ivia to enter its port, allowing it to carry out evacuation operations. With the organization of the embassy, ​​the evacuation of the diaspora went smoothly, but the president of the Republic of Ivia was seriously injured in an attack, and now Secretary-General Mohadi is acting as the acting state affairs. The government of the Republic of Ivia sent a request to Yanhuang, hoping that Langya could protect his family from Ivia, and Yanhuang agreed to the request.

At the same time, the last group of expatriates led by the embassy was blocked in the area where government forces and rebels exchanged fire, and the consular convoy was directly trapped in the middle of a dilemma.

"Yang Rui, just received a call from the ambassador. He said that the last group of expatriates were attacked on the way to the port. The Ivia government is temporarily unable to provide personnel, but they have allowed our troops to enter the city to rescue people!" Gao Yun suddenly Call Yang Rui, and everyone is ready immediately.

"It's unrealistic. The route chosen by the government forces will definitely avoid the exchange of fire with the rebels. It seems that they planned it." Zuo Qingyun mused.

"Your guess is very reasonable. I think they have the idea of ​​hijacking the consul, but they are surrounded by the National Guard for protection, so they should be safe for the time being. "You and Ji Dong will need to cover the next operation." Yang Rui watched Zhuo Qingyun said.

"Don't worry!" Zuo Qingyun smiled.

Several people disembarked quickly, and the vehicles of the government army were ready. They got on the vehicle quickly. Basically, there was no problem in this area, because this is where the Ivia government is located. The government army is the strongest. It won't work. But Zuo Qingyun saw through the window that the gunpowder smoke filled the front, the bombing continued, and a steady stream of people escaped from the south to the north, while their convoy was going upstream.

"Attention all, we cannot enter the street where the target factory is located. We will enter the factory from the roof of the adjacent residential building instead. The first team will be supported by Zuo Qingyun and Li Dong at the commanding heights, and the rest will follow me into the factory for search and rescue. Second team, you send three One to support the National Guard outside, the other five stay in the convoy, over."

However, in the process of entering, Fifth Avenue also missed, and they had to change their route. When they arrived, they could just see the warring parties fighting in the streets, the ground was full of corpses, and the air was filled with a smell of carrion and charred flesh.

"There is still one minute to the target, everyone is ready!" Yang Rui ordered, and everyone quickly prepared, because of the ammunition, they used the unified standard Ivia weapon, and Zuo Qingyun used the standard R93 sniper rifle.

"Get out of the car!" Following Yang Rui's order, three members of the second team jumped out of the car and exchanged fire with the rebels, while the others continued to move forward. One is the trust in comrades-in-arms, and the other is the order and prohibition to perform their duties. This is a valuable quality honed by an excellent team in long-term battles.

"Second team, stay behind the convoy, cover with smoke bombs!" A smoke bomb was thrown out directly. When the sight of the rebels was disturbed, several people from the first team quickly got out of the car and entered the residential building on the street near the factory.

"Zuo Qingyun, Li Dong are looking for the commanding heights." Yang Rui, who confirmed the safety of the roof, said to the two people.

"Yes!" The two quickly ran across the roofs of the buildings. After finding the best sniper position, the two reached the roof with ropes. Li Dong squatted down first, leaving his shoulders to Zuo Qingyun, motioning for him to put the gun on his shoulders.

"No, I don't need a spotter. Now you are the second sniper." Zuo Qingyun said with a smile. He set up his bipod and aimed his gun at the street. There is no need to observe hands, and the second is that he also wants Li Xiao to improve his confidence in himself.

Li Dong glanced at Zuo Qingyun in surprise. An observer is a must for a special warfare team. A good observer is also a sniper. Of course, his strength is definitely not as good as a sniper. Zuo Qingyun knew that Li Dong had a low self-esteem based on the two days of contact, because he lost to Luo Xing in the sniper competition. He always felt like he was just incidental. Even Luo Xing's injury was related to his indecision. Although no one accused him, there was still a hurdle in his heart.

"trust yourself.".

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