Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 262 Sudden Changes (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

After receiving the task, everyone was in a mixed mood. Deng Mei was taken away by the Zhaka organization, and the danger of rescuing her was greatly increased. Although it is said that there is help from the Ivia government army, their combat effectiveness is really not flattering.

To be honest, if you are not careful in this operation, the entire army may be wiped out. Is it reasonable to sacrifice eight outstanding fighters for one person? This is unreasonable in many cases, but it is so for them Reasonable. Because they are Yanhuang soldiers, serving the people is the purpose of Yanhuang soldiers, even if there is only one person, they must save.

"I suddenly remembered a movie." Zuo Qingyun chuckled suddenly.

"Save Private Ryan, right?" Yang Rui guessed what Zuo Qingyun was thinking at once, why didn't he think so in his heart, sacrificing a small team for a person's safety, sometimes that's the case.

"When he begged me to save his child just now, I felt very sad. He was saved, but his family was gone." Xu Hong's expression was a little sad at the moment, and they all knew who the person he was talking about was the one who was driving the car. Bomb civilians.

"Their country has become a mess like 740. Just like Lisomna, people's lives are worthless, and no one cares at all..." Zuo Qingyun shook his head, "Don't think too much about it, this is not a short-term incident can be changed within.”

"Peace is so important." Yang Rui sighed softly.

"Yes, but how many undercurrents are hidden under the peace of Yanhuang?" Zuo Qingyun said very calmly. It is simply impossible for Africa and the Middle East to avoid wars. People are so belligerent, but there are always shadows of some big countries behind them, they only have their own interests in their eyes, as for the life and death of the people of small countries, they don't care at all. And the Yanhuang crisis is actually not smaller than these two countries.

"How do you feel?" Zuo Qingyun looked at Li Dong again.


"You're too nervous." Zuo Qingyun chuckled, "First time on the battlefield?"

" was the first time to fight pirates with Luo Xing," Li Dong said in a low voice.

"No wonder..." Zuo Qingyun murmured in a low voice. His partner was injured by pirates when he was on a mission for the first time. It's normal to be nervous. Zuo Qingyun saw the ashamed expression on Li Dao's face

He patted his shoulder reassuringly, "Actually, it's not necessary, you know? Bullets are very evil on the battlefield. The more you fear, the more likely you will be hit. It's useless to run away. Only by facing it squarely can you defeat it. .”

Zuo Qingyun looked slightly at the correspondent Zhuang Yu again, he was leaning against the car alone, his expression was a little dazed, obviously he was also stimulated by today. But Yang Rui didn't notice this at all. Yang Rui is indeed a good captain. He likes to bear the pressure for the players, but he can't perceive the mental state of the players well.

"Let me tell you about the fact that I was besieged by the elite infantry regiment of the monkey army on the unnamed highland." Zuo Qingyun's voice raised slightly. On the surface, he was speaking for Li to understand, but it also attracted the attention of the people around him. . Li understood a little surprised.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Zuo Qingyun said to himself, "It was a night, we were about to run out of ammunition and food, there were corpses in front of our eyes, there were fragments of limbs everywhere, the flames were burning, and the air was full of human flesh The smell of burning. We fought all day and all night, annihilating hundreds of enemies"

Everyone listened with ears pricked up, as if a picture of that time appeared in their minds, a group of soldiers were besieged by the enemy on the hilltop, with corpses strewn all over the field

"On the second day, the enemy launched the final attack. I ordered all the reconnaissance battalion to put on bayonets. After our shelling ended (dbff), everyone rushed out of the position. The cold light flickered, and people kept falling until we reinforced The troops are coming." Zuo Qingyun looked at them, with tears in his eyes, "We have no time to be afraid, comrades, when the charge sounded, we all made up our minds to die. The fighting was more brutal than what you just saw between the government and the rebels."

"As the battalion commander, I saw my brother fell in front of me, and I could do nothing. War is so cruel, the dead are gone, we must inherit their legacy and continue to fight." Zuo Qingyun said firmly, he swept across People in the car, "This is our inexhaustible source of fighting."

"Whether you are afraid or sad, learn to face the reality." Zuo Qingyun's tone was a little gentle at the moment, and he saw the six people's eyes gradually clear, and he knew that his pre-war ideological and political work was still somewhat effective, " Take a good rest and don't think about it too much."

An hour later, they received bad news again. The Ivia government army could not arrange helicopters. They could only follow the convoy escorting civilians to the interim government army assembly point 70 kilometers away, which would take twice as long. .

And Xia Nan's mobile phone signal disappeared in the northeast of Ivia, a small town called Bassam, which was occupied by the Zhaka organization a week ago.

"We only have three hours. We will go deep into the enemy's rear this time, but so far, we don't have accurate information. Although Ivia's special forces help us, this is still a tough battle, so I ask you to One person, cheer me up and go home safely... Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone shouted in unison, following Yang Rui's order, everyone got into the car, and at the temporary assembly point, they found Xia Nan.

"Captain Yang, I know I can't go, but I have a reason to go to Basham, please agree to my request." Xia Nan is a war correspondent with a lot of feelings. Although she is of Gaul nationality, many Things cannot be generalized.

"That's it, Miss Xia, we can't take you to carry out the mission, and we don't know what's going on over there, right?" Yang Rui is still a straight man at heart, and he can only be vague when facing Xia Nan's request. reject.

"Captain Yang, can you wait for me to clarify the situation before making a decision?" Xia Nan's tone was filled with anxiety, which made Zuo Qingyun pay attention.

"Okay, let's talk about it."

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