Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 264 Secret Infiltration (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"They just chopped off the head of that female reporter... They said that Mohadi's crimes are serious, and they demanded that our government immediately hand over Mohadi's family, otherwise the next person will be Deng Mei." Gao Yun said coldly. road.

"They're too arrogant!" Yang Rui's heart trembled, and he subconsciously glanced at Xia Nan who was dozing aside.

"No way, they have hostages in their hands, so you must speed up." Gao Yun reminded.


"We will continue to communicate with the Ivia government to see if they can provide more volunteers, but the rescue mission depends on yourselves." Gao Yun's tone was a little helpless, they would be controlled by terrorists. In fact, Ivia is already giving Yanhuang face. After all, in the midst of the war in his own country, he sent special forces to assist them in the "530" operation, so he couldn't be too harsh. When Zuo Qingyun was in Lisomna, not a single hair of the government troops supported by Lisomna was seen.

"I suggest Captain Gao that you attack these three pickup trucks immediately." Zuo Qingyun said with his back leaning against the compartment panel, "Since those people are not government troops, and they approached our warship with unprovoked armed forces, they can be attacked according to the Navy's emergency regulations. Your own life is far more important than these terrorists, isn't it?"

Gao Yun was silent for a while, and then said to the fire control staff next to him, "Lock the three pickups and activate the main guns."

Zuo Qingyun's words were very clear. Gao Yun naturally knew why he reminded himself that way. What he meant was that his hesitation would only lead to their casualties, and he should not take chances or hesitate about any suspicious targets.

Yang Rui hung up the communication, then sighed lightly, and said to his team members: "The current situation is very serious."

"I think we should act separately from the government forces." Zuo Qingyun said suddenly.

"Why?" Yang Rui raised his eyebrows. After all, with the government army, the firepower is stronger and the possibility of completing the mission is higher.

"At the moment, they have learned that we are going to rescue the hostages. They are very heavily defended on the outside. In my opinion, it is impossible for the convoy to reach Bassam, and there are only a few roads available for the convoy. There may be detours all the time. So I suggest that we act separately from them, and they will be responsible for diverting and attracting their attention, and we will sneak into Bassam secretly, and the government forces will join us after we complete our mission."

"But there are not many defenders in Basham..." Yang Rui was a little worried, throwing such a few people in would not be enough for their teeth.

"I know, but we sneaked in secretly, pretending to be them, anyway, everyone covered their faces and didn't know who was who, and I also know some basic Arabic, unless they devised a code, simple communication is still nothing Problem." Now that he is in the special forces, Zuo Qingyun has to switch to special warfare thinking.

Yang Rui and Xu Hong looked at each other and felt that although Zuo Qingyun's idea was bold, the possibility of success was very high. After all, it is obviously impossible for such a long team to hide from the eyes and ears of the rebels.

"Okay!" Zuo Qingyun immediately got out of the car and communicated with Lieutenant Colonel Hadley. After all, his military rank was equal to him, so unnecessary misunderstandings could be avoided. After his communication, Zuo Qingyun returned to the team.

"Having communicated, they will be responsible for attracting their attention and creating opportunities for us."

"Okay!" Jiaolong's team led Xia Nan, a total of nine people, out of the team, drove an armored vehicle into a side road, and the government army's convoy continued to advance according to the predetermined route. On the way they found a way, and after a few hours they reached the outskirts of Basham.

Zuo Qingyun, Yang Rui, and Xu Hong climbed up a small hill to observe the situation of Bassam from a distance. Soon, two pickup trucks carrying things came into their field of vision. There were four rebels in these two pickup trucks, and the rest were women. They stayed in a bungalow.

"Kill them, and then ask about the situation." Zuo Qingyun said. Yang Rui nodded, and carefully climbed down from the top of the mountain with several other people. This hill is full of stones. Although it is a bit inconvenient, it is better than no ground. It didn't take long for them to reach the ground, Xia Nan was a little struggling, Zuo Qingyun helped her get down from the hill.

"All change pistols..." Zuo Qingyun whispered, and everyone quickly put the rifles on their backs, took out the pistols from the holster, and installed the silencer. Walking through this kind of building, a pistol is obviously better than a rifle. Zuo Qingyun stood guard in front. He took out a mirror and saw the positions of several rebels through the reflection. They were chatting [the women were cooking for them.

Zuo Qingyun made a stop gesture, then went around the house and turned over the wall behind the yard. He took out his dagger, quietly walked towards a lone rebel, and killed him mercilessly. Then he made a safe gesture to Yang Rui on the other side, and Yang Rui responded with a gesture of acting together, and then Zuo Qingyun moved with them, almost at the same time, Zuo Qingyun and Yang Rui broke into the house from two directions, several times Several people were shot and killed within seconds.

And with the cover of the muffler and the sound of women cooking, the people outside didn't notice it at all, and the few women who were cooking didn't dare to make a sound. They had experienced too many such things and had long been accustomed to it, but the fear and worry on their faces But it cannot be erased.

"Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you." Zuo Qingyun comforted in Arabic, then pointed to the Yanhuang flag armband on his right arm and said: "We are the Yanhuang People's Army, and we have no malice against you."

After Zuo Qingyun said these words, the emotions of these women obviously eased a lot, and Yang Rui was also relieved when he saw this. 1.9

"My name is Zuo Qingyun, what's your name?" Zuo Qingyun asked with a smile. If you want to get information, you must establish a good relationship with them.

"My name is Bella, these two are my daughters, please don't hurt them." Bella said nervously.

"Don't worry, we are a team serving the people and will never harm the people. Can you please tell us the situation here?" Zuo Qingyun said seriously.

"It's like this. A week ago, this place was occupied by rebels. They killed all the men, drove away all the women and children, and only left us to cook for them.

"My condolences!" Zuo Qingyun comforted, and then asked, "How many rebels are here, and where are they mainly active?".

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