Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 266 Rescue (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Attention, we found that Yanhuang soldiers came to Bella's house..." The two terrorists following Zhuang Yu immediately reported,

At this time, a terrorist leader was ordered to take Xia Nan to the place of execution. At this time, he was giving a speech to the TV, "Mohadi is killing our people every second, and the brave fighters will not ..."

"Wait." The supervisor who got the news walked up to Xia Nan, took off the rag from her mouth, grabbed her hair and yelled angrily, "Damn it, Bella cooperated with Yanhuang soldiers and rescued that Yanhuang woman , this woman is a fake."

"What?!" The leader who was giving an impassioned speech was suddenly dumbfounded, "Isn't she from Yanhuang?"

"She's not!" The supervisor stared fiercely at Xia Nan and said, "They won't trade the life of one Yanhuang woman for another Yanhuang woman."

"Then what to do?"

"Same, kill!" Just when he was about to issue the execution order, Yang Rui shot decisively, first dealt with the leader, then rushed in, and shot all the remaining terrorists. Before firing the gun, he leaned back hard and fell to the ground with the chair, avoiding Yang Rui's bullet.

"Are you okay?" Yang Rui came over to help Xia Nan untie her after confirming her safety.

"I'm sorry...I've tried to remind myself, but I'm still afraid." Xia Nan burst into tears again, she still overestimated herself, when death came, she was still afraid.

As soon as Zuo Qingyun left Bella's house, he found the two tails behind Zhuang Yu. He directly stabbed a terrorist in the back and killed him, and then quickly drew his knife. Another terrorist just As soon as he raised his gun, Zuo Qingyun stabbed him in the neck with a flying knife. The terrorist fell down slowly while clutching his neck.

"I, I didn't find it~". Hearing the movement behind him, Zhuang Yu quickly turned around and raised his gun. When he found Zuo Qingyun and the two terrorists lying on the ground, he was shocked. Zhuang Yu joined Jiaolong only this year, and his psychological quality is poor. Some, but it's normal, Zuo Qingyun didn't remind too much.

"The reason why they didn't destroy the antenna is to see who is hiding behind." Zuo Qingyun shook his head and said.

"I'm sorry chief, I was careless." Zhuang Yu said with some shame.

"This place has been exposed. You and Zhuang Yu took Bella's family and Deng Mei to leave quickly. I will go back to support them and keep in touch!" Zuo Qingyun said to Tong Li, who nodded without hesitation.

She went back to the house and took Deng Mei and Bella's family out to get in the car. Zhuang Yu was sitting in the co-pilot. A hole was opened, and an explosion exploded inside the house, and the house that was intact just now became ruins in the blink of an eye.

Zuo Qingyun didn't leave for a while, he watched the poor house being bombed three times from behind the mound, followed by more than a dozen terrorists running towards the house, Zuo Qingyun didn't use any more sniper shots The gun was replaced with a src rifle. At such a short distance, the sniper rifle is actually a burden.

He quickly opened fire on the terrorists, annihilating three people in a blink of an eye. The muzzle of the gun continued to spew out tongues of flame, as if there was no gap at all. The few remaining people realized that there was a sneak attack and immediately shot at Zuo Qingyun's position. Zuo Qingyun kept changing positions, and every time he opened fire, some terrorists would be killed. Within a few minutes, the dozen or so people had all turned into corpses.

After dealing with them, Zuo Qingyun went directly to the square, "Yang Rui, how is the situation there?"

"It's not good, the other party found us, we are trapped, and now we are fighting on our own..." Yang Rui spoke quickly, "And they have a very powerful sniper, Li Xiao is being watched very closely now , we lost the suppression."

"Okay, I got it!" Zuo Qingyun put on the R93 sniper rifle on his back again. He quickly came to the periphery of the square. The stalemate of street fighting and crowd tactics was broken. Zuo Qingyun glanced at where Li Dong was. He was suppressed by the enemy's snipers and could not show his face.

Zuo Qingyun sneaked in from the outermost room and eliminated three of the terrorists. From the direction where Li Dong was suppressed, Zuo Qingyun judged the approximate position of the enemy snipers. If they had fire support at the moment, Zuo Qingyun would have called artillery strikes directly to cover the area, but they didn't. Although his position is not at the commanding heights, he can still control the square.

At this time, the opponent's sniper was hiding in a bunker-like hut, staring at Li Dong intently, not noticing Zuo Qingyun at all. Zuo Qingyun saw from the scope that this enemy sniper was only thirteen or fourteen years old.

Zuo Qingyun sighed slightly, and then lightly put his right index finger on the trigger. Although he felt sad about this kind of thing, it was on the battlefield, and he would not show mercy to a person who should not be merciful. After all, the battlefield is the most terrifying It is often not adults, but these killing machines that have been brainwashed since childhood.

"々. Bang!" The gunshot sounded, a bullet directly hit the child's heart, his blood splashed all over the window sill, and the sniper rifle could never be raised again.

With the disappearance of the sniper, the pressure on Yang Rui and the others suddenly eased, and Li Dong, who was suppressed, was even more relieved, and hurriedly moved his position with the sniper rifle.

"Thank you (Nuo Hao), Chief." Li Xiao whispered in the earphone.

"It's okay." Zuo Qingyun shook his head, he was constantly searching for enemies, and every time he pulled the trigger, an enemy would be taken away.

"Yang Rui, you guys quickly get together and get out of there, go directly to the hostage concentration camp to bring out the hostages, Zhuang Yu and Tong Li have already taken Deng Mei and the others to leave, leave the rear job to me." Zuo Qingyun said.

"Are you okay alone?" Yang Rui said in surprise.

"No problem, leave it to me." Zuo Qingyun killed a heavy machine gunner in the blink of an eye, opening a path for Yang Rui.

"Except for Li Tong and Zuo Lieutenant Colonel, the others immediately moved closer to me. Xu Hong, blow up the wall to the north. Lu Chen, you follow Xu Hong and leave with the hostages. The cloth head will be suppressed by firepower." Yang Rui ordered decisively road.


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