Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 270 Let Us Work Together (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

After returning to the port, Zuo Qingyun went directly to the station of the first amphibious combat brigade, which is located at the southernmost tip of the Yanhuang South China Sea. At the port, Zuo Qingyun saw a large landing ship and several frigates, all of which belonged to the amphibious Combat First Brigade.

"Hello, Comrade Deputy Brigadier, the political commissar is already waiting for you, please come with us." A major was waiting at the port, and when he saw Zuo Qingyun get off the helicopter, he walked over and said. Zuo Qingyun nodded, stuffed his rucksack into the car, and then drove directly to the headquarters of the first brigade. Logically speaking, such an elite force should not be in this position. Because 50 nautical miles to the south of this place is the disputed area. If the base is built here, the satellites of those rogue countries can be seen at a glance.

"Comrade deputy brigade commander, the first amphibious combat brigade welcomes you." Political commissar Li Bingxin waited for Zuo Qingyun's arrival at the gate of the brigade. When the jeep stopped and Zuo Qingyun got off, he immediately walked over and said.

"Hello, Comrade Li Bingxin!" Zuo Qingyun saluted, after all, the political commissar was the second person in the first brigade.

"Come with me, I know you have a lot of doubts, let's chat slowly." Li Bingxin smiled, and then brought Zuo Qingyun to the command room, he poured a glass of water for Zuo Qingyun, and said to him : "About your matter, the superior has already explained to me that you, as the deputy brigade commander, will temporarily take over the work of the brigade commander. Next, let me tell you about the basic situation of our brigade.

"Good!" Zuo Qingyun nodded.

"Our brigade was reorganized from the Seventh and Eighth Divisions of the former Marine Warfare Division. There are ten battalions in total, 6,137 people, 437 armored vehicles of various types, and 720 transport vehicles. One, seventy-six cannons of various types. These specific information are already in your dormitory, and you can see them when you go back." Li Bingxin said slowly, in fact, he also has some doubts about Zuo Qingyun, he is so young, I am afraid A lot of things will be done on whim, and letting myself cooperate with him also has this meaning.

"How is our training situation?" Zuo Qingyun asked, equipment and personnel are second, and the most important thing is the issue of combat effectiveness.

"Now the second battalion and the third battalion are engaged in offensive and defensive battles, we can go and have a look."

"Okay!" Zuo Qingyun immediately decided to leave, after all, it's better to go and see it than to talk about it.

The two of them quickly took a helicopter to the sky and headed towards the simulated island. At this time, the attacking second battalion and the defending third battalion were engaged in a fierce offensive and defensive battle. Zuo Qingyun could clearly see the deployment of troops on both sides from the air. Frustrated, there are battles smoking red smoke all over the street.

"The tactics of the third battalion are to use the terrain on the island to carry out echelon configuration. They gave up the beachhead and took advantage of the terrain." Zuo Qingyun nodded. After all, the beachhead in modern warfare is just the enemy's target. "The second battalion The attack is a bit impatient. At sea, it is the most vulnerable time for the amphibious combat force, and the distance between the landing craft and the beachhead is too far.

"This is for the safety of the landing craft." The deputy director of the staff who followed them said, "In order to prevent the landing craft from being attacked by the enemy, they are separated a little further from the beach."

"Who do you expect our enemy to be? Is it Ying Jiang, or those guys from the south?" Zuo Qingyun turned to look at the major.

"It's those guys from the south." Li Bingxin said instead of the deputy director.

"If that's the case, then there's no need to go so far." Zuo Qingyun shook his head, and then said to the deputy director, "How often do they have simulated confrontations?"

"Two to three times a month on average. Hearing the words of the deputy director, Zuo Qingyun pondered for a while. He felt that he had to carefully observe the equipment and deployment of the amphibious combat brigade before making follow-up arrangements.

"Okay, let's go back first, after I have a good understanding, we will have a meeting to discuss."

Back at the brigade headquarters, Zuo Qingyun didn't go back to her dormitory first, but went directly to the brigade history museum, which is the best way to understand the glorious history of an army, Li Bingxin accompanied Zuo Qingyun together.

There is a stone in the entrance hall of the Hotel History Museum, engraved with the words "Use me for the first battle, dare to fight and win." Zuo Qingyun walked across the hall, his eyes flashed across the items displayed in the museum and the glorious historical information boards. Li Bingxin was a little surprised by his every move.

"I remember that there were only two companies left in the first batch of troops who landed on the island in 50 years. Later, the Seventh Division of the Marine Corps was formed with them as the backbone, which was the predecessor of the first brigade." Suddenly, Zuo Qingyun was in He stopped in front of the largest red brick wall in the Hotel History Museum, on which the names of countless people were densely written with golden paint. It was obvious that this was a wall of martyrs. He saluted, and then turned to face Li Bing. Said.

"Yes, because we didn't make enough preparations for that battle, more than a thousand people died at the bottom of the sea..." Li Bingxin was silent for a while and then said.

"Then, are we ready now?" Zuo Qingyun looked at Li Bingxin. Li Bingxin was terrified by this young man. He was obviously 20 years older than Zuo Qingyun, but he looked at him To something beyond his years.

"We are not ready yet." What Li Bingxin said was the truth. It is impossible for him not to understand his brigade. Although the soldiers trained very hard, these young people had never experienced a real battlefield. Have not seen.

"We will be ready." Zuo Qingyun scanned the names on the wall one by one, "Our strength is much stronger than fifty years ago, and many people who used to be able to trample us under our feet are now in decline. Comrade Political Commissar, are you willing to fight with me?"

Li Bingxin looked at him, and he saw the passion and blood that he had never seen in the previous brigade commander. He still understands the temperament of his former partner. Although he is safe, he lacks a sense of aggressiveness. He had a hunch that the arrival of Zuo Qingyun would change the First Brigade of Amphibious Marine Warfare, from the inside out.

"I am willing!" Thinking of this, Li Bingxin chuckled, although Zuo Qingyun is only the deputy brigade commander and acting brigade commander, but this deputy will be removed sooner or later.

And at the same moment, the storm in the south surged again, causing a great change in a sinking republic. .

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