Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 272 Secret Meeting, Conspiracy Highlighted (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please

At this time, in the presidential palace of the Inca Republic, Madris, the director of the Central Intelligence Service of the Eagle Sauce, was having secret talks with the President of the Inca Republic, Sudia.

"I heard that your country has been affected by the economic crisis. The situation is not good." Madris said with a smirk to Sudia. In fact, not only the Inca Republic, but also the southeastern countries have been affected by the economic crisis.

"I guess you will never come to me easily." Su Diya knew exactly what kind of piss the eagle sauce was, and they would never do anything that was not beneficial to them.

"Don't say that, our Mr. President is very sympathetic to your current economic situation and wants to give you some financial assistance." Madris put away the smile on his face

Instead, there was a touch of coldness.

"Tell me, what are your conditions?" Sudia's tone was helpless. Although the Inca Republic is a republic in name, it has been a dictatorship for nearly 30 years. The economic crisis can be said to be harmful to their family's property. big influence.

"Yanhuang. Thirty years ago." Madris said such a sentence slowly, which immediately made Sudiya's heart tremble. After he came to power in a coup thirty years ago, he launched a purge of the Yanhuang people. Leading to the severance of diplomatic relations between 083 light yellow and the Inca Republic.

"Are you crazy?" Sudia stood up and cursed angrily, then paced back and forth in the hall.

"Isn't the President very clear about whether I'm crazy or not?" Madris sneered. Although Sudia is the president of the Inca Republic, there is no need for Eagle Sauce to give him face. This is the strength of a big country.

"You allow me to think about it, you go to rest first, I will give you an answer tomorrow." Sudia looked at Madris.

"Then I will take my leave first, Your Excellency the President." Madris chuckled lightly, and then walked out of the conference hall.

Half an hour later, a middle-aged man in the uniform of a lieutenant general walked in. He saw Su Diya running over immediately, father-in-law.

"There is something I need to discuss with you." Su Diya said with a touch of helplessness in his tone, "Ying Jiang intends to help us get through the economic crisis."

"It's definitely not that simple. I'm afraid they have put forward some conditions." Lieutenant General Pravo sneered.

"He wants us to repeat what happened thirty years ago."

"Now we have been hit hard, the currency has plummeted, food prices have skyrocketed, and the public has opinions. I can use this to make a fuss and push all the blame on those Yanhuang people, and then..." Pravo said in a low voice, "This is in line with our The interests of the family, father-in-law, as for those trivial things, what are they worth in front of the interests of our family? The military will fully support you."

"Okay, let's discuss it again...

After the meeting, Zuo Qingyun was discussing the next tactics with Chief of Staff Du Zigang, because he was directly promoted from the battalion to the brigade, and many details still needed to be discussed.

"In the normal beach landing battle, the defender's strength is superior to that of the attacker, but in the current modern warfare, this law has basically been broken. Landing battles will never be the same as before, facing the enemy's hail of bullets To rush forward, you can use a variety of methods. Including parachuting, electronic jamming, drone combat, etc., early infiltration, satellite reconnaissance, etc. The enemy's defense force is likely to be in our first Most of them were wiped out in one attack after another," said Zuo Qingyun.

"We can see the clues from Yingjiang's furious operation before. The landing force only accounted for 5% of the island landing force, and the rest relied on airborne landing." Du Zigang was a little excited.

"Let's clarify the specific tasks of each battalion first." Zuo Qingyun said: "The electronic countermeasure battalion and intelligence processing team analyze the enemy's telecommunications and various enemy data in the early stage of the landing battle, and directly implement electromagnetic interference at the beginning of the battle. Block ground (dbff) enemy communication. The drones of the combat support battalion can first detect the enemy's firepower units and various facilities during the landing battle. If the enemy's attacking drones can expose their air defense positions, we can implement them. reconnaissance."

"I suggest directly changing the fifth and sixth battalions into parachute echelons. The transport helicopter fleet belonging to the fleet can be delivered within two hours. And the fleet is responsible for their area air defense. At the same time, the fleet artillery covers the enemy along the coastline Depth, cover the advance of the landing troops." Du Zigang draws inferences from one instance, as the chief of staff, he has a flexible mind, and through these few words, he roughly stated the tactical plan that can be implemented, "Both sea and air, it is really a big game .”

"It's just that the water depth and terrain are different in each area. There is no way to judge this, and we can only rely on the preliminary work." Zuo Qingyun said with a smile, "The simultaneous development of sea and air places high demands on the coordination ability of our brigade. If we land If the troops do not arrive in time, then our paratroopers without heavy weapons will fall into a very dangerous situation surrounded by the enemy, so we must complete this tactical coordination exercise in the shortest possible time.”

"Okay, leave the next thing to me. The staff department will come up with a feasible tactical training plan as soon as possible." Du Zigang said to Zuo Qingyun. Although Zuo Qingyun is in charge of military training, the staff department is the planner. Brainstorming can come up with a more feasible solution.

Zuo Qingyun nodded, but tactics are just tactics after all, and many problems will definitely be exposed during the actual operation, especially the actual combat situation will be more unpredictable. As a commander, how to deal with these situations is the most important thing.

"Deputy brigade commander, a call from the brigade headquarters."

"I'm Zuo Qingyun!" After answering the phone, Zuo Qingyun said.

"It's been two days, how are you getting used to it?" Cha Weiren said with a smile.

"Fortunately, it has entered the working state."

"That's good. Now those countries in the southeast are affected by the economic crisis, and they are ready to move. As the southernmost amphibious combat brigade, you must be prepared." Cha Weiren's tone changed immediately.

Zuo Qingyun nodded and said, "I will."

"You're under a lot of pressure, you should discuss things with the chief of staff and the political commissar, and don't disappoint the commander in chief's trust in you.


"I'll stop here first, hang up!" Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Zuo Qingyun called the director of the public opinion monitoring room.

"To collect public opinion on the recent economic crisis in the southeastern countries and the ideological and living conditions of the people, and then submit a complete analysis report and information to me!"


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