Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 274 The Change Of The Inca (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"What's the mood of the people?" Sudia said to her son-in-law.

"Don't worry, father-in-law, their emotions have been completely mobilized, and now even we ourselves can't control the situation." A strange smile appeared on his son-in-law's face, "We can completely shift the responsibility to People, when we send troops to suppress it, didn’t Yanhuang say that he would not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries?”

"Very good!" Sudia nodded, he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the street outside, "Let the police and soldiers do nothing but watch them, but it must be kept within a limited range , if the peripheral Yanhuang warships enter our country's territorial waters, they will immediately fight back, do you understand?"

"Yes!" After saying that, his son-in-law withdrew, and when he closed the door, "267" sneered at Sudeya inside the door, your days will be over soon, and when I send troops, The person in that room will be me.

At this time, Zuo Qingyun on the large dock landing ship received an order from the fleet commander Chen Tingwei to let him command the ship.

"No need to salute, come and see!" Seeing Zuo Qingyun appearing in the combat command room, Chen Tingwei said directly, what was shown on the screen was the large-scale riot that broke out in the capital of the Inca Republic. This is a live broadcast from the national TV station of the Inca Republic. With several gunshots, several college students from the Inca Republic who were marching fell down. They were all run by Yanhuang descendants and Yanhuang people.

"This is……"

"Tell me, if the order is given, is your amphibious combat brigade capable of conquering it?" Chen Tingwei said with a serious face.

"Use me in the first battle, if you dare to fight, you will win!" Zuo Qingyun stood at attention and said loudly.

"Okay!" Chen Tingwei said loudly, and then read out the latest order from the Military and Political Council, "I am now ordering the First Brigade of the Second Fleet Amphibious Operations to immediately conduct a beach landing operation. The target of the operation is to completely control the capital of the Inca Republic. Sure. Our agents are guiding the expats to gather at the port, and you must build a strong defensive position there as soon as possible."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Zuo Qingyun saluted and left, he didn't ask if there was any support, no matter if there was support or not, they had to complete this task.

Zuo Qingyun returned to the dock landing ship, four large dock landing ships brought together the combat units of a brigade, Zuo Qingyun said in the communication terminal of the whole brigade: "Comrades, the Military and Political Council ordered us to set off immediately, with the fastest speed Take Kodak Port. Right now, in the Inca Republic, our fellow citizens are suffering, every second, they are at risk of being harmed by mobs, tell me now, you are ready to do your duty ?"

"Always be ready!" The roars of the soldiers on the four warships resounded across the sea. At the same time, the huge fleet immediately turned around and headed towards Kodagang. The warships of the Inca Republic who noticed the change of the Yanhuang warships immediately surrounded them. .

"Once we land, we will face enemies that are several times our size. Tell me, are you afraid of death?"

"Use me in the first battle, if you dare to fight, you will win!" Thousands of people shouted, the voice was deafening.

At the same time, the missile launching units of the frigates, destroyers, and submarines of the Temporary Task Force have been activated, and all shipboard artillery are aimed at the Inca Republic fleet not far away. At the territorial waters of the Inca Republic, the main guns of the opposing fleet opened fire. At the moment when the flames flickered, Chen Tingwei issued an order. Our ship-borne artillery and missiles were launched at full speed, and several missiles went directly towards the opposing fleet.

The ship's self-defense artillery fired wildly at the missiles flying in the air, and countless missiles were destroyed in the air. Occasionally, two missiles hit the target and blasted a big hole in the enemy's warship.

Under the cover of many warships, the large dock landing ship quickly moved towards Kodak Port.

"What, the Yanhuang Fleet has already attacked?" Su Diya yelled angrily when he got the news, "Hurry up, immediately dispatch the capital guard group to defend the port, hurry up!"

At this time, the capital of the Inca Republic has become a mess.

All the agents of the Military Intelligence Bureau have been mobilized at this time. One agent is leading a dozen overseas Chinese through the alley, heading for the port.

"Damn Yanhuang people, let's see where you are going!" At this moment, a large group of indigenous people from the Inca Republic chased after them with machetes. Their faces were flashing with violence, and they looked at the women among the overseas Chinese with lustful eyes.

"Bang!" The agent shot without any hesitation, and then said to the overseas Chinese: "Go back to the port, there are people there to meet you."

Those Yanhuang descendants quickly turned around and ran away, while the agents were blocking them.

"Kill them!"

"They are the ones who took our wealth!"

The agent retreated to cover these overseas Chinese, but there were too many of them, and the road was very narrow. With a grenade, the faces of these thugs changed drastically, and a ball rolled to their feet immediately after.

"Boom!" Accompanied by screams, the alley was immediately full of debris, and the agents chased after the evacuated crowd before they could react.

"You bastards, she's still a child..." A woman lying in a pool of blood shouted hoarsely at the thugs who were violently beating her daughter not far away.

"Mom, I'm in so much pain, help me..." the little girl cried helplessly, and the thugs around her laughed cruelly watching this scene. If you look carefully, you can find that the tattoos on their arms represent Sashimi of the Guard Brigade.

"Let her go, please..."

"It's better to worry about yourself if you have this skill." A man slapped her viciously, and the woman's eyes gradually lost focus, but she was still staring at her daughter closely. The same scene happened everywhere.

Yanhuang had already formulated an emergency plan. Apart from the heavily guarded Yanhuang embassy, ​​many agents also led these people towards the port. At this time, the capital guard group of the Inca Republic had already done a good job of guarding the port.

Zuo Qingyun had to complete the landing before the arrival of the expatriates, otherwise what awaited them would be another massacre. .

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