Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 280 Surprise Changes At The Joint Meeting (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please

That night, Zuo Qingyun received an order from the commander-in-chief conveyed by Chen Tingwei, asking them to temporarily support the government forces. After they took out a batch of supplies from the logistics warehouse, the government forces once again stabilized the situation, and the battle between the two sides once again entered a fierce battle after dawn.

With the failure of the sneak attack that night, an infantry division watching outside the capital was forced to make a choice. They marched towards the capital with another infantry division and announced that they would join the revolutionary army camp. For a while, the government forces that had reversed the situation fell into heavy siege, so they could only shrink the defensive circle again and again, and were suppressed to the periphery of the presidential palace.

However, as a marine brigade loyal to Sudia landed directly through the port controlled by Zuo Qingyun, and launched an attack from the front of the Yanhuang Army towards the Revolutionary Army, the Revolutionary Army caught off guard fell into a brief chaos and quickly adjusted. formation. Now the strength of the troops near the capital has reached four divisions, and brutal street battles have been fought in the city center. A street has been repeatedly fought for more than ten times, and the artillery fire has already blown up the buildings on this street into ruins.

Zuo Qingyun's two brigades and one regiment's troops are like a third party on the periphery, and both parties who are red-eyed seem to have ignored the existence of Zuo Qingyun, an important strategic force. 31

"Because our forced landing suddenly plunged this country into flames of war..." Looking at the real-time transmission of the drone, Du Zigang sighed.

"It's not what we want to see, it's just that with our arrival, the contradictions in this country have been completely aroused." Zuo Qingyun shook his head, if they were monolithic, they would not be fighting together at this moment, and Tuo Qingyun There is no need to ask them for help, the troops have been mobilized to wipe them all out here.

At this time, the global parliament has been arguing over this issue.

"Everyone, keep your eyes open and take a good look. In one day, a prosperous city was destroyed by artillery fire, and tens of thousands of people were displaced. All this is because you ignore public international law.

Start a war without authorization, if you are not responsible for this, we will request arbitration. "The representatives of Monkey Country have been upset for a long time, because the sudden blow that night caused them to lose the five northern provinces. It is impossible not to avenge this revenge.

"Yes, we must retreat and bear all the economic losses of this war!" The representative of another country stood up and shouted loudly.

Most of the clamor is from the neighboring countries, why, because they are deeply jealous of it, you must know that they still have disputes, and they are secretly making some small moves. What will happen to them if they suddenly attack them one day? For a moment, countries that originally disliked each other miraculously reached an agreement on this aspect.

"You guys please go ahead." The representative Hua Tianming sat on the representative seat and turned his head to look at them. He didn't need to care about these jumping clowns at all.

"Don't Yanhuang want to give an explanation?" A representative with a mustache stood up and said with a gloomy face.

"Explanation?" Hua Tianming chuckled, "I believe that a certain country has more say in this matter, why don't you ask him what he thinks? We are only protecting our nationals, so can we say that there is no reason for an armed raid?"

"You..." The representative of the country who had a good life was so angry that he couldn't speak. This sentence is similar to someone who said, "Scholar's business can be called stealing?"

"It's good if everyone is clear in their hearts. The theme of today's meeting is to discuss the issues between you and the Inca Republic." The representative of Eagle Sauce, John Xun, glanced at Hua Tianming lightly and said, "Although we also sympathize with what happened to those people. , but that is an internal issue between them, and it is by no means an excuse for you."


"That is, tens of thousands of people were killed or injured, and most of the Yanhuang people have been protected, so there is no reason for you to stay here." John Bull and Gallic Chicken said at the same time

They had discussed it in private a long time ago, and their purpose was to give Yanhuang a little color. Hua Tianming looked at them indifferently. If they are not of my race, their hearts must be different. This is really what the ancestors said. He also knows very well that now that Yanhuang is besieged by these great powers, if he is not careful, Yanhuang will fall into the abyss, but this is exactly what he means as a diplomat. But at this moment, their big killer hasn't arrived yet.

"Tata~~" At this time, the door of the conference center opened, and the representatives of the Inca Republic walked in. These guys all turned their heads to look at him, with smiles on their faces.

"You guys are finally here!"

"Quick, the topic on the summit platform has been prepared for you."

"You look very happy?" The representative of the Inca Republic, who was suffering in his heart, looked at them coldly. He knew very well that these so-called big countries were the ones who launched Yanhuang's army this time. call for help.

"How could it be? Absolutely not!" In just a moment, the smiles on their faces suddenly faded. He ignored them and walked to the summit platform. The whole venue suddenly fell silent, and everyone put on their headphones. With the silence of the representatives of the Inca Republic, the atmosphere became more and more tense. They all felt that this was the prelude to the approaching storm, but Hua Tianming didn't think so. As an excellent diplomat of 363, everything was up to him. under control. Also acting like him was Yingjiang's diplomat, John Xun didn't know what gave Hua Tianming confidence and made him so calm.

"Regarding the riots that happened in our country two days ago, on behalf of the government of the Inca Republic, I would like to apologize to the Yanhuang overseas Chinese who were hurt in the riots." He bowed deeply to Hua Tianming. Everyone's jaws dropped in shock, and John Xun's face sank immediately, "We are very grateful to the Yanhuang government for helping us protect a large number of people even though they sent troops. For this, we express our most sincere gratitude."

It was as if a loud slap had been slapped on their faces. They looked at the representative in disbelief, and the audience could hear a quiet needle drop.

"With regard to the mutiny of the army of the Inca Republic, the government of the Inca Republic has the ability to solve it by itself, and does not need the assistance of other countries." At this time, they finally understood that the Inca Republic should have reached some kind of agreement with Yanhuang.

"Because of this, we no longer have the ability to manage the military base located in the Indo-Pacific Strait. After discussion, we have reached an agreement with Yanhuang to lease this military base to Yanhuang Millennium."


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