Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 283 The Military Congress Is Held (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Brother, sister-in-law." Zuo Qingyun and Du Feifei went directly to the Central Military Academy to pick her up. From a distance, they saw Zuo Si waiting at the door. When they saw them, they immediately ran over.

"It's pretty quick to change your mind." Zuo Qingyun said dumbfoundedly.

"Why, do you have an opinion?" Du Feifei immediately raised her eyebrows. Although Zuo Qingyun is older than her, she is the head of the family, okay?

"No, how can I have any objection." Seeing Zuo Qingyun being suppressed by Du Feifei, Zuo Si felt a little funny. He didn't expect his vigorous brother to have such a side, but it was a good thing.

"Okay, let's go home and eat tonight." Du Feifei directly took Zuo Si's hand and left Zuo Qingyun aside.

"At home?" Zuo Si said in a daze, "Zero Sanqi".

"That's right, isn't my home your home?" Seeing Zuo Si who was in a daze, Du Feifei smiled, "Let's go, why are you being so polite?"

There is nothing wrong with Du Feifei's words. After all, their father died long ago, and their mother has her own life. Isn't her home the home of Zuo Qingyun and the others?

Back at Du Feifei's house, Zhang Xiu had already cooked a table of dishes. She naturally knew that Zuo Qingyun and Du Feifei got together less often, and it was not easy for Zuo Qingyun to come back as a representative now.

"Go home, let's sit down and eat quickly. This is Xiaosi, right?" Zhang Xiu looked at Zuo Si, who was hiding behind Du Feifei and was wearing a student's uniform, and said with a smile. Sit down, "Xiaosi, don't be cautious, coming here is like coming to your own home."

"Thank you, Auntie!" Zuo Si's eyes were full of emotion when he saw Zhang Xiu who was so enthusiastic.

"Xie Han, the whole family, your uncle is now in the western war zone, when he comes back, he will go home.

At the dinner table, Zuo Qingyun didn't talk about the war either. He relaxed and chatted about some pleasant daily routines. After all, it's not good to talk about it when the family is full of female relatives. It will only make them worry.

"Is there anything wrong with you?" After a while, Du Feifei pulled Zuo Qingyun into her room, while Zhang Xiu was cleaning up the mess with Zuo Si. Du Feifei lowered her voice and asked

She asked Lieutenant General Du about the situation in the Inca Republic, but Lieutenant General Du didn't tell her everything, at least he didn't tell her about Zuo Qingyun being assassinated by agents.

"It's okay, what can be the matter." Zuo Qingyun smiled lightly.

"Stop bluffing me!" Du Feifei glared at him, then took his arm, with a trace of blood on the bandage, she said angrily, "I'm a nurse, don't think I can't see it, the disinfectant I know the taste better than you.

"It's just the bruise of the bullet. It's not a problem. I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet." Zuo Qingyun said indifferently.

"I remember your birthday is coming soon, right? After the new year you will be 25." Du Feifei did not continue to question, but directly changed the subject, even if she asked Zuo Qingyun herself, she would not tell her.

"Yeah, it's going to be 25." Zuo Qingyun looked at her with a smile in his eyes. He naturally knew what Du Feifei was talking about. 22 years old.

"Until I am 22 years old, you are not allowed to do anything to me, do you hear?" Du Feifei showed a pair of canine teeth, pretending to have a very fierce expression.

"Got it, Feifei." Zuo Qingyun reached out and rubbed her head. Du Feifei didn't struggle and let Zuo Qingyun toss her hair. After all, they didn't have many days to stand together. Du Feifei's life in the military academy was just In the beginning, Zuo Qingyun also had to command the troops on the front line. Every meeting is precious.

And Zuo Si and Zhang Xiu outside did not bother them, the two chatted outside.

Two days later, the National Military Representative Conference was held in the Military Conference Center. Zuo Qingyun was unremarkable among a group of generals and colonels, and there were many people with the rank of colonel. Who would notice him? Zuo Qingyun was also happy about this Leisurely, listening to the commander in chief in his seat.

"Okay, comrades, let's start discussing next, don't worry about it, say what you have to say." After the opening speech, the commander-in-chief smiled and said to these dozens of people, so a bunch of officers started to speak, but Zuo Qingyun felt that they said There is nothing important about it at all, there is nothing wrong with it, the officers and soldiers are very active in training, and they need to replace their equipment faster, but the issue of the benefits of the officers and soldiers is not mentioned, which surprised Zuo Qingyun...

"Okay, besides these questions, do you have any questions?" After an hour and a half, the commander's notebook had already filled a large pile of notes, and he asked again. In his impression, there seemed to be another person He didn't speak, according to his ability, shouldn't he?

All the generals shook their heads, the commander was a little helpless, he looked at Zuo Qingyun in the crowd and called his name directly, "Colonel Zuo, you just came back from the front line, don't you have any questions to ask?"

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on him.

Zuo Qingyun was a little helpless, so he had no choice but to say, "I think we should increase the welfare of officers and soldiers.

When Zuo Qingyun said this, the commander's eyes suddenly lit up. Compared with other people's proposals to reduce the burden on the grassroots, increase logistics support capabilities, and speed up the replacement process of equipment, Zuo Qingyun's question is more in line with the commander's appetite.

"Although our officers and soldiers are fighting for the country with all their blood, we can't let them down in terms of welfare benefits. You must know that our wages are far below the average wages of society." Zuo Qingyun's 1.4 mind is full It was a memory, and there were even tears in his eyes, "At the front line, there was a soldier who died. He wrote in his suicide note that if he died, let his wife take care of his sick mother."

"Later, when the political commissar investigated, it was found that his mother's hospitalization and treatment expenses cost hundreds of thousands. How long can a widowed couple, even if they have a pension, last? We can't let our soldiers feel bad, they Fighting for the country, but what about the rear? The mother is sick in bed, the salary is not enough for hospitalization, and the orphans and widows still have to live.

"Of course, this soldier is just a microcosm of it. Are we going to make our soldiers' parents unable to live in the hospital, their wives unable to eat, and their sons unable to go to school?"

As soon as Zuo Qingyun said a word, everyone was shocked. .

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