Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 289 Divide Up And Take Advantage Of The Victory To Pursue (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For

"All the troops stopped pursuing and quickly returned to the organizational system. Each battalion counted its own battle damage." After the defeat of the mechanized infantry division, Zuo Qingyun did not choose to continue the pursuit, but returned to the organizational system first to prevent being defeated individually. It is also to allow the soldiers to get enough rest.

"Wolf Warrior Squadron has infiltrated in disguised as their troops." Zuo Qingyun was taken aback by Long Xiaoyun's words, and his expression immediately became serious.

"No, it's too dangerous, evacuate immediately."

"We can't evacuate now, trust us." Long Xiaoyun said resolutely, they have been mixed into the defeated crowd, and they can't leave now, "Their current destination is Qianchuan Canyon, they want Build a line of defense there."

"Okay, I see, you must pay attention to safety, understand?" Zuo Qingyun said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Long Xiaoyun replied and there was no reply. After all, it was too conspicuous to communicate in Yanhuang language among a group of Inca soldiers. Zuo Qingyun also believed that Long Xiaoyun could adapt to the situation.

But they must also step up their offensive after a short rest, otherwise the longer they stay inside, the more dangerous they will be.

Half an hour later, the main force of the seven battalions had completely returned to the organizational system. Except for the six battalions of reconnaissance, air defense, electronic countermeasures, and artillery that stayed behind, the main force of all combat forces had gathered.

"Brigade commander, the first battalion sacrificed 9 people and seriously injured 22 people, the second battalion sacrificed 12 people and seriously injured 25 people, the third battalion sacrificed 8 people and seriously injured 24 people, the fourth battalion sacrificed 11 people and seriously injured 26 people, and the fifth battalion sacrificed 9 people and seriously injured 24 people , the Sixth Battalion sacrificed 9 people, seriously injured 21 people, a total of 58 people were sacrificed and 145 people were seriously injured, and 14 infantry vehicles were lost.” A staff officer reported after summarizing that such a number of casualties made Zuo Qingyun a bit unacceptable, although it seems to use six It is a big victory for a battalion to fight an enemy's division and annihilate a regiment only to sacrifice 105 people, but for Zuo Qingyun, such casualties are indeed too high.

"Separate a battalion to send them back, and the combat support battalion is responsible for responding." " Zuo Qingyun said decisively: "The third battalion is in charge of this matter. You don't have to tell me that you can still fight. "

Sensing that the third battalion commander still wanted to fight, Zuo Qingyun directly blocked his way with one sentence, "Hurry up, the lives of the seriously wounded are more important than anything else."

"Yes!" The third battalion commander saluted without arguing, quickly cleared the battlefield and led the troops directly to the rear. Now there is no large-scale enemy army in their rear, and they can basically go straight to the rear logistics center.

"Next, we will deal with the remaining two regiments as quickly as possible." Zuo Qingyun pointed to the Qianchuan Canyon on the map and said, "Their divisional artillery battalion has been destroyed by the Wolf Warrior Squadron, and there are two remaining regiments left. The tank company, and the rest are basically light infantry. According to the information provided by the Wolf Warrior Squadron, they are now building a line of defense here."

"I suggest that the first battalion go around and cut off their retreat. There is only one way in and out of the canyon. Once their retreat is cut off, it will greatly affect the fighting spirit of their soldiers.

"The staff officer on one side said, after all, most of the people who can go to the staff department to serve as staff officers are the best officers, and their theory and adaptability are not inferior to Zuo Qingyun at all.

Zuo Qingyun nodded, and then said to the first battalion commander and the second battalion commander: "You start now and go around from the right flank through the Qingchuan River Valley to their rear. According to intelligence, the enemy's 34th mechanized infantry division is supporting in this direction If there are any signs, you must be fast, and you must firmly stop the other troops supporting them here."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" The two battalion commanders went out immediately, and directly ordered the troops to start maneuvering quickly, while there was an engineer battalion and three marine battalions left.

"Cheng Battalion Commander, what do you think of the structure of this canyon?" Zuo Qingyun asked the battalion commander of the engineering battalion. On the one hand, he is naturally Zuo Qingyun's teacher.

"This canyon is a graben structure, and there are vertical cliffs on both sides. Since they arrived at the canyon first to build a line of defense, they will definitely build heavy fire positions on the cliffs on both sides. We will not be able to fight in a short time. The battalion commander said truthfully that the Inca soldiers were not stupid, so they would naturally set up anti-cannon fortifications on them. As soon as they used firepower, they would enter the fortifications. Once the cliff wall is broken through, the defensive troops in the canyon are really like a turtle in a urn.

Zuo Qingyun pondered, whether it is possible to take advantage of the torrential rain these two days, and he asked again: "Look, can we use explosives to blast him all at once, without blowing up the cliff wall, just by blasting to cause landslides. "

"We have to go to the scene to see this!" The battalion commander Cheng pondered for a while, and then said negative.

"Okay, let's attack immediately and approach them from the front!"

At this time, in the canyon, the Inca soldiers who had just escaped from death were sitting on the ground to rest.

"What are you doing sitting around? Find your respective regiments and quickly return to the establishment. With the roar of several officers, the soldiers who were still sitting on the ground like dead dogs stood up one after another, looking for their own troops, and the soldiers hidden among them The Wolf Squadron also silently followed their footsteps. They split into two groups, each following a regiment. They established a temporary line of defense on the open ground in front of the canyon and on the high cliffs on both sides, and began to build fortifications.

Many officers breathed a sigh of relief. The reason why they were defeated was that they were caught off guard. They still had the strength of two regiments left, and their strength was also between victory and defeat.

At this time, the division commander was communicating to the division commander of the 34th Mechanized Infantry Division, "Are you really planning to watch us be destroyed? You know, (do you Zhao) if we are wiped out, you will not feel better."

"Don't be so nervous? As far as I know, they attack you with no more than six battalions, can they still eat up your two regiments?" the commander of the 34th Division said casually, "If you didn't surround them Battalion, are they going to come and beat you?"

"Let me just say a word, will you send troops to support?" The division commander suppressed the anger in his heart and said, no one knows the combat effectiveness of himself and the Yanhuang army better than him, it is simply impossible to win when the two forces are the same Things, even the defense is just barely. His people have been frightened out of their wits, even if a line of defense is established, the fear in their hearts cannot be eliminated.

"Okay, I'll send a regiment to support you, that's it." The commander of the 34th Division immediately hung up the communication.

The teacher looked at the setting sun, wondering if he could still see the sunset tomorrow. .

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