Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 301 Restoration (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"The electronic drone is ready. The battalion commander of the electric resistance battalion reported, "The enemy still has one minute to communicate.

"Received." Zuo Qingyun replied, and then he turned his head to look at the captain of the Lishan ship, "Are the cruise missiles ready?"

"The coordinates have been confirmed, and we can arrive at the predetermined position in one minute." The captain of the Lishan ship reported that their warships should not be equipped with cruise missiles, but for the needs of fighting in the direction of the Inca, some vertical launching units were specially transformed into Cruise missile launch station.

"The missile is ready to launch." Zuo Qingyun looked at the countdown on the electronic screen and frowned. At this time, the operator had already pressed his hand on the launch button. As soon as the command was issued, the launch could be carried out immediately, "Let it go!~"

"Boom!" The hatch of the vertical launch unit of the missile has been opened, and several missiles are launched directly from the launch unit. The flames of the engines immediately illuminate the entire warship, and the missiles randomly enter the predetermined orbit and directly head towards them. -Leave to base camp.

"The enemy's radio signal has disappeared." The battalion commander of the electric resistance battalion quickly reported.

"Wolf Warrior Squadron, attack!"

"Crack!" The glass above the auditorium shattered, and several flash bombs were thrown in. This scene stunned the soldiers in the auditorium. Just as they reacted, there was already a vast expanse of whiteness in front of them.

"All the hostages lie on the ground!" With the roar of Yanhuang language, all the Yanhuang people fell to the ground, and the remaining foreign tourists also fell to the ground watching the actions of the Yanhuang people.

"Da da da!" Due to previous observations, they had memorized the positions of these guards. In just a few seconds, the various squadrons of the Wolf Warrior Squadron had jumped down from the top of the auditorium with ropes, and followed The predetermined area was directly cleared of this platoon of guards.

"What's the situation, why are there gunshots!" The gunshots in the auditorium immediately attracted the attention of the peripheral security forces, and they quickly sent people to the auditorium. Tenacious resistance.

"We were attacked by the Yanhuang people, hello, hello..." The electronic countermeasure drone directly interfered with the communication in this area, so the signal could not be transmitted, and at this moment, the base camp that heard the gunshots could not contact them at the moment.

"Quick, rush to support immediately!" The brigade commander cursed viciously, he finally knew why the Yanhuang Army had to stop, the feeling was that they were buying time for their special operations unit, abominable.

"Look, Brigadier Commander!" A correspondent said in horror as he looked at the meteor flying towards his position with flames in the air.

"That's..." The brigade commander's pupils shrank suddenly, and then his eyes were filled with flames, and then he himself was submerged in the flames, and the entire camp suddenly seemed like white night, except for the troops on guard outside the base camp, There was no longer any life in the center of the camp. At the same time, the assault group led by Xiao Qingke had already crossed the Ba Island Bridge and charged towards the resort.

"What shall we do, sir?"

"What should we do, can hundreds of us still not be able to beat dozens of people? Bring the artillery over and blow them up." The battalion commander's eyes showed a ruthless look.

"But those foreign tourists," the deputy battalion commander said hesitantly.

"When are you still in the mood to care about that?" The battalion commander scolded viciously, "Didn't you see what's going on at the base camp? We're finished, a complete failure

You and I will be hanged on the gallows, just like that woman. "

"Yes!" Hearing what the battalion commander said, the deputy battalion commander also became ruthless, and he walked out directly.

"Boom!" A shell directly hit their forward position, and the huge air wave directly lifted several surrounding battles into the air.

"They used artillery, damn it, are they at all costs?" Shao Bing shook the dirt on his head and said.

"Ask for artillery suppression from the Lishan ship." Long Xiaoyun said calmly. The Lishan ship is now on the sea, only about ten kilometers away from them, and the range-extending ammunition is enough to cover here.

"Request to hit the coordinates 473,555!" Leng Feng said while holding the sight glass.

"Received!" The artillery commander of the Lishan ship replied, and the Lishan ship quickly adjusted the artillery angle, and the 100mm naval gun on the bow of the ship was directly aimed at the enemy's artillery position, "Fire!"

"Boom!" A shell escaped and hit the attacking rebel soldiers immediately. A cloud of blood suddenly surged around, and countless stumps were splashed. Several Shile lay on the ground and howled continuously.

...asking for flowers......

"Shao Bing, you take these tourists out from the rear." Long Xiaoyun said directly to Shao Bing.

"What about you?"

"I'll buy you time." Long Xiaoyun said firmly, "Don't tell me there's nothing, this is an order, hurry up!"

"Yes!" Seeing Long Xiaoyun's resolute attitude, Shao Bing gritted his teeth and led a small team to evacuate with the tourists.

The rest of the dozens of special forces were starting to feel a little bit of a struggle against the crazy attack of hundreds of people. After all, they did not have an advantage in conventional positional warfare. Although they could also get fire support from their own side, the ammunition on their bodies was constantly reduced.

"Hurry up!" Xiao Qingke had already heard the sound of gunfire from the resort, and they pushed forward at full speed along the coastline.


"The frontline reconnaissance team found the target!" After receiving the report from the reconnaissance team, Xiao Qingke was a little excited, and he ordered directly.

"The reconnaissance troops immediately charged from behind them, now we have the advantage, you just charge forward!"


When the infantry tanks rushed out from behind the rebel soldiers, the tense mood of the Wolf Warrior Squadron suddenly relaxed, and the torrent of infantry tanks directly ran over the unsuspecting rebel soldiers behind. The accident directly caused their offensive formation to collapse.

"Let's go, Battalion Commander!" The deputy battalion commander persuaded: "The large forces of the Yanhuang Army have arrived, and we can't leave if we don't leave."

"Let's go!" The battalion commander walked out of the tent directly. After all, he still has a lot of assets. Even if he leaves the army, he can live a happy life for a while. As for the life and death of these soldiers, he doesn't care.

"Found the target!" Leng Feng, who was searching for the enemy, found the battalion commander who came out of the tent. Obviously, his military rank was the highest commander of the unit, "Goodbye, dear major."

"Bang!" A spinning bullet accurately sank into the space between his eyebrows, his body twitched suddenly, and then he fell straight to the ground.

"Blow the charge!" Xiao Qingke said loudly.

"Beep beep beep beep!" The loud sound of the trumpet made the remaining rebel soldiers feel terrified.

The slogan "Pay your gun, don't kill!" resounded throughout the resort.

"Shall we surrender!".

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