Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 303 Questions From Representatives Of Various Countries, Zuo Qingyun's Counterattack (P

"Leaving one's life alone is massacre!"

"Yes, they must give an explanation to our compatriots who died."

"Yeah, so many people died, they can't absolve themselves of the blame!" In the conference center dedicated to Ba Island, representatives from various countries kept yelling, all blushing and thick-necked, apparently defending the rights of their compatriots, but In fact, he still wanted to crush Yanhuang. Li Bingxin didn't want to talk to them at all until Zuo Qingyun arrived.

"Come in with me, political commissar." Zuo Qingyun pushed the door open with a smile and walked in. The moment he entered the door, the smile on Zuo Qingyun's face disappeared, replaced by a cold breath. After all, he was a soldier on the battlefield. There was a strong pressure on their bodies, making the representatives of these countries shut their mouths as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

Zuo Qingyun looked around for a week, and then sat on the main seat with Li Bingxin. He put the pistol on the table casually, and the loud noise made the representatives of these countries tremble suddenly.

"This time, the anti-government armed forces of the Inca Republic attacked Ba Island, causing a large number of casualties. We apologize for their unfortunate passing." After sitting down, Zuo Qingyun cleared his throat and said lightly, from his There was no sign of apology at all on his face.

"Bang!" The representative of the beautiful country slapped the table directly, and said angrily: "So many of our tourists died, and none of you Yanhuang people died. This is your regret? I think you are just dying No help."

As soon as the words fell, the audience was in an uproar. Everyone looked at Zuo Qingyun in unison. Could it be said that there was nothing tricky in it? Listening to his words, Li Bingxin felt a headache, but Zuo Qingyun had a cold face. I mean, sure enough, this group of guys came prepared. In fact, when they checked this morning, they found a large number of tourists who were insulted and killed by the rebels, but these guys didn't have the guts to do anything to the Yanhuang people. Most of them are from their own country.

"According to the accounts of our captured soldiers, when the incident happened, the rebels were arresting people everywhere. Some people were hiding well, but they were betrayed. They did not hesitate to betray their compatriots for their own lives. As for our Why are there no casualties? The soldiers said that their superiors did not allow them to hurt the Yanhuang people. Are you satisfied with this answer?" Zuo Qingyun sneered, "However, from your tone of voice, you seem very unhappy that we Yanhuang people are not dead?"

"Of course I... no." The representative of the beautiful country almost said the words "Of course I'm sorry". He would naturally like to see such a thing.

"Well, there are some reporters here, right?"

"Yes, Commander Zuo, I am a reporter from the Central News Agency."

"I'm a reporter from the Iron and Steel Daily of the Beautiful Country." Hearing Zuo Qingyun's question, some reporters present stood up and identified themselves.

"Very good. I hope that all journalists and friends can truthfully report today's events." Zuo Qingyun nodded, and then such a video was played on the big screen in the conference hall.

"Mr. Smith, prove it to me."

"Who are you, I don't know you!"

"You can't do this, I have the nationality of a beautiful country, you should protect me."

"Protection? If it's not for the sake of money, do you think we will let you join the beautiful country? Save it." As the video played, the reporters around wrote quickly. This is big news, and this beautiful country They also know the officials. It was the diplomat who talked so much at the immigration press conference not long ago, talking about how the beautiful country welcomes immigrants.

The representative of the beautiful country suddenly looked gloomy. This guy is really an idiot. Looking at his expression, Zuo Qingyun said indifferently: "This is the surveillance video of the hotel. As for the woman in the picture, she has already died. Maybe she was killed at that time. If a beautiful country official gave her a hand, maybe she would not suffer the tragedy of being humiliated by rebel soldiers in turn. It seems that the so-called beacon of the free world is nothing more than that."

"This is all slander. He alone cannot represent the beautiful country!" The representative of the beautiful country said directly, "He will definitely be punished."

"Yes, he is already dead, you can blame him." Zuo Qingyun said unceremoniously, which made the blood pressure of the representative of this beautiful country rise directly

"Do you still have any questions?"

He has no problem now, all he wants to do now is take this group of damn beautiful foreign tourists back quickly, and get out of this damn place. Following the silence of the beautiful country representative, the surrounding scene was suddenly very quiet.

"Since you are capable, why did you delay the rescue until night?" John Niu Guo stood up. You must know that the number of casualties among their personnel was the highest. "How many people have we died during the few hours of your delay?"

"I believe that the soldiers of your empire can make a battle plan within one minute, and take a transport plane from the mainland to Ba Island in one second, but I'm sorry, the Yanhuang Army can't do it." Zuo Qingyun's serious words made all the reporters present tremble Suppressing a smile, it can be said that this representative said the most thoughtless words, "As an official of the John Bull Empire, first of all, instead of appeasing the emotions of your own people, you question me here, say something To put it bluntly, you seem no different from these rebels."

The officials of the John Bull Empire suddenly changed their faces. If they didn't care about the people of the country at the first time, the cabinet would definitely remove him from his position. on the ground. Several medical staff came in and carried him out, and then the audience fell silent again.

"You have nothing to say? Okay, let me talk next." Zuo Qingyun looked around, "After we got the news, we Yanhuang soldiers launched an active rescue operation. For the trapped tourists, not only are you not grateful for the rescue operations of the Yanhuang soldiers, but instead you come to ask us why we refuse to save them? You can ask your own countrymen whether our special forces risk being besieged by two officers saved them."

Although they knew the inside information, they didn't believe what Zuo Qingyun said at all, but they couldn't find a reason to refute it. After all, they were the parties involved, and the specific process was not up to them. It is false, but the last two sentences are true, even he has to consider the opinions of these tourists.

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