Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 309 Controversy In The Police Station (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

The restaurant of the police station, all the policemen eating in the restaurant looked at the question marks on Huang Jianyun who was happily chatting with a young man on the other side. When did the chief of his family become so kind? And who is that young man? What kind of person can communicate with him like this?

"This matter will trouble you." Huang Jianyun said, and now he has nothing to do.

"Ah, Director Huang, I'm back on vacation. Is it really okay for you to drag me into the bureau without saying anything?" Zuo Qingyun said helplessly.

"Didn't you say that the military and police family, we all believe in your ability, and letting those three gunmen run around is a big threat to the safety of our hometown." Huang Jianyun said earnestly, and started to fight with Zuo Qingyun Emotional card, in fact, if Zuo Qingyun really refuses, he can't say anything. After all, Zuo Qingyun belongs to the military system, and the administrative level is still higher than him, not to mention that he has fought for so long and went home to rest. There is nothing wrong with it.

"Okay, Director Huang, you don't need to play the emotional card for me. In fact, I really didn't have anything to do before I was on vacation for more than 20 years. But let me, a person outside the police system, participate in this, what will be the attitude of your subordinates? What about it?" Zuo Qingyun chuckled, in fact, it was true, after all, the 573 case was followed up by the serious crime team, and now Huang Jianyun wanted Zuo Qingyun to participate, obviously because he didn't trust their performance.

"I'll solve their problems." Seeing Zuo Qingyun agree, Huang Jianyun heaved a sigh of relief, now they urgently need someone to break the deadlock "It's best if Zuo Qingyun fails to agree"

In the afternoon, the command center of the police station held a collective meeting of various police types and departments.

"Lu Yao, how is the verification going?" Huang Jianyun asked Lu Yao.

"The verification has been completed. Jin Qiang identified Zheng Kai." Lu Yao's eyes scanned Zuo Qingyun in one corner, not only her, but the heads of all departments present were all at a loss for this young man who suddenly appeared , but seeing that the big boss at his head didn't respond, he didn't say anything more.

"Do you want us to arrest him directly!" Long Feihu stood up and said.

Hearing this, Lu Yao also said in a deep voice tit for tat: "Captain Long, you are mistaken, our serious crime team is the commander of this operation, and your tiger commando team is only assisting, and we will notify you when we need it of."

"Lu Yao, team leader, I hope you can understand that this time, we are facing gangsters with foreign military-style guns. Can you handle it with your little firepower? Therefore, we will be responsible for the arrest operation. It is the safest." Long Feihu said without showing any weakness.

"That's right, this kind of thing should be dealt with by the SWAT team!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Listening to the arguments of the police officers around her, Lu Yao took a deep breath, she couldn't say any rebuttal at all now.

"Leader Lu Yao, I hope you can understand that this is not a child's play." Seeing that Lu Yao was weak, Long Feihu chased after the victory.

"Captain Long, I think you are worrying too much. I, Lu Yao, can become the leader of the serious crime team because of my own ability, so I know what to do, and you don't need to remind me." Lu Yao said coldly .

"You..." Long Feihu was a little anxious, "Don't you really want to care about the lives of your subordinates? Besides us, who else can do it?"

"Except for you tigers, we are not policemen anymore?" Lu Yao glanced at him, her voice suddenly raised a bit, "Our serious crime team is not policemen anymore? We will not face criminals in the future? Want to let you tigers go first?"

"Okay, okay, don't be so sharp, sit down for me." Facing the confrontation between his two favorite generals, Huang Jianyun couldn't say anything, and waved his hands to signal them to sit down.

"Comrades in the serious crime team need to be tempered. It is true that the Tiger Commando is worried about the safety of their colleagues. However, Comrade Lu Yao is the commander this time and Tuqie has to listen to her arrangements." Huang Jian said lightly.

"Yes!" Lu Yao responded (dbce). But Long Feihu's expression was a bit ugly, why did the director give them the initiative?

Zuo Qingyun felt a little funny when he saw the scene where they were fighting each other. It seemed that the Tiger Commando was trying to compete with the serious crime team, but it was true as Long Feihu said, the weapons, equipment and personnel training of the serious crime team The quality cannot be compared with them at all. In the face of heavy firepower, it is obvious that they will only be suppressed unilaterally.

"By the way, in order to enhance your mobility, I specially found a foreign aid for you." Huang Jianyun said to Lu Yao with a corner of his mouth at the moment, and then turned his head to look at Zuo Qingyun who was standing in the corner, "Okay, Comrade Zuo Qingyun, would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Does this person look familiar?" Among the many police officers, one person looked at Zuo Qingyun's face and felt a little familiar. He seemed to have seen this person somewhere.

"No, there's no need for that." Zuo Qingyun shook his head, and he wasn't from the police system. He said so much about what to do, and Lu Yao had already asked all the necessary questions.

"Okay, Comrade Zuo Qingyun has joined the Serious Crime Squad from today on." Seeing Zuo Qingyun's reaction, Huang Jianyun smiled.

"Director, we don't need people with unknown origins." Lu Yao immediately expressed his objection. The people in the serious crime team are all carefully selected by her. How can we allow a person who is related to him to come, even if this person is the director? It doesn't even work if you stuff it in yourself.

"This is an order." Huang Jianyun said very firmly: "Comrade Zuo Qingyun is a scout in the southern theater, and he can help you. Well, the meeting is adjourned now."

The southern theater? Or scouts? Everyone present gave Zuo Qingyun a big question mark. Could it be that he came from the front line? They are all elites. It has been half a year since Zuo Qingyun appeared in the media last time. In the Internet age, people are quickly forgotten, so almost no one of them associates Zuo Qingyun with the fighting hero from a year ago.

Lu Yao took a deep look at Zuo Qingyun, then looked at Huang Jianyun's resolute attitude, knowing that there was no room for maneuver in this matter, so he sat down angrily. At this moment, Long Feihu finally understood why Huang Jianyun wanted this time The task was handed over to the serious crime team, and his feeling was that he had confidence in his foreign aid, but "how can ten detectives help solve the case? Breaking the law and fighting a war are completely different things.

"Leader Lu, leave the arrest task to us." Leaving the conference room, Long Feihu walked over and said to Lu Yao, "You should understand.

"It depends on the situation, you don't have to go faster." Lu Yao said, then glanced at Zuo Qingyun who was not in a hurry, and then walked forward.

Following Zuo Qingyun's passage, Long Feihu knew why he felt a chill when he saw Zuo Qingyun for the first time. This man has definitely killed people. .

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