Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 313 Infiltrating Into Lover's Island (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please

Zuo Qingyun swims armed in the water. To be honest, the equipment he carries is far below the standard for armed swimming. He usually asks the junior soldiers of the amphibious combat brigade to be able to swim five nautical miles armed. For himself, this standard is not enough. It will also be pulled up. It is April, and the seawater temperature in the south is very suitable, and there is no influence of high tide.

Zuo Qingyun judged a relatively safe passage to Lover Island, and his speed was extremely fast.

"How on earth did he do it?" Long Feihu, who was monitoring Zuo Qingyun's situation in real time, was a little surprised.

"Of course it is swimming." Lei Zhan turned around as if looking at a fool, "Have you ever fought? Have you ever fought a landing battle? Do you know the most basic training subjects for the Marine Corps? For them, Armed swimming can only be said to be the simplest subject."

Long Feihu only felt that his fragile heart had been stabbed again, "You know that's not what I meant."

"He is only 24 years old, he is at the most physical strength, and he has experienced the baptism of war, such a tough guy is beyond our guess." Lei Zhan shook his head. He only admired one kind of person in his life, that is stronger than himself As an elite special soldier, he dare not say that he can definitely beat Zuo Qingyun.

Zuo Qingyun just held his breath, and every time he exposed his head, he passed tens of meters. He took advantage of the gap between the terrorists on the roof to breathe, so he was not found. According to Long Feihu's helicopter inspection, there were eight people in total. They are completely indifferent to the hovering of helicopters. Most of the time, as long as they do not take the initiative to attack the police and military, most of them will use negotiation to solve the problem.

After all, they hold hundreds of hostages in their hands. In Yanhuang, a country where life is greater than the sky, they are safe for the time being. They dare not take the risk that the hostages may be killed to launch a storm.

There is only one person in charge of monitoring this sea area, and there are vertical and steep cliffs. Few people can appear from here, so his attention is not concentrated. From time to time, he turns around and talks to the people around him. From the footage monitored by the helicopter, they informed Zuo Qingyun to take a breath once he talked to the people around him.

Zuo Qingyun arrived smoothly and was about to start climbing the mountain. Looking from the bottom up, Zuo Qingyun was about 60 to 70 meters, but the cliff was very vertical, similar to the cliff of the joint mission, but the only advantage was that the visibility was very good. Without any protective measures, Zuo Qingyun began to climb. He was very calm, looking for a place to land on the cliff.

"No, this guy..." Long Feihu's mouth was so big that it could stuff the next egg, he watched Zuo Qingyun spent more than ten minutes climbing up the cliff, and then hid at the back door, swimming and climbing the whole cliff The process took just over 40 minutes.

"Okay, Zuo Qingyun has sneaked in, he will contact us at any time, everyone is ready." Lei Zhan urged.


Zuo Qingyun put the rifle behind his back and took out a Type 03 pistol. This is a pistol specially equipped for cadres above the brigade level. It is much better than ordinary pistols in terms of ergonomics and power. Zuo Qingyun unscrewed the back door with his left hand Locked, found and locked, ten meters above him is the terrorist, he cannot shoot.

"Flying Tiger, let the helicopter fly over me."

"Received, go!" Long Feihu said to the special police team on one side, followed by the helicopter flashing past, at the moment the helicopter flashed past, Zuo Qingyun's right leg exerted all his strength and kicked on the ground. The door was locked, and the lock buckle flew off, Zuo Qingyun stepped forward to hold the door, not letting it make a second impact sound. Under the cover of the helicopter, Zuo Qingyun's breaking action did not attract the attention of the terrorists above.

"I have successfully sneaked in. According to observation, this is the back kitchen and tool room. There is no situation at present, over.

"Received, please find the members of the Fire Phoenix Women's Special Team as soon as possible, pay attention to safety, over." Just as Lei Zhan replied, Zuo Qingyun heard gunshots from the other side, Zuo Qingyun rushed over quickly, since a gunfight happened, it meant There must be a firefight, but there are so many terrorists that these female soldiers can't take advantage of it.

As soon as Zuo Qingyun came to the corner, he heard a series of footsteps, Zuo Qingyun dodged out directly, and after confirming that it was the enemy, he shot decisively. At such a short distance, each shot accurately hit the center of the eyebrows. Immediately afterwards, a terrorist covered in fire broke through the door behind him and fell in front of Zuo Qingyun. He didn't notice the existence of Zuo Qingyun at all, but kept rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

"々․Bang!" The gunshot sounded, and Zuo Qingyun ended his pain. Obviously, this should be the masterpiece of those female soldiers. Zuo Qingyun was never merciful to the enemy. He moved forward slowly against the wall, Intuition told him that there were female soldiers hiding inside.

"Is it the Fire Phoenix Women's Special Forces?" Tian Guo and Ouyang Qian who were hiding in the house were highly concentrated after hearing the gunshots outside. Judging from the gunshots, it was the gunshots of the domestic 03 officer's pistol, but they also Not daring to be careless, they were slightly relieved until they heard Zuo Qingyun's voice, and then walked out from the inside. When they saw Zuo Qingyun wearing a navy navy blue camouflage, they were all stunned, especially when they saw Zuo Qingyun. To Zuo Qingyun's military rank, darling, that's a senior colonel, an existence at the same level as their brigade commander.

"We are, chief." The two stammered, they didn't expect that it would be a chief who came to rescue them. But at this moment, Zuo Qingyun's eyes (De Wang Zhao) are a little attracted by them. After all, the temptation of bikini is not normal. It is abnormal for Zuo Qingyun not to look. It seems that they sensed Zuo Qingyun's gaze, and the two blocked their hands together on the chest.

"Ahem... I'm Zuo Qingyun, now you listen to my command, the thunder is outside, where are the others?" Zuo Qingyun coughed twice and said.

"My name is Tian Guo, and she is Ouyang Qian. The two of us are exercising in the gym. We are not with them, and we don't know what is going on with them." Tian Guo said, and Zuo Qingyun nodded slightly.

Suddenly, Zuo Qingyun raised the pistol and pulled the trigger at Ouyang Qian. A bullet flew ten centimeters from her left cheek, hitting exactly between the eyebrows of ten terrorists who came to support her.

Ouyang Qian suppressed the urge to scream and squatted on the ground, Zuo Qingyun quickly said: "Hurry up and hide."

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