Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 327 Welcome To The Amphibious Combat Brigade (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Plea

"Why did you come back so early?" Du Zigang looked at Zuo Qingyun who had returned to the brigade with a dazed expression. According to his vacation plan, there should be more than ten days.

"Don't mention this, we went back to the Inca after being captured by our dear Commander Zha." Zuo Qingyun said helplessly, "Chief of Staff, you should go on vacation first, and leave it to me."

"It's really interesting, but my plan is to report after the political commissar comes back. If you tell me to go first, I can't go." Du Zigang smiled, "But when you come back, I should tell you about some recent changes."

"Why do I have so many things when I come back from a vacation?" Zuo Qingyun held his forehead weakly, and he didn't know how to complain.

"Just in the past few days, our reconnaissance satellites discovered that some simple military installations appeared on the islands to the south of us. According to the existing information, there are Filipinos, monkey people, Xinguo people and some other southeastern countries." Du Zigang frowned and said.

"Interesting, how come they are not afraid that we will directly take these people away?" Zuo Qingyun sneered, "These days, all ghosts and snakes can bully us.

"There's no way around that. They're close to the other side, and they have enough time to detect our movements. Once we dispatch troops, they can easily be spotted by them." Du Zigang sighed, these guys are like dog skin plaster, Moreover, the current Second Fleet's main policy is still to accumulate strength, and there is no time to pay attention to these guys at the moment, "However, we have received an order from our superiors that John Bull's Naval Amphibious Reconnaissance Group will conduct an island landing drill with us." .”

"Oh, that's interesting. I remember that this amphibious reconnaissance team is called the Wolf Team, right?" Zuo Qingyun looked at Du Zigang.

"That's right, they are the world's top amphibious combat brigade. I'm afraid this time the contest is out of ulterior motives." Du Zigang analyzed. Everyone knows that they have just landed in Inca, and this time it was the Wild Wolves who offered to ask for it. Fighting against them, it seems that they want to test the strength of the amphibious combat brigade.

"It seems that they are starting to worry about us, and they can't wait to test our strength." Zuo Qingyun chuckled, "Since they are coming, well, we won't bully them, so we will land on the beach with three times their strength .”

You must know that in the landing battle, the most basic requirement for the landing side's firepower is to exceed that of the defender. Only in this way can the smooth landing be guaranteed.

"How about sending the third battalion?" Du Zigang thought for a while and then said.

"Yes, this time the landing battle will be fully commanded by the commander of the third battalion." Zuo Qingyun agreed. Pull them all out, so that the amphibious combat brigade will not have the slightest tactical secret at all.

"Okay, I'll go talk to them when they arrive at night." Du Zigang replied.

"I'll go too, I want to see what kind of attitude they have." Zuo Qingyun chuckled, Du Zigang turned and left immediately, Zuo Qingyun was writing the marriage application report, but the political commissar did not sign it He couldn't make it up either, what a headache...

At this time, the Political Department of Military Medical University

"What, Feifei, are you here to apply for marriage?" Zhang Sicheng, the director of the political department, looked at Du Feifei in front of him with a look of astonishment, holding a marriage application written by Du Feifei in his hand, "You should know that we are not in principle Students are allowed to marry."

"I know, Director, but I don't want to wait any longer." Du Feifei said with a firm face, she naturally knew about this matter, she had already discussed it with Zuo Qingyun before leaving, and if she couldn't do it, she would go to the chief to beg for mercy.

"You, you... really gave me a big problem." Zhang Sicheng was very helpless, such a matter had to be discussed by the political department, and the dean could only nod, and according to the dean's temperament, it might be impossible to agree, but Seeing Du Feifei's decisive look, he decided to make an exception for her, and Du Feifei is also his student, "Okay, okay, I will discuss this at the meeting. But I haven't seen you talk about it yet. Love, why are you going to get married all of a sudden?"

"I have known him for four years, and we only established a relationship half a year ago. Two days ago, he proposed to me, and I agreed." Thinking of this, Du Feifei showed a happy smile on his face

"Zuo Qingyun? Huh?" Looking at the marriage application form, Zhang Sicheng suddenly saw the name of Du Feifei's marriage partner. Subconsciously, he raised his head and looked at Du Feifei in surprise, "Is that Qingyun?"

"Yes." Du Feifei nodded.

"Then the dean has to agree to this matter." Zhang Sixiang thought of something, and suddenly laughed. He seemed to be able to see that the dean, who has never violated the principle all his life, would look like this when he saw this name. What kind of reaction would it be, "Don't worry, Feifei, even if this matter is brought to the General Administration, they will have to agree."

"Huh?" Du Feifei was a little surprised.

"You don't know, I wondered at the time why the commander-in-chief called the dean and said 333 words that you can't stop if you want to get married. I didn't expect it to be easy for him to understand

Zhang Sicheng said with a smile, "As far as your family is concerned, no unit can give you the green light to go to, not to mention that you are both old enough, but in principle you cannot get married."

"Thank you, Director." A flush of excitement appeared on Du Feifei's face.

"Remember to treat me to a wedding candy then." Zhang Sicheng nodded, "Is there anything else?"

"No, then I'll go first, Director."

"En." Seeing Du Feifei's departure, Zhang Sicheng smiled, a flower that many people cared about was picked away just like that, but she and that one were indeed talented and beautiful.

In the evening, Major Jack, the representative of the wolf team, took a helicopter to the station of the amphibious combat brigade, and then took a car from the heliport to the gate of the brigade. When he got down, Zuo Qingyun's gaze was fixed on him.

"Hello, Mr. Colonel." Jack walked towards Zuo Qingyun as soon as he got out of the car. Zuo Qingyun clearly saw the undisguised pride and contempt for them on his face, and there was a hint of arrogance in his tone .

"Welcome to the Amphibious Combat Brigade, Major Jack, you will definitely have an unforgettable few days." Zuo Qingyun looked at him with a sly look in his eyes. .

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