Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 329 Killing Chickens At Night (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Major General John Xun arrived at the headquarters." At this time, John Xun, the commander of John Bull's visit to Yanhuang Task Force, came to Zuo Qingyun's headquarters after finishing his conversation with Cha Weiren. Zuo Qingyun directly let him in.

"Hello, Senior Colonel Zuo, I heard about your great reputation in Inca early in the morning. When I saw you today, I was really not disappointed." Major General John Xun said looking at Zuo Qingyun, who was carrying two bars and four stars on his shoulders.

"When did General John Xun learn to flatter people?" Zuo Qingyun smiled, "Let's see their battle situation first."

John Xun nodded. He and the officers behind him were just watching the big screen. This confrontation was also being broadcast live at the Second Fleet Headquarters. The commanders of both sides were majors. John Xun naturally knew about their deployment from Jack, and they wanted to see how Yanhuang's commander could break their situation.

Because the condition for victory in this confrontation is that the other side's troops are eliminated, or that Xing Kai did not capture the No. 9 island within the specified time.

"Report to the battalion commander, we have arrived at the predetermined sea area and can land." A correspondent reported to Xing Kai.

"Go back to your battle positions. Let's establish a beachhead first, and then proceed to the next step." Xing Kai knew that he couldn't find a way to break the situation at 710 for the time being. Ten minutes later

The landing ship opened the hatch, and the amphibious combat vehicle quickly rushed towards the beach.

"They've started landing, Major." A scout said with a telescope in the grass by the shoreline.

"Very good, you can retreat." Jack said. Compared with Yanhuang, they are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and firepower. Although neither side has the simulation of sea and air power, they want to rely on their light infantry equipment to destroy them. An attack by a battalion with dozens of amphibious combat vehicles is also very troublesome. Their military strength is at a disadvantage, and it is impossible to use all of them to defend the beachhead, which has no strategic significance, but will consume their own vital strength.

"Sure enough, they didn't put their forces on the beach." After landing on the shore, Xing Kai looked at a peaceful island bush and said. In time, your own side will also be judged to have lost this round, and the only way is to force the other party to take the initiative to attack, "Search the surrounding area carefully, don't want to see any locators, infrared cameras, etc., and turn on the signal jammer. "


"Report to the major, they have already started to build a beachhead, should we harass them." The scout on the front line reported.

"Don't harass, do you think their assault guns are just decorations?" Jack frowned, you know, the assault guns on these dozens of infantry vehicles are definitely enough for them to drink a pot, he has also studied Zuo Qingyun, he The idea is to be able to cover absolutely not many BBs with firepower, and the people under him also have such a virtue, "We wait until the dark night to act."

"Battalion commander, are they stupid?" A company commander came over and asked with some doubts.

"You are stupid." Xing Kai said angrily, "They are the defenders, and now we are under their surveillance. As long as they can survive our attack, they will win. There is no need to take the initiative to attack. We wait now It's getting dark, I guess they must wait for it to get dark and then attack us, and when it gets dark, you will turn on the infrared night vision searcher, I want to see how they fight in the dark."

Zuo Qingyun and Major General John Xun in the headquarters looked at the scene on both sides. Zuo Qingyun suddenly smiled. During the waiting process, the cadets of the military academy began to eat in turn. According to their expected time, they waited until twelve o'clock in the evening. This time the confrontation will be over.

"Colonel Zuo, you seem to have great confidence in your troops." Major General John Xun said.

"No, Mr. Major General. However, I didn't expect your wild wolf team (dbcj) to wait until dark. But I don't think your troops have an advantage in the dark." Zuo Qingyun chuckled.

"Really? Let's wait and see."

As night fell, the reconnaissance platoon had searched the surrounding area for three kilometers, and they found nothing suspicious.

"In this way, the infantry will stay in the camp, and there will only be one driver and two soldiers in each vehicle." Xing Kai made the final arrangement. He decided to use the infantry vehicles as bait, "The rest of the troops will all enter the island to search .”

With the roar of the engine, when the troops started to move, Jack's sniper held the night vision binoculars and watched the large number of soldiers sinking into the jungle. There are only a few sentinels left."

"Really? Is the number of them going out the right number?" Jack asked.

"It was not very clear in the dark night, they lined up in four squares and left after counting the number of people.

Listening to the sniper's report, Jack nodded. He knew the formation principle of the Yanhuang Army. A square team is a company. Now it seems that they left their infantry vehicles in the camp. This is their good opportunity. But he always felt that the Yanhuang people were playing some kind of conspiracy.

"Squad 1, Squad 2, get rid of the sentinels first, and Squadron 2 will keep watch out to find our Yanhuang army." Jack gave the order, and ten minutes later, a small team walked up slowly from the sea area behind the infantry vehicle. This is what Xie Kai and the others did not expect.

"It's over, is this battalion commander out of his mind?" All the cadets at the military school stared at this scene with their eyes widened. They never expected that John Bull's amphibious combat brigade would still have this kind of operation. They all left a Mind, it is precisely because of Jack's performance that John Bull's amphibious forces paid a very painful price.

The captain of the team made gestures to his subordinates, they understood immediately, and then moved towards the two sides. He and a few people put the explosives on the chassis of the infantry vehicle. Seeing this scene, Du Zigang's face was a little ugly. The major general's face was a bit smug.

The other team members took the explosives and walked towards the tent they had set up. One team member opened the tent, but there was nothing inside. He relieved himself and buried the explosives in the sand. At this moment, Behind him, the original sand suddenly collapsed into a shallow pit that could hold a person...

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