Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 335 Departure (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

"I think it's necessary for me to take a look over there." Zuo Qingyun said to Du Zigang after completing the defense shift.

"What? Absolutely not, it's too dangerous." Du Zigang shook his head resolutely. There's no reason to ask the chief officer of the first brigade to work as a spy. Moreover, once Zuo Qingyun is discovered, it will really be called out every day. not working.

"I want to know about our opponents, now is a good time."

"You report to the fleet headquarters by yourself, I'm not capable of that." Du Zigang said angrily, and then gave Zuo Qingyun a blank look. Zuo Qingyun sent the report directly to the Fleet Headquarters, which directly made all the staff officers in the headquarters speechless. After a moment of hesitation, Cha Weiren approved it. So Zuo Qingyun boarded a cruise ship from the mainland to X Island. Naturally, Zuo Qingyun could not understand the blatant past of the "May 80". The Military Intelligence Bureau prepared a fake identity information for him and brought some cash After all, these secret agents are very clear about the corruption there, as long as they have money, nothing is a problem.

Arriving on the island without any risk, Zuo Qingyun changed her name, according to her false identity, it was Zuo Ming.

"Hello, Mr. Zuo, I am your tour guide for this trip. My name is Zhang Simiao." A young and beautiful girl came over and said, Zuo Qingyun smiled and nodded at her. Inside the agent, "I hope you can cooperate with me in my work."

Well, it's really impolite to cooperate with the work, Zuo Qingyun is a little helpless, this is obviously what those big bosses mean, letting him wander around is a risk of exposure, so he specially sent someone to watch him.

"Success, let's find a place to rest first."

"Okay. Zhang Simiao drove Zuo Qingyun to the safe house. She was the only one here for the time being. She pointed to the only bed and said to Zuo Qingyun: "You can sleep there.

"Then where do you sleep?" Zuo Qingyun asked curiously, "Isn't it sleeping on the floor?"

"En." Zhang Simiao nodded, and she looked at Zuo Qingyun with shining eyes, "You can't let the chief sleep on the floor, can you?"

"Okay, you sleep on the bed, this is an order, otherwise I will report you." Zuo Qingyun chuckled.

"Chief, you..." Zhang Simiao looked helpless at Zuo Qingyun's non-joking look, it seemed that this all-powerful fighting hero was really as easy-going as the rumors said.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, how is the situation here now?"

Seeing Zuo Qingyun's serious expression, Zhang Simiao sat on the chair and said: "Now that the arrival of the Eagle Sauce Seventh Task Force has revived the morale of the senior officials, they really hope that the Seventh Task Force can last for a long time. Staying here, and they are responsible for the military expenditure of the Seventh Task Force, caused dissatisfaction in the hearts of the people to spread, and they worried that this move would directly trigger the Yanhuang troops to attack."

"Interesting." Zuo Qingyun chuckled, the greater the conflict between the government and the people on the island, the better for them, how is the training status of their troops?"

"The training situation of their troops can be said to be interesting." Zhang Simiao smiled, "A few days ago, because a recruit was training in the sun with heat stroke, their troops issued a rule that they are not allowed to train in the sun, and among the soldiers There is a low tide of emotion, in addition to their lack of confidence in the government, they do not want to fight, and from the general policy, most of the soldiers at the bottom are still biased towards Yanhuang."

"Well, it looks like our only opponents are the hardcore diehards and the so-called 1st Marine Brigade. Where are they stationed now?"

"They are now stationed in Zhongshan Port, and the general range of activities is around here." Zhang Simiao said.

"Okay, we're going to Daobei City tomorrow. By the way, you can call up the traffic map and show me." Zuo Qingyun took the tablet from Zhang Simiao's hand, and the traffic map of the entire island suddenly appeared in front of him, because the entire island The central part is all mountains, so most of the cities are concentrated in the coastal circle, and there are only two main lines of communication. The Zhongshan Port where the Seventh Task Force is located is in the south of the island, and the island fleet is stationed in the northern military port of the island.

It has to be said that the electronic map marked by the agents is still very clear and clear. It seems that it is completely internal information, and even includes the stationing places of various troops of the Island Army...

"You guys have done a lot of homework." Zuo Qingyun looked at Zhang Simiao in surprise.

"This is our job. More than anyone else, we hope that Yanhuang can regain control of this place. I haven't been home for five years. My parents don't know where I am or what I'm doing." Zhang Simiao's face There was a flash of loneliness.

Zuo Qingyun was silent for a moment. There are too many heroes like them on the hidden front. Without their dedication and sacrifice, the motherland would not be what it is now.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, chief." Zhang Simiao wiped away her tears, she didn't know why she, who was always strong, would show such an expression in front of Zuo Qingyun, as an agent, she should keep calm at all times.

"You go to bed early." Zuo Qingyun stood up, sat down on the chair "then said to her: "You go up. "


"obey orders!"


Zuo Qingyun turned off the lights and began to think. They deployed all their troops on the west bank, and there were only two brigades and one fighter squadron on the east bank. This also means that Zuo Qingyun and the others can focus their attack on the east bank. After all, most of the troops on the West Bank would be lost in the first wave of missile and long-range fire attacks. At that time, McGonagall will definitely consider the impact of this matter on them, and it is most likely to stand by and watch. 4.2

But Zuo Qingyun was thinking, McGonagall would only fight Yanhuang at sea unless he was stupid. They still remember the aircraft carrier killer more than a year ago. After all, it is only a matter of time before this place is conquered. There is no need for them to take a whole fleet , Even in the first wave of attacks, they will retreat directly.

"When we go back, we need to study and study which time period is conducive to launching the landing war." Zuo Qingyun thought to himself, after all, the climate and hydrological conditions required for landing are relatively high, and the choice of landing place is also a major issue. However, he believed that the commander-in-chief would never decide to do so until the last moment, at least he hadn't reached the commander-in-chief's bottom line yet. If they insist on killing themselves, then there is no way. . . .

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